
The use of vaseline oil for constipation in children

Various remedies are used in the fight against constipation, but many of them are not recommended for children, are expensive or have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. However, there is a drug that does not have such disadvantages. Such a means is Vaseline oil... Why is it worth keeping it in your home first aid kit and how to use it correctly in childhood?

Release form and composition

Vaseline oil is called liquid paraffin because it is paraffin that is its main (and only) ingredient. This odorless oily product is obtained from petroleum through special processing and purification. Unlike medical and cosmetic Vaseline, this substance is liquid and transparent. For medical use, it is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in vials with a capacity of 25 before 100 ml.


Vaseline oil, taken internally, has a laxative effect. Such a substance not only helps to soften the contents of the intestines, but also has a stimulating effect on the motility of the digestive tract, as a result of which emptying is faster and easier. At the same time, the drug is not absorbed inside the intestine, but leaves the intestine along with the feces.

If you treat the skin with this oil, it will soften it and protect it from various harmful effects, for example, strong wind. The product applied to the skin forms a protective film on its surface, thereby protecting the skin from dirt, sweat and facilitating the healing of small wounds.


Vaseline oil is useful for problems with emptying (constipation).

In addition, the drug can be used externally:

  • Lubricate flaky or rough skin.
  • Use for massage.
  • Treat the skin under the diaper after washing.
  • Use to treat red and chapped skin around the nose with a runny nose.
  • Treat lips and face skin before walking in frost or strong wind.
  • To clean the crusts on the baby's head.
  • Lubricate the nasal mucosa so that it does not dry out.
  • Clean the baby's ears.

A vaseline oil enema is a safe and painless procedure, as it is applied to the tip of the pear and protects the skin and intestinal mucosa from damage.

From what age is it used in children?

External use of Vaseline oil is allowed from birth, and it is contraindicated to take the drug inside for babies up to 3 years old, without consulting a doctor. After examination, the doctor can prescribe such a drug for constipation even in an infant, but it is unacceptable to give oil to a baby in the first years of life on his own.


Taking Vaseline oil inside is prohibited:

  • With hypersensitivity to such a drug.
  • With intestinal bleeding.
  • With a fever.
  • With an inflammatory process localized in the abdominal cavity.
  • With intestinal obstruction.

Side effects

Vaseline oil does not have any toxic effect, however, a very long use of the drug can cause hypovitaminosis E, A and K, as well as a decrease in intestinal tone. In addition, in very rare cases, an allergy may occur to such a remedy.

Instructions for use

In case of a problem with bowel movement, Vaseline oil is taken orally on an empty stomach.

The duration of the drug should not exceed 5 days (it is optimal to give the drug only once), and the dosage is determined by the child's age:

  • To a kid younger 2 years old after consulting a pediatrician give half a teaspoon.
  • Child aged 2-7 years old give full a teaspoon.
  • To kid 8-13 years old the remedy is given in quantity 1 dessert spoon or 1.5 teaspoon.
  • To a teenager older 14 years old one visit is required 2 teaspoons.

It is advised to drink the drug 2-3 hours before meals, or wait about 2 hours after meals. The effect of the drug is noted approximately 5-8 hours after ingestion.

When applied externally, the oil is applied to the skin in a thin layer and is allowed to be absorbed. The nasal mucosa is lubricated with cotton flagella.


If you give your child too much liquid petroleum jelly, it will lead to diarrhea and can lead to electrolyte and fluid loss.

Terms of sale and storage

Petroleum jelly is available in all pharmacies and can be purchased without a prescription. The price of a bottle of such a drug, depending on the manufacturer and volume, varies from 20 to 60 rubles.

It is not necessary to keep the product in the refrigerator at home. A place hidden from sunlight is also suitable for storing it, where the temperature will not exceed + 250C. The shelf life of Vaseline oil is very long and is 5 years.


Mothers respond mostly positively to the use of Vaseline oil for treating baby's skin. They confirm that such a product effectively eliminates flaking, redness and minor damage. Many mothers choose this oil over popular baby cosmetics because it has no fragrances or other additives.

As for its use as a laxative, children are rarely given it, preferring other drugs. This is due to its unpleasant taste and the long onset of the effect.

At the same time, those mothers who gave the child such a drug as prescribed by a doctor praise him for its mild action, absence of side effects and a low price.


Other laxatives can replace Vaseline oil for constipation in children. About them further in our article.

Rectal suppositories with glycerin

They are used in babies from 3 months.

Duphalac syrup

This product, which contains lactulose, is approved from birth.

Microclysters Microlax

Such a sorbitol-based medication is used at any age.

Forlax powder

It is bred and given to children over 6 months of age.

The happiness of any mother lies primarily in the health of her children. Nasal congestion in newborns is a problem that all parents face. How vaseline oil will help with this, we look at the advice of an experienced mother.

Constipation in a child is an unpleasant incident for parents and children. How vaseline oil works in this case can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Incredible Of Vaseline With Coconut Oil (July 2024).