
Kanefron for children: instructions for use

Herbal medicines have always been very popular in the treatment of children, because they have a natural basis, a softer effect and a lower risk of side effects. One of the herbal preparations in demand in childhood is "Kanefron N". Due to its diuretic action, this remedy is widely used in the practice of urologists and nephrologists. But, before giving it to a child, you should carefully study the instructions for use: learn more about the composition of such a medicine, its effect on the child's body and the doses recommended for babies.

Release form

"Kanefron N" is a product of the German company Bionorica and is presented in pharmacies in two versions.

  • A solution given to patients to drink. Transparent or slightly cloudy, sometimes with a slight sediment, which does not indicate spoilage. This liquid has a yellowish brown color and an aromatic odor. It is sold in 50 ml or 100 ml bottles, which have a drip dispenser.

  • Dragee, which have a dense shell. They are packaged in blister packs of 20 and are sold in 60 or 120 pills in one box. Such "Kanefron N" has a round shape (it is convex on both sides), smooth surface and orange color.

In the form of syrup, tablets, suppositories, solution for injection and in other forms, this medicine is not available.


Both types of "Kanefron N" contain plant raw materials as active substances, represented by:

  • centaury grass;
  • rosemary leaves;
  • roots of lovage.

In solution, these medicinal plants are in the form of a water-alcohol extract. It makes up 29% of the total volume of the drug (purified water takes up the remainder) and contains 0.6 g of each herbal ingredient per 100 g of the drug. Ethyl alcohol is present in the solution in the amount of 16-19 percent by volume.

The solid form of "Kanefron N" contains crushed plants, and the dosage of each of them in one tablet is 18 mg. In addition, the core of the drug includes povidone, silicon dioxide, corn starch and lactose, and sucrose, mountain wax, riboflavin, shellac and other substances are used for the dragee coating, due to which it is hard, orange and sweet in taste.

Operating principle

"Kanephron N" belongs to the group of herbal remedies that have a diuretic effect. Plants used to make dragees and solutions stimulate the excretion of urine from the body. In addition, they have an antispasmodic effect, which also has a positive effect on diuresis. In addition, the medication has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, helping to eliminate the inflammatory process provoked by bacteria in the urinary tract and kidneys.


Both forms of "Kanefron N" are used for such diseases:

  • chronic cystitis, which is manifested by frequent urination, pain and other symptoms;
  • pyelonephritis with a chronic course;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Usually the medication is used as one of the means of complex treatment, that is, it is prescribed only as an addition to other therapy, for example, to urological antibiotics.

At what age is it allowed?

The liquid form of "Kanefron N" can be used in patients over a year old. Some doctors prescribe such a medication for infants, but the dosage is set individually, so giving the drug to children under one year old without a doctor's appointment is contraindicated. "Kanefron N" in pills is prescribed for patients who are already 6 years old, since they can easily swallow the medicine, because you cannot bite into pills.


Treatment with "Kanefron N" is prohibited:

  • if the child has an exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • if the patient has an intolerance to any of the components of the pills or solution.

Additional contraindications for "Kanefron" in the form of pills are fructose or lactose intolerance, lack of sucrose or lactose, as well as glucose-galactose malabsorption. Due to the presence of ethanol in the composition, a liquid preparation should be given with caution in case of injuries or diseases of the brain, as well as in case of liver pathologies.

Side effects

After taking the solution or pills, the child may experience a rash, itching or other allergic reaction. This requires an immediate cessation of the use of "Kanefron N" and a visit to a doctor to replace the drug with another medicine. In some patients, the medication can provoke diarrhea, vomiting, or other symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder. If they occur, it is also recommended to contact a pediatrician.

Admission recommendations

"Kanefron N" in any form is taken three times a day.

To enhance the therapeutic effect of the medication, during treatment, you need to consume more fluid, with the exception of patients with kidney or heart disease, which are manifested by edema.

The solution can be taken diluted in a small volume of water or swallowed undiluted with water. Since the liquid preparation has a bitter aftertaste, it is permissible to dilute it in some sweet liquid, for example, in juice (if the doctor has prescribed the medicine for the baby, it can be diluted with milk). Before use, the solution must be shaken, as its plant components settle to the bottom.

The dosage of liquid "Kanefron N", depending on the age of the baby, is usually as follows:

  • if the medicine is prescribed to a preschooler older than a year, for example, a 2-year-old baby, then 15 drops are enough for one dose;
  • if the medication is taken by a student, then a single dose is increased to 25 drops;
  • in adolescence, the doctor will prescribe an adult dosage, which is 50 drops at a time.

Dragee should not be cut into pieces, bitten or chewed. This form of "Kanefron" can only be swallowed with water. A single dose for a child over six years old is one tablet.

The duration of the use of both forms of the drug is established by the attending physician, but usually, after the symptoms of the disease have subsided, "Kanephron N" continues to give the patient another two to four weeks.


Although there were no cases of exceeding the dose of "Kanefron N", in which the child was hospitalized, before that time, it was recommended that in case of an accidental overdose of any form of such a drug, induce vomiting and consult a doctor. Treatment in such a situation will be symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

"Kanephron N" is often combined with antibacterial drugs, since herbal remedies are usually prescribed as an adjunct to the main treatment of cystitis or pyelonephritis, aimed at the causative agents of such infections. There is no information in the annotation about compatibility with drugs of other groups, therefore, if the child is already taking any drugs, the doctor should be informed about this before taking "Kanefron N".

Terms of sale

Both forms of the drug are sold without a prescription, but in the treatment of children, despite the herbal origin of "Kanefron N", specialist advice is desirable. The price of the drug differs in different pharmacies and depends on the chosen form and packaging. For example, the cost of 60 pills ranges from 380 to 500 rubles, and for 100 ml of solution you need to pay an average of 450 rubles.

Storage conditions

To store "Kanefron N" in liquid form, you need a place protected from light and high humidity. You should not put the bottle in the refrigerator, since the permissible storage temperature is a limit of up to +25 degrees Celsius. Dragee storage conditions are the same.

The shelf life of the sealed liquid "Kanefron N" is 3 years, after the first use of the drug - 6 months. During this period, the solution may become slightly cloudy or a precipitate may appear in it. Such changes in no way affect the therapeutic effect of "Kanefron" and do not indicate that the medication has deteriorated. Dragee shelf life - 3 years from the date of manufacture.


There are many positive reviews about the use of "Kanefron N" in children. In them, the medication is called effective, praised for its plant base and good tolerance. Most often, a solution is chosen for the treatment of small patients, because it is easy to dose. The disadvantages of such a drug include a bitter taste, the need for long-term use and high cost.

"Kanefron N" in dragees is called convenient to use, since this medicine is small in size and in a sweet shell. Among the disadvantages of a solid form, only a high price is often mentioned. There are also reviews about a weak therapeutic effect or the development of allergies, but they are few.


Instead of "Canephron N", other herbal medicines can be used that have a diuretic effect. Plant raw materials with such an effect include birch leaves and buds, lingonberry leaves, horsetail grass, bearberry leaves, string grass, and so on. However, their use in children must be monitored by a doctor, because medicinal plants have some contraindications and dosage restrictions in childhood.

For more information about the drug "Kanefron", see the next video.

Watch the video: # recipe చరట రవవత కసర తయర వధన. 5 నలల రవవ కసర రడ (June 2024).