
Choosing a wall-mounted changing table

A changing table can be called an optional, but very convenient thing that helps to care for your baby in the first months of life. One of the types of such devices are wall tables.

There are different options for folding tables on the wall, among which there are vertical changing and horizontal folding tables. Let's analyze their characteristics and rules of use.

Features, pros and cons

Wall-mounted baby changing tables are manufactured by many companies both in Russia and abroad. In stores you can find models from brands such as Jofel, Puff, Nofer, Geuther, HÖR, Merida, ByBO design, FOPPAPEDRETTI and others. Their price depends on the material from which the table is made, as well as on other characteristics.

The average cost of this type of swaddler is 30 thousand rubles, but there are products that are cheaper (budget models cost 12-13 thousand rubles) and more (the price of some tables exceeds 200 thousand rubles).

The main feature of the wall-mounted changing table is the way of its installation - such a product is fixed to the wall using at least 4 screws. This allows you to install the diaper in any room, even if its area is limited. Due to the fact that the folded wall table takes up very little space, this model is often chosen for public places, for example, for children's clinics or toilets in shopping centers.

It is quite convenient to use a hanging table, and in the design of most types of such diapers there are shelves on which you can place the necessary accessories and things.

To their disadvantages it can be attributed to the fact that there are not enough shelves in comparison with folding tables and changing chests of drawers. In addition, the wall model cannot be transferred to another room, like a foldable diaper with legs.


There are vertical and horizontal hanging tables.

  • In horizontal after opening, one of the wide edges adjoins the wall, and the child can only be approached from the side.
  • In vertical the tabletop opens towards itself, and one of the smaller edges joins the wall, so access to the peanut is possible from either side.

In some models, the folding part is made with a recess that allows you to conveniently position the baby inside. Most tables have additional elements and accessories:

  • container for paper napkins;
  • shelf for accessories;
  • belt for securing the child;
  • holder for a bag.


Changing tables on the wall are made of plastic, wood, metal.

  • Plastic Models are widespread due to their resistance to liquids and the ability to quickly disinfect. They are made of durable polymers (polypropylene, ABS plastic, polyurethane) that are easy to clean, do not darken over time and do not lose their original appearance. Such models usually have a pneumatic system, thanks to which they open and close smoothly.

  • Wooden hanging tables are found slightly less often than plastic ones. On the wooden basis of such products, there is usually a soft waterproof pad.

  • Metal tables are rare and quite expensive, but they are the strongest and often equipped with anti-vandal protection, which makes such models in demand for installation in public places. These stainless steel diapers are fireproof and heavy duty resistant. They are extremely durable and original in design.

How to choose?

The key criteria for choosing a wall-mounted changing table are product safety, ease of use and the quality of its materials. You should not buy a hinged diaper just based on its shape, color and decor.

You need to pay attention to more significant nuances.

  • It is important to make sure that the model does not harm the baby and is firmly mounted on the wall. To do this, pay attention to the maximum load that the table you like can withstand. This characteristic is different for different products - some tables are designed for only 20-23 kg, others can withstand a weight of up to 100 kg.
  • When choosing a table, you need to check its folding mechanism, inspect shelves and accessories.
  • It is best to go to the store, having determined in advance the place where you want to install the diaper (it should not be in the aisle), and also after reading the reviews of parents who have used the wall table for some time.
  • After checking with the seller for the characteristics, double-check the dimensions of the product and the method of mounting to the wall.

Features of use

The hanging changing table is used after discharge from the hospital until the moment when the baby becomes very mobile (the danger of falling increases) or no longer fits on the selected model.

It is convenient to change diapers on the diaper, change clothes for the baby, carry out various hygiene procedures.

Before mounting the table, check the package contents and make sure that the product has not been damaged during transportation. It is better to entrust the installation to an experienced master. It will be different for wood, stone and other types of walls. Before using the table, be sure to test:

  • close and open several times, making sure that the folding part moves smoothly;
  • put a load on the diaper, making sure that the model is securely fastened and that no cracks appear on the wall.

To use the wall table, open it, place the baby on the folding part, and then secure the newborn's body with a seat belt. After changing the diaper, unfasten the belt, remove the child from the table and close the table top. During use, thoroughly clean the table and check the mountings regularly.

Watch the video: EASIEST DIY CHANGING TABLE. IKEA HACK (September 2024).