
Drops "Fenistil": instructions for use for children

To prevent an allergic reaction or in a situation where an allergy has already appeared in a child, drugs from the group of antihistamines are prescribed. One of the most popular drugs of this group in childhood is Fenistil. It is often prescribed to children in the form of drops, so parents should know in what cases such a medicine is indicated, at what age it is permissible to use it and what dosages of Fenistil are used for children.

Features of Fenistil in drops

  • This dosage form is available in a dark 20 ml glass bottle, supplemented with a special dispenser.
  • The liquid inside the bottle is transparent, odorless, with a sweet taste.
  • The medicine is safe for babies, so doctors often prescribe it for allergies in babies older than 1 month.
  • The drops are easy to dispense and mix easily with baby food or drink.
  • The active substance in this preparation is dimethindene maleate. One milliliter of Fenistil drops contains 1 mg of this active ingredient.
  • 1 ml of the drug contains 20 drops.
  • Additional substances in Fenistil drops are water, sorbitol, preservative, ethyl alcohol, sodium dehydrogen phosphate. Also in pharmacies there is Fenistil New, the main difference of which is the absence of ethanol in the composition.
  • The medicine is produced not only in drops, but also in the form of a gel, as well as in an encapsulated form.
  • Store Fenistil drops at a temperature not higher than + 25 ° C in a place where the child cannot reach. Once opened, the bottle can be stored for up to 24 months.


The drug blocks receptors that are sensitive to a compound released during allergies - histamine. In healthy children, such a compound is found inside the cells, but in a pathological process, for example, when exposed to an allergen, histamine begins to be actively released into the blood. The result of this process is tissue edema, spasm of smooth muscles, stagnation of blood in small vessels, itching and other symptoms of allergies.

When taking Fenistil, the production of histamine is suppressed, so itching decreases, capillary permeability decreases, which leads to the elimination of edema and other uncomfortable symptoms. Dimetindene begins to act in half an hour after application, and the maximum effect is observed after two hours.


The use of Fenistil in the form of drops is recommended for:

  • Quincke's edema.
  • Allergic rhinitis (both with seasonal form and year-round rhinitis).
  • Itching after insect bites.
  • Eczema caused by an allergic reaction.
  • Hives.
  • Itching with infections, such as chickenpox or measles.
  • Allergic dermatosis.
  • Allergies to food.
  • Pollinosis.
  • Allergies to medicines.
  • Itching due to minor sun or household burns.

The drug is often prescribed for prophylactic purposes, for example, after vaccination or before vaccination, if the baby has a tendency to allergies.


Drops Fenistil are not prescribed if the child has:

  • Intolerance to any component of the drug.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma.

It is also important not to forget that the drug is not used in the neonatal period, since its age limit is 1 month of age. At the same time, for babies up to 12 months old and with chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, the medicine is prescribed with caution in order to prevent nighttime apnea attacks.

Side effects

The most common side effect of Fenistil in the form of drops is drowsiness. In most babies, it manifests itself in the first days of admission, and then it often goes away. In addition to drowsiness, children taking this antihistamine can:

  • Dizziness.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Rash on the skin.
  • Disturbed breathing.

Dosage: how many drops to drip?

The required dosage of Fenistil is often calculated based on the weight of the child. The number of kilograms of the child's body weight is multiplied by 2 and the number of drops is obtained, which is the daily dose. It is divided into 3 doses, receiving a single dosage for a specific child.

The average dosages of Fenistil in the form of drops are considered:

  • In the first year of life (from 1 to 12 months) - 3-10 drops, taking into account the weight of the child at one time, only 9-30 drops per day.
  • Children over a year up to 3 years of age - 10-15 drops at a time, the daily dosage is from 30 to 45 drops.
  • At the age of 3-12 years - at one time from 15 to 20 drops, in just a day from 45 to 60 drops.
  • Children over 12 years old - from 60 to 120 drops as a daily dose, that is, 20-40 drops per dose.

If Fenistil is taken before vaccination, the medicine is given to the child 3-5 days before vaccination in the following dose:

  • Children under one year old - in the morning and in the evening, 4-5 drops.
  • Babies aged 1-3 years - 10 drops twice a day.
  • A child over three years old - 20 drops three times a day.

If the drug causes severe drowsiness in the baby, the daily dosage of the drug can be divided into doses so that the child receives most of the drug before bedtime. For example, a child needs to be given 40 drops of Fenistil per day. You can give 10 drops in the morning, 10 drops at lunchtime and 20 drops at night.

When calculating the dosage based on the weight of the child, also compare the daily amount with the allowable amount for a particular age. For children under 1 year old it is 30 drops, for children 1-3 years old - 45 drops, and for children over 3 years old - 60 drops. If the calculation turns out to be more than these figures, the dose is reduced and the child is given the drug in the maximum permissible dosage at his age.

Instructions for use

  1. The required number of drops is diluted with a small amount of non-hot liquid, and then given to the child. You can also give the drops undiluted.
  2. The drug is given every 8 hours.
  3. Eating food does not affect the intake of Fenistil drops.
  4. It is impossible to heat the drug, as it will lose its medicinal properties.

You can find out about the treatment of allergies in a newborn with the help of Fenistil drops by watching the video.

Features of use in infants up to a year

Fenistil is approved for use in infants who are one month old. However, before using the medicine in an infant, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. Many doctors advise against giving such droplets for up to a year, since they have a sedative effect and can provoke respiratory arrest at night.

To give drops to the baby, you need to multiply the baby's weight by 2, and then divide the resulting number by 3 doses. After calculating a single dose for the child, the drops are mixed with expressed human milk or a small amount of a warm mixture. As a rule, babies do not protest against such a medicine, since it has a sweet taste.


If you exceed the dose of drops, in a child such a situation will manifest itself with an increase in temperature, increased heart rate, dryness in the oral cavity. Hallucinations and seizures are possible. Even if the dosage is exceeded once, you should consult a doctor, and if the baby accidentally drank the entire contents of the bottle, you cannot hesitate - immediately call an ambulance. Doctors will prescribe medications that support the heart and respiratory system, as well as quickly remove the drug from the body of the crumbs.

Komarovsky's opinion

Komarovsky emphasizes that Fenistil belongs to the so-called first generation antihistamines, which affects the functioning of the central nervous system. And that is why such a drug has many side effects that are not observed in more modern antihistamines of the last generation.

In addition, the famous pediatrician focuses the attention of parents on the fact that Fenistil, like any other antihistamines, is designed to fight only the symptoms of allergy, but is unable to eliminate it completely, since it does not affect the cause. He advises to focus on identifying allergens and try to exclude their contact with the child's body.

For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


In most cases, parents respond positively to Fenistil drops. The advantages of the drug are called convenience of dosing, sweet taste and rather quick action in case of allergies. Also, many people note that the medicine protects babies who are prone to allergies when they are scheduled for a routine vaccination. The disadvantage of Fenistil drops is the frequent side effects of the drug, for example, drowsiness in a child. Some mothers complain that the medicine is only temporary and addictive.


Prices for Fenistil drops in different pharmacies on average fluctuate between 400-700 rubles, so many mothers are interested in medicines with a similar effect. These drugs include:

  • Suprastin - such a medicine in tablets is prescribed for children over 1 month old.
  • Zyrtek - in pharmacies they sell drops for babies over 6 months old, as well as tablets for children who are 6 years old.
  • Tavegil - has a longer effect (up to 12 hours), it is prescribed for children from 12 months in the form of syrup or injections, and for children over 12 years old in tablet form.
  • Zodak - the medicine is released in drops for children from 1 year old and in tablets prescribed from 6 years old.
  • Claritin - is prescribed for babies over 2 years old in syrup, and from 3 years of age in tablets.
  • Erius - syrup is prescribed for babies over a year old, and tablets - from 12 years old.

Watch the video: شراب بيبي كال Bebecal بيبيكال يشبه شراب الالرمين قطرة الفينيستيل الماء غريب وتحذيرات خطيرة للامهات (September 2024).