
Polysorb for newborns and babies: instructions for use

"Polysorb" is one of the most popular sorbents, which is often prescribed to adults to remove from the body a wide variety of toxic substances, toxins, allergens and other harmful compounds, with which, judging by numerous reviews, it copes very well. It is equally popular in the treatment of children, including even infants.

Officially, the drug is called "Polysorb MP", but in conversations doctors and parents often omit these letters, so it should be understood that "Polysorb MP" and "Polysorb" are one and the same medication. It has a very wide scope of use - from digestive disorders and pathologies of internal organs to colds and poisoning. That is why doctors advise to include such a drug in the home medicine cabinet of all young parents.

Release form and composition

The only form of "Polysorb" is a powder, which is mixed with a liquid to form a suspension, taken internally. This powder has a white color (sometimes with a blue tint) and does not have any smell. It is sold either in 3 gram portion sachets or in plastic jars that hold 15 to 50 grams of medication.

Its only component is colloidal silicon dioxide. The dose of this compound corresponds to the amount of powder in the purchased package, since there are no other substances in the sachet or can. Polysorb MP is not available in the form of tablets, pastes, capsules or other forms.

Operating principle

The powder is based on an inorganic compound with high sorption properties. It acts nonspecifically, that is, it binds a variety of substances that both entered the body from the outside and were formed inside the body. At the same time, silicon dioxide itself does not undergo any changes in the body and is unable to be absorbed in the intestine, but leaves together with feces, taking with it harmful substances.

Polysorb can adsorb:

  • pathogenic microbes that provoked an intestinal infection;
  • excess bilirubin, creatinine, cholesterol and other compounds;
  • medicines, including overdose;
  • food allergens;
  • viruses and fungi that cause diarrhea and other signs of intestinal infection;
  • toxins produced by bacteria that have entered the digestive tract;
  • ethyl alcohol, heavy metals and other toxic substances;
  • compounds that appear in the body due to intoxication.

Are newborns and babies prescribed?

There are no age restrictions for using Polysorb in children. This sorbent is prescribed even for babies who have just been born, as well as for babies up to one year old. The medicine is not prohibited during breastfeeding, because it does not affect the baby that the mother is breastfeeding.

However, the use of such a powder at an early age requires certain conditions:

  • the drug can be given only after a doctor's examination, since there are some contraindications for it, which are difficult for parents to evaluate without a specialist;
  • in infants, the remedy is used sporadically so as not to affect the absorption of beneficial nutrients and not to worsen the composition of the microflora.


"Polysorb" is in demand in the treatment of children under one year old in such cases:

  • if the child has any intoxication, the signs of which are vomiting, fever, diarrhea and other symptoms;
  • if the baby was diagnosed with dysbiosis;
  • if the crumb has become infected with viruses or pathogenic bacteria (not only with intestinal infection, but also with flu and other diseases);
  • if the level of bilirubin in the blood of a newborn baby is very high or jaundice does not go away for a long time;
  • if the baby is poisoned by any poisonous substance, for example, a medicine in an accidentally exceeded dose or ethyl alcohol;
  • if any allergic reaction is diagnosed, as well as with diathesis and an increased risk of allergies;
  • if the crumbs have kidney disease, in which the function of this organ is severely impaired.


"Polysorb" should not be given to patients with hypersensitivity to such a drug, as well as with serious gastrointestinal diseases (bleeding, atony, and others), so we note again that a doctor's examination is mandatory before treating a baby.

Side effects

Some babies develop allergy symptoms after using the powder. Occasionally taking Polisorb can also provoke constipation in a child. In this case, the medicine must be immediately canceled and, after consulting a doctor, replaced with an analogue to which the crumbs' body will react normally.

Instructions for use

Having opened the package of "Polisorb", you need to carefully collect the required amount of powder (the mass is amorphous and easily rises into the air), and then diluted with plain water. If the medication is given to a newborn, it is permissible to dilute it with breast milk or its substitute. For babies who have already tried complementary foods, you can combine the powder with compote or juice so that the little patient drinks the medication more readily.

The time of taking the drug should be coordinated with the diet of the little one. Give "Polysorb" to the baby one and a half hours after feedings or an hour before them. If such a sorbent is prescribed for atopic dermatitis and other manifestations of food allergies, it is given to babies during meals.

Usually "Polysorb" is given three times a day, and to calculate a single dosage, you need to know the weight of the child. If the baby weighs less than ten kilograms, then 0.5 teaspoon of the powder is taken at one time. For toddlers weighing more than 10 kg, a single serving of "Polisorb" will be a full spoon, taken without a "slide". To dilute one dose of the drug, use from 30 to 50 ml of liquid - this volume is recommended by the manufacturer for children who weigh less than 20 kg. This is noted in the table in the instructions.

The duration of treatment with "Polysorb" for each child is determined individually, since it is influenced by the reason for using the powder and the response to the treatment of the child's body. If a medication was prescribed for digestive disorders or intoxication, then often it is given to the baby for only a few days. In case of serious pathologies (kidney diseases, infections, allergies), the doctor may prescribe Polysorb for longer courses, but usually they do not exceed 2 weeks, so as not to provoke negative reactions.


"Polysorb" is considered harmless, and there have been no cases of powder overdose yet. In theory, if a child accidentally takes too much of this drug, it could lead to an allergic reaction or constipation. In such a situation, you need to contact your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

To prevent Polysorb from impairing the absorption and therapeutic effect of other drugs, it, like other sorbents, is not recommended to be used simultaneously with any drugs. There should be a break of at least one hour between taking the powder and other products.

Terms of sale and storage

Buying "Polisorb MP" in a pharmacy does not cause any difficulties, since this sorbent is classified as an over-the-counter drug. But you shouldn't buy it for a baby without a doctor's prescription. The price of the powder depends on its quantity in the package. For example, for a jar containing 50 grams of funds, you need to pay about 350 rubles, and one bag with 3 grams of medicine in different pharmacies costs from 40 to 80 rubles.

You can store the medicine at home at room temperature, and the jar must be tightly closed. The shelf life of the undiluted preparation is 5 years. Once diluted with liquid, the suspension can be stored for up to 48 hours, but for children it is best to dilute a fresh serving with each subsequent dose.


On the use of "Polisorb" in infants, you can see mostly positive reviews. They confirm the effectiveness of such a sorbent against diarrhea, dermatitis, colic, jaundice, dysbiosis and many other problems.

The disadvantages of the drug mainly include its not very pleasant taste, because of which it can be difficult to give the drug to a baby.


If necessary, replace "Polysorb" with another enterosorbent for a baby. other similar means.

  • Enterosgel. This white paste is sold in sachets and tubes. It works on a porous silicone base and can be prescribed from birth. Such a paste is tasteless, but there is also a sweet version, but this "Enterosgel" is not used in children under one year old.

  • "Smecta"... This popular smectite-based sorbent is safe for newborns, is of natural origin and is available in portioned sachets. For a child, you can purchase both powder and a ready-made suspension.

  • Enterodez. This medicine is also available in powder, packaged in sachets. Its active ingredient is povidone. This substance actively absorbs various toxic compounds, therefore it is used in the same cases as "Polysorb".

All about the drug "Polysorb", see the next video.

Watch the video: How to Use Free-to-Grow Baby Carrier with a Newborn (July 2024).