Child health

Influence of a computer on children's health: how to protect our kids from harmful effects?

Today it is difficult to find a sphere where a computer is not found. It is used everywhere. People can buy, sell, communicate with friends and work without leaving their homes. Almost every family has a computer, and some even have several. Our kids grow up in this environment. They see how parents are constantly looking at a bright mesmerizing screen and pressing interesting buttons. Of course, they are in a hurry to get acquainted with this fascinating "thing" as early as possible.

There is nothing more important and more expensive than the health of our children. You can't buy it for money or change it like a used battery. It is very important to understand which organs and systems of the baby are affected by the computer. And take measures to prevent this from happening.

Impact on children's health

  1. Vision.

The eyes are the first to suffer. They are under constant stress. Long-term exposure to the monitor causes symptoms such as double vision, temporary myopia, dryness and burning. Children's eyes quickly get tired due to their immaturity.

Eyesight is dropping, and soon you will have to put on glasses. Most often, children play on a laptop or tablet while lying on the couch, which increases the strain on the eyes. In recent years, according to statistics, myopia (nearsightedness) is twice as common in first graders. This indicates the detrimental effect of the computer on vision.

  1. Posture.

The computer also harms the posture of children. As a rule, the place for playing or learning at the computer is not equipped for the growth of the baby. For example, he plays on a laptop, sitting on the couch, on the floor, lounging on an armchair.

The back is in the wrong position. The child slouches or stretches his neck strongly because he cannot see the image. Over time, this leads to a curvature of the spine. There are complaints of head and back pain.

  1. Nervous system.

A weak, not yet fully formed nervous system in children malfunctions after prolonged contact with a computer. This is manifested by increased excitability, poor sleep, and a sharp change in mood.

Attentiveness decreases, unmotivated aggression appears. Subsequently, children develop computer addiction. Except for the beloved "toy", the dependent child does not care about anything.

Signs of computer addiction in children

  • the real world is replaced by the virtual one;
  • communication skills are lost. It's easier to find friends on the Internet than live;
  • achievements in real life are replaced by passing a level of some game;
  • the desire to go out somewhere, to do something disappears;
  • contact with other people is avoided;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sleep worsens;
  • study and household chores are ignored;
  • aggression is shown to any attempt to limit contact with the computer.

This condition requires medical attention. It is already difficult for parents to cope alone.

At what age can you play on the computer?

Children and the computer are a very discussed topic. It is believed that the later a child gets to know an electronic computer, the better. But you need to consider the benefits of a computer.

When the kid is very small and just beginning to learn the world, he is interested in looking at funny pictures on the monitor and pressing the keys.

At this age, the words "no" or "enough" cannot be explained. An attempt to take them away from the computer will end in crying and hysteria. The benefits of this are dubious.

It is preferable for children to start mastering the computer no earlier than 3-4 years. They already understand the word "no". And you can agree on a time with him.

Psychologists have come up with a formula. With its help, the approximate time that the baby can spend at the computer without harm to health:

Age x 3 = number of minutes allowed. Minutes then gained x 3 = rest time.

Example. The kid is 5 years old. 5 × 3 = 15 minutes - playing on the computer. 15 x 3 = 45 minutes rest.

Selection of computer games

The computer gaming industry does not stand still. New games come out regularly, and one is better than the other. There are many good games that help children develop memory, logic and thinking. Also, some games allow natural talents to unfold, allow you to learn a lot of new, interesting and useful things.

The main thing is an individual approach, which takes into account the character and interests of the little "gamer". Besides the benefits, there is also harm from computer games. It manifests itself in a strong passion, which ultimately leads to addiction to computer games.

Children stop controlling the time they spend at the computer, forget about everything in the world. As a result - fatigue, memory impairment, and problems at school.

Be sure to watch the presentation for the game you are going to buy. Make sure there is no violence, excessive cruelty, or erotic scenes in it. A game that is incorrectly matched to the temperament of a small user will quickly overwork him and put a strong pressure on his psyche.

There are very susceptible children. They often transfer the impressions received to the real world. This can manifest itself as aggression towards the people around, fears, nightmares at night, isolation.

Preventing computer harm

  • organization of a children's place for playing a computer;
  • correct position: back straight, elbows and knees at 90 °. The distance from the eyes to the monitor is at least 70 cm;
  • good and correct lighting;
  • charging after being at the computer with the obligatory performance of special exercises for the eyes;
  • limiting the time of using a computer depending on age;
  • careful selection of games, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;
  • control over the sites that the child visits using special programs.

How to replace a computer?

Many parents are happy about computers. After all, this is another way to captivate the child and go about their business. But for those who know about the dangers of a computer and want to spend more time with children, this information will be useful.

How to diversify your leisure time?

  • use educational and board games;
  • show your imagination and come up with games with safe objects that are at home;
  • walks in the open air. It is better to invite other kids for a walk or meet them on the street;
  • attend development clubs and sports sections;
  • reading books together, learning poetry and songs, listening to music;
  • doing handicrafts or other creativity.

And this is not the whole list. You can do anything with your child. The main thing is to find time and desire.

We live in an era of advanced information technology. It will be difficult for a modern person without knowledge of a computer. You should be calm about the fact that sooner or later our children will master this "miracle machine". This will help them learn and find good jobs.

The main thing is to remember about the harm that a computer can bring if you do not follow the basic rules of use.

Watch the video: Parkview Mental Health Conference 2020 (July 2024).