
Maalox for children

For heartburn, belching, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by too high acidity of gastric juice, antacids are prescribed. These include a drug called Maalox. Can this medication be given to children and in what dosage is it allowed in childhood?

Release form and composition

Maalox is presented in two dosage forms:

  • Suspension. It is produced in glass bottles, inside of which there is 250 ml of a viscous homogeneous opaque substance of white-yellow or white color. In addition, the suspension is also produced in 15 ml portioned sachets, of which 30 pieces are contained in one box.

  • Chewable tablets. Such Maalox is produced in two versions - without sugar (these tablets are in demand for diabetes or a strict diet) and with sugar. These tablets are round and engraved. The sugar-free preparation has a yellowish or white color with a slight marbling, as well as a lemon odor. Sugar tablets are white and smell like mint. One box contains 10, 20 or 40 tablets.

Both types of medicine include two active ingredients:

  • Algeldrat. This compound is hydrated alumina and is contained in one chewable tablet at a dose of 400 mg, and in 15 ml of suspension in an amount of 525 mg.
  • Magnesium hydroxide. Such an ingredient is presented in each tablet with a dosage of 400 mg, and from 15 ml of suspension, the patient receives it in a dose of 600 mg.

Additionally, the suspension contains citric acid, mannitol, peppermint oil, sorbitol and other ingredients. Excipients of the tablets are mannitol, sucrose, mint flavor, sodium saccharinate and other substances.

Separately, we note the drug Maalox Mini. It is presented in portioned sachets of 4.3 ml of suspension, which contains 460 mg of aluminum hydroxide and 400 mg of magnesium hydroxide. One box contains 6 to 40 sachets. The taste of the preparation is lemon or blackcurrant.

Operating principle

Maalox is a group of antacids and has an enveloping and absorbing effect. Its use reduces the acidity of gastric juice and prevents the negative effects on the gastric mucosa of hydrochloric acid.


Maalox is prescribed for various diseases of the digestive tract, which are manifested by abdominal discomfort, sour belching, heartburn, stomach pain and other symptoms. The medication is in demand:

  • With exacerbation of peptic ulcer.
  • With acute gastroduodenitis.
  • With exacerbation of the chronic form of gastritis or gastroduodenitis.
  • With reflux esophagitis.
  • With a hernia of the diaphragm (esophageal opening).

In addition, Maalox is used for dyspepsia triggered by a violation of diet, medication and other factors. Maalox Mini is used only sporadically to relieve heartburn or belching.

At what age is it prescribed?

In the instructions for both the Maalox suspension and tablets, and the Maalox Mini drug, it is noted that such medicines are contraindicated for children under 15 years of age. This is due to insufficient clinical research on the effects of such drugs on the child's body. In practice, doctors often prescribe it to children, calling it relatively safe.

In this case, the treatment of children with Maalox should be under the supervision of a pediatrician and short-lived (no more than 1 month) in order to prevent the loss of calcium and phosphorus. In addition, in childhood, only a suspension is used, because it can be difficult for a child to completely dissolve or chew a pill.


The drug is not used:

  • With severe renal failure.
  • With intolerance to any of its components.
  • For problems with the absorption of fructose, sucrose or galactose.

Sugar chewable tablets are not recommended for diabetes.

Side effects

In some patients, Maalox causes constipation, but sometimes it also provokes loose stools. In addition, the medication can cause hives, itching and other manifestations of allergies.

Instructions for use

It is advised to shake the bottle of the suspension before use, and knead the sachet with your fingers. The contents of the sachet are taken undiluted, and the drug from the bottle is dispensed with a spoon (one tablespoon holds 15 ml of syrup).

Most often, the medicine is recommended to be taken after meals, about an hour later. If the patient has reflux esophagitis, the suspension is given earlier (30 minutes after eating), and in case of peptic ulcer disease, it should be drunk half an hour before meals.

A single dose of the medicine for a child under one year old is half a teaspoon (2.5 ml), for children 1-5 years old - a full teaspoon (5 ml), for a patient aged 5 to 15 years old - one teaspoon or one dessert spoon ( 5-10 ml). If the remedy is prescribed by the course, then it is usually taken twice or three times a day.

Tableted Maalox should be chewed or absorbed one to two hours after a meal, as well as at night. The drug is prescribed for children over 15 years old, 1-2 tablets per appointment. Usually it is prescribed three times, but sometimes the doctor may recommend taking it 4-6 times a day. The duration of treatment for chronic pathologies is up to 2-3 months.

Overdose and drug interactions

Exceeding the dose of the drug leads to diarrhea, abdominal pain or vomiting. For treatment, it is recommended to give more fluid so that magnesium and aluminum leave the patient's body faster.

Taking Maalox reduces the absorption of many other drugs in the intestines, therefore, it is recommended to pause for at least 2 hours between the use of such a drug and any other drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

All types of Maalox, including portioned sachets, are sold over the counter. The average price of a bottle of suspension is 320-350 rubles, and a pack of 20 chewable tablets is about 220-240 rubles.

Store the medicine at home is advised at room temperature in a place hidden from small children. The shelf life of tablets with sugar is 5 years, and other forms of medication - 3 years.

An opened bottle of suspension can be stored no longer than 6 months after the first use of the medicine.


In most cases, the use of Maalox in children responds positively. Mothers confirm that such a drug quickly helps with heartburn and other unpleasant sensations that occur with gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Side effects during suspension treatment are extremely rare.


Other antacid drugs can serve as a substitute for Maalox:

  • Almagel. Such a preparation in the form of a suspension contains the same active ingredients as Maalox, but in smaller dosages. It is used in the treatment of children over 10 years of age.
  • Gaviscon. In such a medicine, sodium alginate is added to the combination of calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. The drug is produced in the form of chewable tablets (prescribed from 12 years old) and suspensions (can be given to children over 6 years old).
  • Gastricide. The composition of such chewable tablets is identical to that of Maalox. The instruction for this medication recommends it from the age of 10.
  • Rennie. These calcium and magnesium carbonate chewable tablets are used in children over 12 years of age.
  • Antareit. The effect of such chewable tablets is provided by magaldrat supplemented with simethicone. The medication is indicated from the age of 12.

For information on what heartburn is and how to deal with it, see the next video.

Watch the video: 9 Natural Remedies, Recipes and Tips To Treat Acid Reflux (July 2024).