
Pimafukort for children: instructions for use

Pimafucort is a sought-after topical remedy that helps adults with fungal, bacterial or allergic skin lesions... But can it be used in the treatment of children, how does such a drug work on a child's skin and what side effects can it cause?

Composition and form of the drug

Pimafukort is made in two forms, which are used only externally:

  1. Cream. It is a white or white-yellow mass, packed in aluminum or plastic tubes of 15 grams.
  2. Ointment. It is also a white or yellowish substance, but thicker. It is sold in polymer or aluminum tubes containing 15 grams of the medication.

Both types of Pimafucort contain three active ingredients:

  • natamycin - in the amount of 10 mg per 1 gram of the drug;
  • neomycin sulfate - at a dose of 3500 IU in each gram of ointment / cream;
  • hydrocortisone in micronized form - in the amount of 10 mg per gram of the drug.

In addition to them, the ointment contains a special polyethylene-paraffin base. Additional ingredients of the cream are macrogol stearate, Na citrate, cetyl ester wax and other compounds.

Operating principle

Pimafukort is classified as a combined local remedy, since the cream and ointment contain several ingredients at once that provide the therapeutic effect of the drug.

One of them is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group (neomycin), the second is an antifungal agent (natamycin), and the third is glucocorticoid hormone (hydrocortisone).

Thanks to this combination, Pimafukort:

  • affects many bacteria, including staphylococci, escherichia, proteus, enterococci, klebsiella and other microorganisms;
  • destroys yeast and yeast-like fungi (the medicine is very effective against candida);
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as constricts the blood vessels of the skin and eliminates itching.

If the skin is intact, neomycin and natamycin are almost not absorbed, and the amount of hydrocortisone penetrating through the skin is estimated at 1-3%.

In the case of a pronounced infectious process or damage to the skin, the components of Pimafucort are absorbed in greater quantities. Higher absorption is also observed in children what is taken into account by doctors when using such a medicine in pediatric practice.


Pimafucort is used for various skin lesions, for example, with atopic dermatitis or lichen. The medication is also prescribed for complicated dermatoses, if a fungal or bacterial infection has joined the inflammation.

If the patient has an acute process or there are weeping areas on the affected skin, a cream is prescribed for him. For chronic inflammation, especially if it is manifested by severe dryness and thickening of the skin, an ointment is better suited.

At what age is it prescribed?

The use of Pimafukort in children is possible from birth, but the treatment of babies under one year old requires special care and supervision of a pediatrician.


It is impossible to treat the skin with Pimafukort if the child has:

  • revealed intolerance to natamycin, hydrocortisone or another component of the selected form of the drug;
  • there are skin pathologies such as ichthyosis or rosacea;
  • the cause of the skin disease is tuberculosis, a viral infection or syphilis;

  • there are open wound surfaces or sores on the skin;
  • there were post-vaccination skin changes;
  • have acne;
  • there is a tumor on the skin.

Side effects

In some children, skin treatment with Pimafucort causes:

  • Allergies, such as a reddening or burning reaction to a lubricated area.
  • It is extremely rare that the use of the drug leads to thinning of the skin, its atrophy, slow wound healing, perioral dermatitis, the appearance of stretch marks and other problems.
  • Withdrawal symptoms may occur after stopping treatment.

  • Very long-term use, treatment of a large area of ​​the skin, or a combination with an occlusive dressing can provoke the occurrence of systemic side effects of hydrocortisone (in such cases, the function of the adrenal cortex is suppressed).
  • Neomycin in medication can cause contact dermatitis.
  • If Pimafucort is applied to the skin around the eyes or eyelids, there is a risk of cataracts or increased intraocular pressure.

Instructions for use

The medication in the dose prescribed by the doctor is used to treat the affected skin two to four times during the day.

In childhood, Pimafukort is used to a limited extent. - the medicine should not be applied to a large area of ​​the skin, and the treated area should not be covered with an occlusive dressing.

The duration of the application of the ointment or cream is determined by the doctor, but usually the agent is not used for more than 14 days. If no improvement is observed after 2 weeks from the start of therapy, a second consultation with a doctor is required.

Overdose and drug interactions

The manufacturer does not provide any information about the incompatibility of Pimafucort or the dangers of such a drug in a very high dose.

Terms of sale and storage

No prescription is required to purchase any of the forms of Pimafucort. The average price of one tube of both cream and ointment is 500 rubles.

The shelf life of Pimafukort ointment is 5 years, and the drug in the form of a cream is 3 years. Storage of the medicine is recommended at temperatures up to +25 degrees in a place inaccessible to babies


The use of Pimafucort in children with atopic dermatitis, fungal infection of the skin, eczema and other problems is generally well answered. Mothers confirm the high effectiveness of such a medicine, and also name among its advantages fast absorption, lack of odor and long shelf life.

However, there are also negative reviews, which mention side effects, a large list of contraindications and the appearance of addiction. Among the shortcomings, the rather high cost of the product is also called, which is why they often look for an analogue cheaper.


Instead of Pimafucort, the doctor may prescribe another topical remedy. with a similar healing effect:

  • Advantan. Such a drug in the form of an ointment, emulsion or cream contains methylprednisolone. It is prescribed from 4 months of age.
  • Akriderm GK. The composition of this drug in the form of a cream and ointment, like Pimafucort, includes three components - the steroid betamethasone, the antifungal drug clotrimazole and the antibiotic gentamicin. In children, it can be used from 2 years old.

  • Candide B. Such a cream contains a hormonal component (beclamethasone) and a substance with an antifungal effect (clotrimazole). The drug can be administered to children of any age.
  • Triderm. The composition of such a medicine is identical to that of Akriderm GK. The drug is represented by both ointment and cream, and it is prescribed for children from the age of two.
  • Hyoxysone. This ointment contains hydrocortisone supplemented with a tetracycline antibiotic. In childhood, treatment with such a drug is allowed from 2 years old.

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