
Stodal for children: instructions for use

The attitude to homeopathic remedies both among doctors and among patients is different. Supporters of such treatment are confident in its effectiveness, while opponents, on the contrary, insist on the absence of any positive effect or even call it harmful to the patient's body.

However, many homeopathic recipes are actively used today. For example, a drug called Stodal is often used to combat coughs.

Release form

Stodal is produced by the famous French company Boiron in only one form, represented by caramel syrup. It has a yellow or yellow-brownish color, as well as a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. By its structure, the drug is slightly viscous, transparent.

One bottle contains 200 milliliters of syrup, and for easier dispensing, in addition to a glass bottle, there is also a measuring cap in the box. It is made of translucent plastic and has marks "5 ml" and "15 ml", which corresponds to single dosages for patients of different ages.


10 substances act as active components of Stodal. All of them are contained in syrup in an amount of 0.95 grams per 100 grams of solution, but their homeopathic dilution is different.

  • Ingredients such as Ipeca (an extract from Ipecacuana), Coccus cacti (a substance from an insect called Mexican cochineal), Spongia tosta (a substance from a sea sponge), Bryonia (an extract from the plant of the same name, also called a step) and Sticta pulmonaria (a substance from a lichen called pulmonary lobaria), there is a centesimal dilution of C3.
  • Components such as Pulsatilla (a lumbago extract), Myocarde (a homeopathic remedy used in cardiology), Antimonium tartaricum (a substance called emetic) and Rumex crispus (an extract from curled sorrel) are contained in a centesimal dilution of C6.
  • The substance obtained from the Drosera plant (this is the Latin name for sundew) is found in the syrup in the MT dilution.

In addition to these components, the preparation contains syrups from myroxilon (it is called tolu syrup) and istode (this plant is also called polygal). Each of these syrups in 100 g of the drug is represented by an amount of 19 g. They are supplemented with benzoic acid and caramel. In addition, Stodal contains 96% ethyl alcohol (0.34 g per 100 g of the product), and the remainder of the drug is sucrose syrup.

Operating principle

Stodal is a symptomatic remedy, since this homeopathic syrup is used to eliminate one of the symptoms - cough. As you know, this symptom is the body's defense against various harmful substances. It helps to get rid of phlegm and foreign particles trapped in the bronchi. At the same time, cough does not act as a separate disease, although in most cases it indicates the development of an infectious process in one of the parts of the respiratory tract. In addition, inflammation of the ENT organs or an allergic reaction is manifested by coughing.

The components in Stodal have a complex effect on cough, which helps to eliminate such a symptom, regardless of the reason that provoked it... In particular, the action of the emetic root is aimed at a spastic cough, substances from cochineal effectively affect coughing attacks with very thick sputum, and step and sorrel help to eliminate dry cough that occurs due to inhalation of frosty air or talking. The substances obtained from the sea sponge act on a barking unproductive cough, and pulmonary lichen helps to get rid of dry mucous membranes, inflammation of the trachea and dry coughing.

If the patient receiving Stodal has a dry cough, the drug:

  • soften irritated mucous membranes;
  • will reduce the manifestation of shortness of breath;
  • will reduce the activity of inflammation;
  • will accelerate the transition to a wet cough.

The use of such a remedy for a wet cough contributes to:

  • reducing the viscosity of the secret;
  • restoration of the self-cleaning mechanism of the bronchial tree;
  • elimination of sputum congestion in the lungs;
  • reduce swelling and inflammation activity;
  • faster recovery.


As already noted, the main reason for taking Stodal syrup is a cough, which can have a different nature. The drug is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, colds, bronchial asthma, allergic cough, reflex cough, ARVI, tuberculosis and other pathologies.

It can be given for a spastic, dry, or unproductive cough, when there is almost no phlegm or it is small and viscous. The drug is also prescribed for productive cough with the release of a large volume of sputum.

At what age is it allowed?

There are no age restrictions for the use of Stodal in children, but it is not worth giving this remedy to babies in the first years of life without medical supervision. Although it is classified as a harmless drug, and the official instruction does not exactly indicate the age from which Stodal can be used by children, any medicine should be given to young patients only after being examined by a pediatrician. In addition, since the syrup includes ethyl alcohol, it is undesirable to prescribe it to babies under one year old.


The use of Stodal syrup is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of such a product. There are no other contraindications for such a drug, but with hereditary pathologies of carbohydrate metabolism, such a remedy should not be given. In addition, in diabetes mellitus, the presence of sucrose syrup in the drug should be taken into account (a single dose for children contains 0.31 XE).

Side effects

In the annotation to the drug, no side effects are indicated, however, given its herbal composition, an allergic reaction is not excluded in young patients. If, after the first intake of syrup or after several days of treatment, the child feels any ailments, you should immediately inform the doctor about it. Most often, this is how individual sensitivity to the components of Stodal manifests itself, so the drug is canceled and another therapy is selected.

Instructions for use

The remedy is given to the child 3 to 5 times a day, dosing the syrup with a measuring cap. The children's dosage is considered 5 ml, that is, the liquid is taken up to the bottom mark on the cap ("5 ml"), after which the little patient is given a drink.

Duration of taking "Stodal" should be determined by the doctor, after all, it is enough for one child to take this remedy for only a few days, while another requires longer therapy.

If the patient has been receiving syrup for several days, and his condition does not improve, or, on the contrary, it becomes worse, a doctor's examination is required.


There were no cases when a child took an excessive amount of syrup, and this led to vomiting, abdominal pain or other negative symptoms, until this time. If this situation occurs, you should give the baby a sorbent and monitor his condition. If you feel unwell, a doctor's examination is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

The manufacturer does not mention the incompatibility of Stodal both with other homeopathic remedies and with medications from different groups. It is permissible to prescribe it in combination with other medicines, for example, together with antipyretics, if the child has a fever in addition to coughing.

Terms of sale

"Stodal" refers to non-prescription drugs, therefore it is sold in pharmacies to anyone who wishes. However, the purchase of such a drug for a child is recommended only after a medical consultation. The price of one bottle of syrup varies from 250 to 320 rubles.

Storage conditions

Shelf life of "Stodal" is 5 years, and the optimal storage temperature of the drug is in the range of 10-25 degrees. The bottle should be placed in a place hidden from small children, where it will not be exposed to high humidity or sunlight.

If the expiration date marked on the bottle has passed, the medication must be discarded.


There are a variety of reviews about the use of the homeopathic remedy "Stodal" in childhood. In some, the remedy is praised for its composition, pleasant smell and safety for children, and also a good therapeutic effect, in others - they argue that Stodal did not help with coughing, so they had to resort to other drugs.

Even in negative reviews, you can find complaints about too sweet taste, the presence of alcohol and sugar in the composition. In addition, the syrup is called quite expensive, so many mothers are interested in cheaper analogues.


Other remedies can replace Stodal when coughing, among which there are many herbal preparations. Your doctor may recommend one of the following options.

  • "Prospan"... The basis of this drug is an extract from ivy leaves, which has an expectorant effect. Such a medicine in the form of a syrup is used from birth, and drops are allowed to be given to a one-year-old baby and older. An analogue of this medication is Gedelix syrup, which is also available in drops.
  • "Stopussin Fito"... This medicine contains extracts of thyme, plantain and thyme, thanks to which the secretion of phlegm is facilitated. This syrup is in demand for bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and can be used in children over a year old.
  • "Herbion"... Cough syrups under this name contain various herbal extracts, for example, from the roots of primrose or plantain herb. Thanks to them, these drugs have the properties to liquefy the excessively viscous secretion of the bronchi. They are used in children from 2 years old.

  • "Bronchipret"... Such syrup is prescribed even to babies up to a year, since it is allowed from 3 months of age. It helps with coughs with overly viscous phlegm thanks to a combination of two herbal extracts - ivy and thyme. There is also "Bronchipret" in drops, but due to the higher concentration of extracts, it can be drunk from the age of 6.
  • "Dry cough mixture"... This product, which contains several herbal ingredients, is available in sachets and bottles. After diluting this mixture with water, the drug is given to children of different ages, including an infant, if the drug is recommended by a doctor.

Instead of "Stodal" for coughing, other drugs that do not include herbal raw materials can be used, for example, drugs based on acetylcysteine, bromhexine or ambroxol. If the cough is dry, the doctor may prescribe one of the medicines that affect the cough reflex - "Codelac", "Omnitus", "Sinekod" and so on.

All of these medicines help in the treatment of cough-related illnesses, but should not be used in children without a doctor's prescription.

For information on how to treat a child's cough, see the next video.

Watch the video: Cough Syrup? homeopathic cough syrup? खस क सबस बढय हमयपथ सरप! (July 2024).