
Bacteria in the urine (bacteriuria) in a child

If the study of the child's urine revealed bacteria, it is too early to panic, because the reason for this indicator could be violations of the collection of the sample for analysis. What is the evidence of the detection of microorganisms in children's urine, which is called bacteriuria? What should parents do if a large number of microbes are detected in the baby's urine?

Bacteriuria symptoms

Signs that may accompany urinary excretion of bacteria:

  • Pain over the pubis. They are usually aching, and when pressed in this area, they intensify, which is characteristic of cystitis, but they are also acute.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Changed color of urine.
  • Delayed urination.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Lethargy, decreased appetite and other symptoms of intoxication.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Pale skin.
  • Pain or burning while urinating.
  • Turbidity of urine.
  • The appearance in the urine of protein, leukocytes, mucus.

What is it?

Microorganisms are present in the child's body normally, but some of them are completely harmless, while others can cause infection when the immune system is weakened. An increased number of bacteria in the urine excreted by the child helps to identify the clinical analysis of urine. If more than 100 bacteria units were found in 1 ml of the test material, this condition already refers to bacteriuria.

Can bacteria be absent in the general analysis of urine, but present in the culture?

This may indeed be the case, since seeding is a more accurate study. This test involves placing a urine sample on a culture medium, and clinical analysis may not detect bacteria in the microscope's field of view.

The detection of microbes during sowing in an amount of more than 105 units per milliliter of urine confirms the infection of the organs of the excretory system.


A small amount of microorganisms present in the urethra and bladder always gets into the urine of healthy children. But in the ureters and kidneys, bacteria usually do not exist. It is the constant presence of non-pathogenic, opportunistic and pathogenic microbes that causes the appearance of inflammation during hypothermia, trauma, or weakened immunity.

In infants up to a year

It should be noted that there are always less bacteria in children's urine than in adults - up to 6 years of age, the excretion of bacteria in the urine is an extremely rare symptom and usually indicates a disease. Nevertheless, bacteriuria is possible in infants, since collecting urine for analysis in a sterile manner at this age can be difficult. For more reliable results, the collection is recommended to be carried out in special urine bags, and to bring urine for research within 2 hours after it.

Difficulties can also be presented by the fact that the symptoms characteristic of bacteriuria (anxiety, decreased appetite, high fever, lethargy, and others) are found in infants and in many other diseases. That is why the doctor should prescribe a blood and urine test for all babies with suspected illness.

Possible reasons

Most often, bacteriuria in a child is caused by inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract - urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and others. Poor hygiene, hypothermia, swimming in polluted water and other factors can lead to their appearance.

Another possible cause of bacteriuria is poorly collected material for analysis, when bacteria from the anal area or genitals of the child enter the urine sample.

E. Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician advises parents to use special urine bags purchased at a pharmacy to collect urine. This will avoid false results.

Komarovsky also fixes the attention of parents on the fact that the treatment of urinary tract infections is long-term. If, after a few days of taking the antibiotic, the child's condition has improved significantly, and the analysis has become good, you cannot stop using the medicine. In this case, bacteria will remain in the body, which over time will cause inflammation again, but now they will be resistant to the drug used.

What to do?

First of all, if bacteria were detected in the baby in the analysis of urine, the doctor will definitely give a referral for a second examination. At the same time, parents should make sure that the urine is collected in a sterile container, and that the child's genitals are well washed before collection. If the retake of the analysis has confirmed bacteriuria, the doctor will prescribe the baby additional examination methods, among which there will be a Nechiporenko analysis, kidney ultrasound, blood test, urine culture tank.


Based on the examination of the baby and the test results, the doctor selects the treatment necessary in a particular situation. Parents should not give their child anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and other drugs until the diagnosis is clarified. The pediatrician or urologist will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic and other medications for the child. Parents can only give the baby a drug of the antispasmodic group.


Urinary tract infections are often caused by poor hygiene practices. For example, girls should be washed only from the side of the vagina towards the anal area. In the same way, you need to wipe the child with paper or a napkin after a bowel movement. This will prevent the ingress of microbes from the intestines to the baby's genitals, from where they can easily get into the urethra and higher along the urinary tract.

In adolescence, hypothermia is a common cause of inflammation of the urethra, bladder and other parts of the excretory system. Children tend to follow fashion and often dress not for the weather, and if the weather is not hot, a bare stomach can cause colds and inflammations. In addition, sex can also cause urinary tract infections in adolescents.

Another measure for the prevention of diseases of the urinary system is a regular urine test, because quite often infections occur without any alarming symptoms. The child may also be unable to explain his feelings or be ashamed. That is why a general urinalysis is recommended for all children once a year.

Watch the video: Urinary Tract Infection UTI In Children Symptoms, Diagnosis u0026 Treatment (July 2024).