
Peach oil for children: how to use

The peach kernel contains an oblong, bitter core from which the valuable peach oil is extracted. It is used both in cosmetology and for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Sometimes this oil is prescribed to children, so mothers are interested in its properties and application in childhood.


The basis of the oil, which is extracted from peach kernels, is fatty acids, mainly unsaturated ones, among which there are many linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids. In addition, such a product is rich in carotenoids, amygdalin, vitamin A, pectins, potassium, iron, vitamin E, phosphorus, various trace elements and other useful substances.

Thanks to this composition, the oil is capable of:

  • moisturize the skin well, make it more elastic, velvety and tender;
  • provide the skin with protection from various aggressive influences (frost, sun, wind);
  • eliminate dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • restore normal skin color and protect it from the appearance of pigmentation;
  • accelerate skin recovery in case of inflammation and sunburn;
  • stimulate the growth of nails and strengthen them;
  • it is well absorbed into the skin, therefore it is often used as a basis for massage products;
  • eliminate dry and brittle hair, as well as prevent hair loss;
  • regulate the water-lipid balance of the skin.

Is it used for children?

There is no age limit for the use of peach oil. Such the product is often recommended for the treatment of baby skin, including newborns... Irritation and redness of the baby's delicate skin is not uncommon, therefore, ointments, powders, foams, creams and other means that help relieve the baby from uncomfortable sensations certainly appear in the home medicine cabinet of young parents.

To lubricate the sensitive skin of a toddler, you can take any product from a rich assortment of pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, but natural oils always have an advantage, because they are of natural origin, contain useful ingredients, and rarely provoke allergic reactions.

Peach oil is one of the most popular, but before using it in a child under one year old or in older children, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician, as well as to make a sensitivity test.

When and how is it used?

The oil obtained from peach kernels is not a medicine, but belongs to cosmetics. It is produced by various companies (Elfarma, Aspera, GalenoPharm, Mirra, Oleos, etc.) and is sold in bottles of 25, 30, 50 or 100 ml... Usually the product is cold pressed and looks like a light yellow oily substance with a light pleasant smell and mild taste.

There are both pure oil, which is the only ingredient, and products with added nutrients, such as vitamin C, corn oil, rosemary extract, or tocopherol acetate. Such additional components protect the oil base from rancidity and have a positive effect on the skin - increase protection against free radicals and ultraviolet radiation, whiten, slow down aging, and increase local immunity.

Peach oil is in demand for the care of the skin and hair of children... In a small amount, it is applied to the desired area and rubbed with light massage movements. Such the product is in demand for massage and various cosmetic procedures, as it facilitates the sliding of hands, effectively relieves dryness, makes the skin more elastic and elastic, and also strengthens the skin vessels and cleanses the pores.

The oil can be used for any skin type, but it is especially useful if it is sensitive, which is why such a remedy is popular among mothers of babies.

At the same time, peach oil can be used both in pure form and in combination with other oily substances, for example, it is permissible to mix it with grape seed oil or avocado, almond oil.

In addition, peach kernel oil can be used as a base for a variety of essential oil products.

It is important to remember that there are limitations for the use of other oils in childhood, therefore, before mixing several products to create a massage mixture or remedy, it is recommended to consult a doctor and get advice.

Peach oil is also used for various skin pathologies, for example, for eczema, allergic dermatoses, psoriasis and other skin diseases. The use of such oil for wounds and burns not only speeds up the healing processbut also helps reduce the risk of scarring and scarring. Babies have it used in the treatment of diaper rashas well as other skin problems. The product is applied to the baby's skin after bathing, treating the inflamed area. During prevention, those places are lubricated, which are more affected by unfavorable factors (buttocks, neck).

ENT doctors may prescribe peach oil to drip into the nose as for a runny nose and sinusitis, and for their prevention, in order to remove crusts and protect the mucous membrane from severe dryness. Having dripped one drop of such a product into each nostril, then wipe the oil with a cotton flag, thereby cleansing the baby's nose.

Besides, the doctor may advise to drip peach seed oil into the ears for otitis media... For this application, the agent is slightly warmed up and used twice a day for pain.

Potential harm

As mentioned above, before using peach seed oil in childhood, you should definitely talk to your pediatrician. In addition, you should check the expiration date of the purchased product. It is usually 2 or 3 years old and is marked on the box, and it is recommended to store peach oil at temperatures from +5 to +25 degrees.

It is important to know that such a remedy is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, which can manifest itself as a rash, redness and other unpleasant reaction.

In order to prevent allergies, it is recommended to lubricate the skin in the elbow area with a drop of the product or drip it on the auricle before using it, and after 1-2 hours check if any adverse changes have appeared. Only after such a test can the child's skin be treated with peach oil or it can be used in another way prescribed by the doctor.

Feedback from parents

You can see mostly good reviews about the use of peach oil in infants and older children. They tell us that such a product perfectly moisturizes and protects the skin. The main advantages of the product include its naturalness, versatility and good tolerance.

Many mothers call the cost of oil affordable, since one bottle costs an average of 100-150 rubles. Any disadvantages of such a tool are usually not noted.

For more information on the properties of peach oil, see the next video.

Watch the video: Are Essential Oils Safe for Babies and Children? (July 2024).