
What do 8 points on CTG mean?

It is very important to know how the baby is feeling in the mother's tummy. For this, doctors use various methods. One of these studies is CTG. The result obtained often confuses expectant mothers. This article tells about what the 8 points established by CTG mean.

How is the assessment done?

This research method is truly unique. The doctor can obtain the necessary information about the condition of the child, even without conducting any invasive examinations. It is very comfortable and very portable. This contributed to the great popularity of it during pregnancy.

During the examination, the doctor determines how often the baby's heart beats, as well as how the walls of his mother's uterus contract. Using this method, you can also determine the state of motor activity of the fetus.

The uniqueness of this study is also in the fact that it can be carried out at various periods of bearing a baby. It can be performed even directly during childbirth. Such monitoring allows you to determine the viability of the baby, as well as timely identify various violations of labor.

Experts believe that pathological disorders are best determined at 32-34 weeks of intrauterine development of the baby. During this period, the baby, who is in the tummy, develops its own daily cycles of motor activity. So, in the first half of the day, he is more active. Also, the baby can be active in the evening, after 19-20 hours.

To determine the indicators under study, doctors use a special device with a sensor. It is strengthened on the tummy of the expectant mother. You should not be afraid of this study. It does not bring any soreness or discomfort. The calmer the woman is during the examination, the better her child will tolerate it.

The place for the application of special sensors is not chosen randomly. Previously, with the help of a stethoscope, the doctor will determine the best place to listen to the baby's heartbeats. This will help you get more accurate results.

During the examination, ultrasonic waves are used. You can see the graphic image on the monitor of the device. Decryption of the obtained values ​​is carried out in one minute.

To assess the indicators, doctors use a special scale. A variety of measured indicators are entered into it. These include: variability, acceleration, active baby movements, deceleration, and basal rhythm.

Each of the assessed indicators is assigned its own number of points. Ultimately, they are summed up, and the final result is obtained. It is he who is assessed by the doctor.

Many expectant mothers are trying to independently decipher the values ​​obtained. It should be noted right away that this is very difficult. In order not to be mistaken, you need to consult a specialist.

How does it stand for?

The Fisher scale, which is used in this study, is used in different countries of the world. Each of the clinical indicators under study included in it is assigned from zero to two points. Then they add up to create another measurable parameter called fetal health indicator (FFR) by specialists.

In order to understand how the interpretation of the results obtained will be carried out, it is necessary to talk about what the estimated indicators are. The average heart rate is also called basal rhythm... They indicate how often the baby's heart beats.

The next measured indicator is variability. Specialists distinguish several clinical types - short-term and long-term. The results obtained are further significantly influenced by the autonomic nervous system. If your baby's heart rate is variable, then this is a good sign. Its decline is already an unfavorable sign.

Deviations from the basal rhythm by 15 or more beats are called acceleration... They are usually assessed within 10 minutes.

Deceleration - a decrease in the basal rhythm by 15 or more beats per minute, which also lasts at least 15 seconds. This condition can be compensatory if it occurs after a period of fetal activity.

To assess the pathology, spontaneous slowdowns of the baby's heart rate that occur during the mother's rest period are necessarily taken into account. The appearance of this clinical sign already requires a more thorough diagnosis.

The baby at a certain stage of his intrauterine development already begins to actively respond to various external stimuli. Acceleration appears on such an impact. This reaction is completely physiological and indicates the normal development of the child in the mother's tummy.

A comprehensive assessment of the obtained values ​​is carried out taking into account the following indicators:

  • In a normal state of pregnancy, the basal rhythm should be in the range of 120-159 in 60 seconds. This indicator is very important to evaluate when a woman is in a calm state.
  • Rhythm variability during normal pregnancy should be in the range of 10 to 25 beats in 60 seconds.
  • In ten minutes, the number of accelerations should normally be two or more.
  • With normal pregnancy, deceleration is not recorded.

These indicators are recorded if the course of pregnancy is developing well. Various pathologies lead to the fact that these indicators change.

If only one assessed parameter changes, then this still cannot be assessed as some serious violation. Assessment is comprehensive... That is why these indicators are summed up. In the future, only their sum is estimated.

It is important to note that the timing of the study is very important. If it is performed earlier than 32 weeks of gestation, some of the studied parameters may be changed. A shorter period of intrauterine development of a baby is manifested by lower variability.

What does this result mean?

8/10 points obtained as a result of the conducted research are very good indicators. This indicates that the process of intrauterine development of the child is proceeding as it should.

8/9 points obtained after the study at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy also means that the expectant mother and her baby there are no serious pathologies.

The sum of the obtained values ​​may be different. Obstetricians-gynecologists note that nowadays, less and less often during studies in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the PSP is 8/10 points. Such a normal result is an indication for further monitoring of the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Reducing it to 7/8 points already requires a more attentive attitude. In such a situation, the expectant mother may be assigned auxiliary research methods that require the exclusion of pathologies in the course of her pregnancy. In this case, repeated cardiotocography may be required.

How to save the result?

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of what to do to ensure that CTG indicators remain good until the very birth. First of all, you should not focus too much on the cardiotocography being performed.

For a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the expectant mother and her baby, other studies can also be carried out. One of them is an ultrasound scan or the appointment of laboratory tests. The indications for their implementation are established by the attending physician, who monitors the course of pregnancy.

8/10 points obtained on CTG is a good result. In order to support this, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her daily routine. The closer the delivery is, the more closely you should monitor your nutrition and daily schedule.

Regular walks in the fresh air will help provide the body of the expectant mother and her baby with oxygen. This will help keep the baby's physical activity at the proper level. The duration of the walk should not be less than 30-40 minutes.

Limiting psycho-emotional stress and intense physical activity is also very important. You can understand the excitement of a future mother before childbirth.

However, it is always worth remembering that the baby in the final period of his intrauterine development feels very well any mood of his mother. In order for the indicators of the baby's heart activity and physical activity to remain within the normal range, the expectant mother should not be very nervous and worried.

For information on why it is necessary to do CTG during pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Ctg interpretation - Normal CTG (July 2024).