
"Genferon" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Treatment while waiting for the baby can be dangerous, as many drugs penetrate the fetus and can harm its development. Therefore, it is best to be examined before conception and get rid of all dangerous ailments, for example, from infections of the genitourinary system.

Many miscarriages in the first trimester are due precisely to an infectious cause. If the disease worsens at a later date, it is likely that the pathogen will get to the baby during childbirth. And therefore, pregnant women who have not got rid of the infection at the planning stage have to take drugs that affect pathogenic microorganisms and immunity. One of them is Genferon.

Features of the drug

In the pharmacy chain "Genferon" is presented in the form of suppositories, which have a white-yellowish color and a cylindrical shape. They are sold in packs of 5 or 10 and come in three dosages. The active ingredients of "Genferon" are alpha-2b interferon, benzocaine and taurine. The content of taurine in all candles is 10 mg, and benzocaine is 55 mg. But the dosage of interferon is different, and can be 250 thousand, 500 thousand or 1,000,000 IU.

A drug called "Genferon Light" is produced separately. One of its forms are also candles, which differ from the usual "Genferon" in both composition and dosage. These suppositories do not contain benzocaine. Taurine is presented in a dose of 5 mg, and the content of alpha-2b interferon is 125 or 250 thousand IU in one candle.

In addition, Genferon Light is also produced in liquid forms. Nasal drops with this name are intended for patients under 14 years of age, so they are not used in adults. Pregnant women can be prescribed a nasal spray, since it is it that is prescribed for adult patients.

This medicine is sold in dark bottles containing 100 doses of the medicine. Its active ingredients are the same as in Genferon Light candles. One spray dose contains 1 mg of taurine and 50 thousand IU of interferon.

Operating principle

The interferon present in all forms of "Genferon" has antiviral and antimicrobial activity, and is also able to stimulate immunity. Under its influence, phagocytes, T-helpers and natural killer cells become more active, and B-lymphocytes develop more intensively.

The drug activates the cells of all layers of the mucous membrane, which helps to quickly eliminate pathological foci and ensures the normal production of immunoglobulin A, which is called secretory. Besides, under the influence of interferon, the reproduction of viral particles and chlamydia is inhibited.

The second ingredient in suppositories and liquid forms, taurine, stimulates healing and tissue repair, strengthens membranes, and has antioxidant properties. It also reduces the activity of inflammation and protects liver cells.

Benzocaine, which is present only in "Genferon" in the form of suppositories, is a local anesthetic... Under its influence, the permeability of the cell walls changes, which leads to blocking the conduction of pain impulses along the nerves.

Suppositories can be used rectally or vaginally. In this case, interferon actively penetrates the tissues of the rectum or vagina, after which it enters the lymphatic system, which determines its systemic action.

But with the intranasal application of liquid "Genferon Light", mainly local effects are provided. Such a solution creates a high concentration of active substances in the foci of infection in the nasopharynx, and systemic absorption of the drug is minimal.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the instructions to "Genferon" it is noted that such suppositories are contraindicated in the early stages, but can be used from 13 weeks of gestation as directed by a doctor. The specialist will assess whether such a drug is needed in the second trimester, and if its use is advisable, then he will prescribe suppositories to the expectant mother. In the third trimester, "Genferon" is also allowed, but only after a medical examination.

The same recommendations are provided for "Genferon Light" candles. As for the spray, its use is permissible at any stage of pregnancy, since the active components of this form of the drug do not penetrate the fetus and do not in any way affect its development in the first weeks of gestation. Wherein independent use of any of the forms of "Genferon" is undesirable.

When is it prescribed?

Suppositories are used if a woman has:

  • genital herpes infection;
  • active ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • an infection caused by mycoplasmas;
  • genital candidiasis with frequent relapses;
  • human papillomavirus infection;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes;
  • mixed vulvovaginitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • cervicitis.

The reason for using the spray "Genferon Light" in pregnant women is the flu or other respiratory infection caused by viruses. If a woman has been in contact with a sick person, the medication can also be prescribed prophylactically.


In addition to the first trimester, the use of "Genferon" is also prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the candles. If the expectant mother has autoimmune or allergic diseases, the drug is prescribed with increased caution. If a woman has any chronic diseases or problems with bearing, the issue of treatment with "Genferon" is considered on an individual basis. For the use of candles "Light" contraindications are the same, and for the use of the spray, an additional limitation will be nosebleeds.

Side effects

In some patients, the use of "Genferon" causes a skin rash or other allergic reaction. In addition, local irritation symptoms are possible, such as itching or burning after insertion of the suppository inside the vagina. As a rule, all unpleasant manifestations disappear within 1-3 days after drug withdrawal.

In rare cases, during treatment, headaches, fatigue, muscle pains, loss of appetite, increased sweating, fever and other negative symptoms are observed. They can indicate both an intolerance to the medication and an overestimated dosage, therefore, if you experience any ailments, you should consult your doctor.

Instructions for use

Women in the Genferon position are usually prescribed intravaginally, but rectal administration is also acceptable. The suppository, released from the packaging, is injected into the vagina twice a day in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, which depends on the severity of the infection and inflammation. The duration of therapy should also be established by a specialist, but most often the course of "Genferon" application is 10 days. If the disease is chronic, the agent can be used according to other schemes, for example, application every other day for one month.

"Genferon Light" in candles in pregnant women is used in a dosage of 250 thousand IU of interferon per candle. The medicine, like the usual "Genferon", can be administered both into the rectum and vaginally. The frequency of use of the drug in most cases is twice a day, at intervals of 12 hours. A single dosage is one suppository, and the duration of treatment is usually 10 days.

"Genferon Light" in the form of a spray is sprayed into the nasal cavity. One press releases one dose of the drug. At the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections and colds, the expectant mother is injected with the drug in a dose into each nostril three times a day.

The course of treatment often lasts 5 days. If the medication is used prophylactically, with hypothermia or after contact with a patient with acute respiratory viral infections, the solution is sprayed in the same dosage twice a day for 5-7 days.


Instead of "Genferon", the doctor can prescribe other medicines for a woman in a position, containing interferon. These include "Grippferon", "Kipferon", "Viferon". They have a similar effect on the body, so such drugs are in demand for the same diseases. They come in the form of suppositories, gel, ointment, spray and nasal drops. It is forbidden to use such medicines in the 1st trimester, and in 2-3 trimesters they should be used only as directed by a specialist.


On the use of "Genferon" and the drug "Genferon Light" during the waiting period for the baby, they respond mostly positively. Women note the harmlessness of such drugs for the fetus, good tolerance, effective action. However, sometimes you can read negative reviews, in which they complain that the drug did not help. This occurs in chronic and severe diseases, when stronger medications are required.