
"Lidocaine" during pregnancy: indications and application features

Lidocaine is one of the most popular pain relievers. It is used in the practice of dentists, surgeons and gynecologists. Unfortunately, the need for anesthesia may arise during pregnancy, but the use of anesthetics in expectant mothers has many limitations.

What it is?

Lidocaine is produced in many dosage forms.

  • Injection solution. This sterile liquid is odorless or colorless and is sold in ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml. It contains 10, 20 or 100 mg of active substance in 1 ml and is intended for intravenous or intramuscular injections.
  • Spray. In such "Lidocaine", a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid is placed in plastic / glass bottles, supplemented with a spray nozzle. One bottle contains 340 or 650 doses of a medicine with a menthol scent.
  • Eye drops. This version of the anesthetic is in demand in ophthalmology and is sold in dropper tubes of 1.3 or 1.5 ml, as well as in 5 ml bottles. The concentration of the active substance in such a solution is 2 or 4%.

The action of all these types of drugs is provided by lidocaine hydrochloride, and the inactive substances in them differ. In the injection form, in addition to the active ingredient, there is sterile water and sodium chloride, in the spray - sodium saccharin, menthol, water, sodium hydroxide, ethanol and propylene glycol, in the eye drops - water, benzethonium chloride and sodium chloride. The drugs are dispensed by prescription and stored at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees.

Operating principle

Lidocaine is a group of local anesthetics. Such a drug acts quite intensively and for a long time, which makes it stand out among its analogues and provides great popularity in many areas of medicine.

First of all, the medication is used for various types of local anesthesia - conduction, infiltration, epidural and terminal anesthesia. He is able to block the emergence and conduct of pain impulses. Local use of the drug also promotes vasodilation, but does not irritate the mucous membrane or skin. When "Lidocaine" is applied to the skin or mucous membranes, the analgesic effect appears after 1-5 minutes and lasts up to 1 hour.

In addition to the anesthetic effect, Lidocaine is also noted for its ability to stabilize membranes. In addition, it is an effective antiarrhythmic drug that helps to eliminate various types of ventricular rhythm disturbances, for example, fibrillation, tachycardia and extrasystole.

Is it allowed for expectant mothers?

The use of "Lidocaine" in expectant mothers is decided individually. The drug is considered harmful to the fetus in any dosage form, therefore, if possible, they try to refuse it, but sometimes it is difficult to do without such a medication... In such situations, the need for anesthesia with "Lidocaine" should be determined by a specialist.

In the 1st trimester, this medication is usually abandoned. The initial period of pregnancy is the most important, because at this time the main organs of the baby are laid. Therefore, drugs that have entered the mother's bloodstream can cause irreparable consequences for the fetus.

If a woman needs to undergo some kind of surgical procedure in which anesthesia with "Lidocaine" is necessary, but it is possible to postpone the manipulation for a while, it is better to postpone it to the second trimester. Exposure to anesthetic in the first trimester (especially before the 8th week) can affect the growth of the embryo and provoke anomalies in its development.

In addition, "Lidocaine" has the property of enhancing the contractility of the uterus, so the use of the drug in the early stages may result in termination of pregnancy.

For this reason, the drug is prescribed in the 1st trimester only for vital indications, when it cannot be done without it.

The second trimester is less dangerous from the point of view of the influence of drug treatment, since the placenta protects the fetus during this period. The need for pain relief in mid-pregnancy often arises during dental treatment. If a woman cannot withstand dental procedures without an anesthetic, the use of "Lidocaine" is possible in a minimum dosage. In this case, the doctor must correlate all the risks and benefits, and if a safer drug can be used, then choose it.

In the 3rd trimester, as well as in the 2nd, the use of "Lidocaine" is undesirable... In the later stages, the medication is allowed only in case of emergency, because it can cause premature birth and other problems. If the operation or other procedure cannot be postponed until the postpartum period, it is permissible to carry out it under "Lidocaine", but the condition of the woman and the fetus should be carefully monitored by specialists.

When is it prescribed?

Most often "Lidocaine" is used for anesthesia during a variety of surgical interventions and procedures. Gynecologists use this drug for various manipulations, for example, if a woman needs to install a pessary or suture the cervix.

Dentists use Lidocaine for pain relief during dental caries treatment and tooth extraction. The spray is sprayed onto the mucous membrane of the mouth before injection anesthesia, suturing, removing tartar, installing dentures or crowns, the solution is injected into the gum. ENT doctors can prescribe "Lidocaine" for manipulations and operations in the nasal area.

Ophthalmologists prescribe an anesthetic to expectant mothers for surgical manipulations in the field of vision. Traumatologists, surgeons and neurologists use "Lidocaine" for nerve blockade, treatment of wounds and burns, superficial anesthesia during interventions on the skin and muscles. The drug is prescribed for sprains, dislocations and other injuries.

Another option for using the injection solution is to add it to antibacterial drugs, the injections of which are very painful. However, from the standpoint of safety during pregnancy, such use of "Lidocaine" is undesirable. Many women use the spray during depilation, but because of the high risk to the fetus, this option should also be abandoned.


Treatment with "Lidocaine" is prohibited if a woman has:

  • found individual hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • the uterus is in hypertonicity;
  • have serious kidney or liver disease;
  • revealed bradycardia;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system were diagnosed.

Side effects

When injected, "Lidocaine" can cause skin itching, hypotension, insomnia, shortness of breath, headache, weakness, digestive problems and other negative symptoms. Spraying can cause tingling, redness, swelling, hives, and other local reactions.

Any negative phenomena during the use of the drug must certainly be recorded by a doctor and eliminated in time so that they do not affect the condition of the fetus.

Instructions for use

Lidocaine injections are used in emergency cases at a dose that is calculated for each woman separately, taking into account her body weight. A medical professional should inject a pregnant woman. "Lidocaine" in the form of a spray is applied externally, and the dosage is also determined individually. During pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe a dose that will provide satisfactory anesthesia, but will be minimal. Dentists usually use 1-3 sprays, ENT doctors use 1-4 strokes, gynecologists use 4-5 sprays.


The use of "Lidocaine" is mostly well received. Women who had a chance to use such a remedy during the period of bearing a child, note its quick action, effectiveness, and an affordable price. Among the disadvantages of the drug indicate harm to the fetus, the risk of side effects. Spray "Lidocaine" is called a convenient, inexpensive and effective agent.


Instead of "Lidocaine", the doctor may prescribe the expectant mother "Novocaine". Injections of this anesthetic drug are prescribed for neuralgia, high blood pressure, surgical procedures, and joint diseases. In the form of suppositories "Novocain" is used for hemorrhoids or anal fissures. During pregnancy, such a medicine can be used, but with increased caution.

In dentistry, when removing teeth and treating caries, "Lidocaine" is replaced by an anesthetic called Ultracaine. This medication can also be used for fracture reduction, local anesthesia, or perineal stitches. Animal studies have not shown the harmful effects of Ultracaine on the fetus, but its use in humans during pregnancy is recommended only after a careful assessment of the risks and benefits.

In case of neuralgia or injuries, Versatis can be used instead of Lidocaine in the form of a spray. This is a plaster with lidocaine, which is attached to the place of greatest pain once a day. The medication can be used in pregnant women only as directed by a doctor.

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