
Sage during pregnancy: application features

Healing plants are considered to be effective and safe, but their use can be harmful for some diseases, as well as during the period of waiting for a child. And therefore, expectant mothers cannot thoughtlessly use any infusions, decoctions or herbal remedies without first consulting a doctor.

There are situations when they do not bring the expected benefits, but can worsen the condition of the pregnant woman and pose a danger to the life of the crumbs in the tummy. One of the plants with which a woman in a position should be especially careful is sage. Infusion, tea, tablets and other products with such a component are widely used in dentistry and other fields of medicine. However, there are limitations when expecting a child for such treatment.

Beneficial features

Sage leaves are rich in various compounds, including tannins, vitamins P, B, C, A, ursolic acid, flavonoids, essential oils, phytoncides and other substances. Thanks to this composition, sage-based medicines can:

  • reduce the activity of inflammation by reducing the permeability of cell membranes and vascular walls;
  • inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, some viruses and harmful fungi;
  • affect the mucous membranes, as a result of which a surface protective layer is formed (this action is called astringent);
  • promote the separation of phlegm and relieve coughing.

Release form

The pharmacy sells herbal raw materials consisting only of sage herb. It is based on crushed leaves with a small addition of petioles, flowers and stems. This sage has a green-gray or green-brown color and a pronounced aroma. The dried plant is sold in packs from 30 to 300 grams, as well as in portioned filter bags of 1.5 g, intended for brewing tea.

A decoction or infusion prepared from such sage is in demand for rinsing the mouth and throat, washing wounds and inhalations.

Can be purchased separately lozenges and lozenges, which include to antiseptic agents. Such preparations contain dry extract, as well as oil extracted from sage. Sugar, flavors, dyes, sorbitol and other substances are added to them so that the lollipops and tablets taste good.

They are recommended to dissolve for various diseases of the throat, but the instructions for use prohibit such funds during pregnancy.

In addition, there are preparations in which sage is present only as one of the active substances, for example, solution "Stomatofit", acting on the mucous membrane of the mouth due to extracts of thyme, chamomile, mint, oak bark, sage, calamus and arnica. Another herbal remedy containing sage, string, marigold, eucalyptus, licorice, and chamomile is Elekasol.

Such a drug is intended for rinsing, lotions and inhalation.

Is it allowed for expectant mothers?

Since many medicines are prohibited while carrying a child, expectant mothers often prefer safer, in their opinion, herbal preparations, decoctions and tinctures. However, in relation to sage, this can be an unforgivable mistake, because such a plant has properties that are undesirable during pregnancy.

  • In the early stages, sage can prevent the ovum from implanting into the wall of the uterus, because it reduces the level of progesterone, which is important for supporting pregnancy. Sage infusions are often used to stimulate ovulation, since this herb is a source of phytohormones. But in this case, it is important to stop taking it in the second half of the cycle.
  • Due to the intake of sage, uterine bleeding can begin, which threatens to terminate the pregnancy. In addition, under the influence of such a plant, contractions of the uterus arise or intensify, therefore, in the first trimester, sage can cause a miscarriage, and the use of decoction, tea or infusion in the second or third trimester can provoke childbirth ahead of time.
  • Sage can cause an increase in blood pressure, which is especially dangerous if a woman already has symptoms of hypertension or preeclampsia has begun at a later date. In addition, such a plant threatens the development of blood thickening, thrombosis, placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia, as it disrupts blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta.

It should be noted that all these properties, which are dangerous for gestation, are inherent only in those sage-based products that are taken internally. It is for this reason that drinking an infusion, making tea with sage, taking a decoction, dissolving tablets and lozenges during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Local use of sage products is acceptable.

How and when can you use it during pregnancy?

External treatment with infusions and decoctions is used for skin diseases. If the expectant mother has eczema or dermatitis develops, she can use compresses for which a sage decoction is prepared. Infusion applications help with long-term healing wounds. For swelling of the legs or arms, as well as for varicose veins, you can also do foot baths. Usually, to relieve the condition and relieve fatigue, it is enough to hold your feet in a warm broth of sage for about 10-15 minutes.

Sage rinses of the mouth are in demand for various dental diseases. They help to remove the unpleasant symptoms of stomatitis, relieve pain in case of gum disease. For procedures, use 1/2 cup of warm infusion. The frequency of rinsing can be up to 5 times a day, and the duration of treatment is about a week.

Gargling with sage throat is prescribed with an inflammatory process in this area, as well as with a cough. The plant promotes the rapid healing of laryngitis, tonsillitis and similar diseases. The manipulation is carried out with 100 ml of infusion, which should be slightly warm. Gargle should be 3-5 times during the day, and the duration of therapy should be checked with a doctor.

Another way to use sage for coughing is inhalation... They soften the lining of the throat and help relieve dry coughs. Treatments are performed using a steam inhaler or a regular pot (but not in a nebulizer). After brewing a little dry sage, you need to breathe in pairs for about 10 minutes.


To make the right sage broth, which during pregnancy, we recall, is used only externally, take 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry leaves and 100 ml of water. After pouring the leaves into a saucepan and pouring them with water, the container is put on fire, the liquid is allowed to boil, and then cooled. After wetting gauze in the prepared broth, it is applied to the inflamed areas 2-3 times a day.

For the preparation of water infusion is used 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plant materials and 200 ml of water. The ingredients are placed in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After cooling the solution and filtering it, add so much water that a volume of 200 ml eventually comes out. If filter bags are used, then 3-4 bags are poured with 100 ml of boiling water, left for 15 minutes, squeezed well and water is added, so that the result is 100 ml of infusion.


Women who used sage during pregnancy for rinsing, lotions and inhalation respond positively to this medicinal plant. They note a good effect, no side effects, an affordable price of plant materials.

Doctors also speak mostly well of such a remedy, but they emphasize that it is forbidden to take sage orally in any dose while carrying a child. Doctors emphasize that the use of medicinal herbs will not always benefit the female body. Therefore, they warn pregnant women who decide that plants are more beneficial than medications for such therapy.

According to doctors, herbal medicine is an effective way of treatment and therefore decoctions, tinctures and infusions also have different contraindications. They are especially dangerous for patients who have a tendency to allergies, because plant materials are often a serious allergen.

We also note that there are cases when the expectant mother unknowingly drank tea with sage and there were no negative consequences after that. but the risk of the influence of such a plant on the course of pregnancy is quite high. And if it does not harm some women, then for others it can cause serious consequences.

And therefore sage should not be taken orally during pregnancy... And even if the doctor allowed a woman in a position to rinse with a decoction of such a plant, the procedures must be carried out very carefully so as not to allow the agent to be swallowed and its harmful effects on the uterus.

For the beneficial properties of sage, see the next video.

Watch the video: Whats safe during sex when pregnant? Parents (July 2024).