
"Citramon" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Headache worries expectant mothers quite often. This is due to changes in the vascular system during carrying a baby, and with a change in hormonal levels. The consequence of the increased load on the blood vessels of the head is quite intense pain. In addition, a pregnant woman can catch a virus or catch a cold, which causes her temperature to rise, aching joints, a sore throat, and so on.

And if before the “interesting position” the woman used “Citramon” to combat such symptoms, then it is not worth thoughtlessly to take such a remedy with an eye on the baby in the stomach. If the general condition of the expectant mother has deteriorated, before looking for pills in the home medicine cabinet, you need to make sure that they will not harm the baby in the womb.

Features of the drug

Citramon is a popular non-narcotic pain reliever with a combined composition. Its ingredients not only reduce the sensation of pain, but also have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Previously, the composition of the drug was slightly different, but one of the components called phenacetin was banned from using, as it negatively affected the kidneys.

This is how the modern version of the drug appeared, in the name of which the letter "P" was added. It is represented by brown colored round tablets. They are sold either in cell casings or in plastic jars. Any "Citramon P" includes three active ingredients at once:

  • acetylsalicylic acid at a dosage of 240 mg;
  • paracetamol in the amount of 180 mg;
  • caffeine, the dose of which in 1 tablet is 30 mg.

There is also "Citramon P forte" with an increased dosage of the same components (320, 240 and 40 mg, respectively), "Citramon-Borimed" with slightly different doses of active substances (220, 200 and 27 mg, respectively) and "Citramon-LekT" with reduced dosage of caffeine (27 mg).

Separately produced tablets in a shell called "Citramon Ultra", which are easy to swallow due to the smooth surface and oblong shape. They also contain slightly less caffeine (27 mg) in comparison with the standard "Citramon P". In addition, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva produces an analogue in capsules called Citramon-ExtraCap.

How does it work?

The components of "Citramon" enhance each other's influence and provide a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • thanks to acetylsalicylic acid, which we also know as aspirin, the drug is able to reduce pain caused by inflammation, as well as lower body temperature;
  • due to caffeine, the drug normalizes the tone of the vessels of the brain and increases the blood flow in them, and also activates the work of brain cells;
  • the presence of paracetamol in a tablet or capsule provides an additional analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Taking into account the described effect of the drug, it becomes clear that the reason for using "Citramon" is one of these symptoms:

  • headache;
  • toothache;
  • muscle pain;
  • fever;
  • neuralgia;
  • migraine;
  • joint pain.

Is it allowed for pregnant women?

According to doctors, "Citramon" is not the best option for the drug for headache and toothache during gestation, since its components are unsafe for the fetus. There are limitations for taking such a medicine, depending on the risks to the child and on the gestational age.

1 trimester

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is prohibited to take "Citramon". The most harmful component of tablets and capsules is acetylsalicylic acid. She has a teratogenic effect, that is, such a compound can cause malformations and fetal death.

One of the common disorders triggered by aspirin taken in the first trimester is cleft palate, also known as cleft palate or cleft lip. With this pathology, the processes of the jaw do not grow together, therefore, after childbirth, a cleft in the middle of the palate is found in the child. The problem is solved with surgery at 3-6 months or later.

Aspirin also increases the risk of bleeding due to blood thinning. If the vessels of the expectant mother are weak, and the tone of the uterus is increased, taking "Citramon" can provoke uterine bleeding, which will result in impaired fetal development due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Caffeine is also considered harmful for early pregnancy. According to various sources, this substance can slow down the development of crumbs, and also adversely affect the cardiac activity of the fetus. Because of its ability to increase blood pressure, caffeine also increases the stress on the kidneys and blood vessels of the expectant mother.

In the first trimester, paracetamol should also be avoided. Although such a substance is considered the safest ingredient in Citramon, in some cases it can also cause developmental disorders of the baby. Only one conclusion - in the first 12 weeks "Citramon" should not be taken.

2 trimester

At this time, the mother's state of health usually improves, and all the organ systems of the baby are already laid down, so if you suddenly need to drink Citramon, this is permissible, but it is best to take such a drug after consulting a doctor. The specialist will select a safe dose and frequency of use, since they differ from dosages for women who are not "in position".

According to most doctors, a single use of "Citramon" in order to reduce the temperature or get rid of pain will not affect the condition of the expectant mother and baby in any way, if there are no contraindications to the use of this medication, and the woman does not exceed the prescribed dose. All the side effects of such a medication usually appear with prolonged or frequent use.

It is permissible to use such a drug for emergency treatment with severe headache or toothache. But if there is an option not to drink a capsule or pill, it is worth using.

With tolerable pain or low fever, it is advisable to refuse the use of any medication. And only in the case when the painful sensations strongly affect the well-being of the expectant mother, or the body temperature has risen over 38 degrees, and there are no other antipyretic drugs at home, the intake of "Citramon" will be justified.

3 trimester

Although many drugs in the last months of pregnancy are relatively safe, the use of Citramon for headaches at 28 weeks or later is contraindicated. The prohibition of the drug at a later date is associated with the ability of its components to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, which will inhibit the onset of labor, because it is these substances that prepare the uterus for childbirth. In addition, under the influence of aspirin, the baby will disrupt the closure of the ductus arteriosus, which will affect his pulmonary vessels.


Reception of "Citramon" is prohibited if the expectant mother:

  • there are lesions of the digestive system in the form of ulcers or erosions;
  • bleeding from the intestines or stomach has begun;
  • have hemophilia or another medical condition in which the risk of bleeding is increased;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • deteriorated kidney function;
  • high blood pressure;
  • have liver disease;
  • there is no glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • there is glaucoma;
  • increased CNS excitability.

Any other serious illness or problems with the course of pregnancy should also be a reason to stop using Citramon as a pain reliever.

How to use?

Usually, according to the instructions "Citramon" is taken 1 tablet, but a woman "in position" is often recommended to reduce the dosage to half by one dose, although in the absence of effect, the expectant mother can take a whole pill or capsule.

The frequency of taking the medicine should not exceed 3-4 times a day, and the intervals between the use of individual doses should be at least 4 hours. However, pregnant women should take the medication as little as possible - if one dose is enough to eliminate pain, then there is no need to repeat Citramon. If painful sensations have resumed after some time, it is better to consult a doctor about a safer analogue.

Side effects

In "Citramon" there are quite serious negative effects on the patient's body. The drug can:

  • provoke allergic reactions;
  • increase nervous irritability;
  • cause painful sensations in the stomach and nausea;
  • disrupt wakefulness and sleep;
  • suppress hematopoiesis;
  • cause internal bleeding;
  • increase blood pressure;
  • impair kidney function.

This list of side effects is far from complete, but they rarely occur. Judging by the reviews, the risk of dire consequences does not mean that the expectant mother will have them. However, it is still necessary to know what harm a medicine can cause to a woman's body. It is because of him that the medicine, even in the second trimester, is taken only when urgently needed.

What is better to replace?

If a woman "in position" suffers from a headache, her body temperature has risen, or there is pain in a different location, then doctors advise to take any of the drugs based on paracetamol instead of Citramon. Such drugs are presented in different forms and are sold under different names ("Efferalgan", "Paracetamol", "Panadol").

They are considered more harmless analogues, allowed at any stage of pregnancy, but they are also recommended to be taken only as directed by a doctor. It is these drugs that are advised to buy for a home first-aid kit, since they will help out not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding, when many other antipyretic drugs and analgesics are contraindicated. In addition, medications containing paracetamol can also be used in infants from 3 months of age.

In the first and second trimester, Nurofen or any ibuprofen-based analogue can become an effective replacement for Citramon. This medicine is produced in tablets, suspensions, capsules and gel, therefore, depending on the ailment, you can choose the most effective form. For example, with a severe headache, you can drink a quick-acting capsule, and if the expectant mother has stretched a muscle, then the use of a gel is shown. However, in the last months of gestation, any medications containing ibuprofen should not be taken, as they can adversely affect the course of labor.

If painful sensations were caused by spasms, then "Drotaverin" or "No-shpa" will help the expectant mother. Taking them during pregnancy does not have a harmful effect on the baby, but must be agreed with the doctor. In addition to drugs, non-drug methods of getting rid of migraines can help a woman. For example, a pregnant woman can apply an asterisk to the temple area, apply cabbage leaves to her forehead, drink sweet tea or massage the cervical region.

In order for the headache to occur less often, the expectant mother is advised to improve sleep, walk more and avoid overwork. Lack of oxygen is considered one of the main causes of migraines, so if you experience discomfort, you should first ventilate the room or go for a walk. For recurring pain or very intense pain, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps the cause of the malaise is high blood pressure, problems with blood vessels, or intense anxiety. All of these conditions can be corrected with certain medications that the doctor must select.

For more information on whether Citramon can be used during pregnancy, see the following video.