
"Curantil" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The body of a woman expecting a baby is experiencing increased stress, so many doctors prescribe medications to expectant mothers that prevent various health problems and allow them to successfully carry a child. One of these drugs is "Curantil". It is attributed to medicines safe for the fetus, which are prescribed at any stage of pregnancy... This remedy affects blood vessels and has an immunomodulatory effect, so expectant mothers have many indications for its use.


"Curantil" is a group of vasodilating agents (vasodilators) and is produced by the famous German company "Berlin-Chemie". In pharmacies, it is presented in the form of pills with a dosage of 25 mg, which is indicated on the pack, but recently a drug called "Curantil N" is more common. Its difference from the usual "Curantila" is the release form, since these are film-coated tablets. According to experts, such a medicine is better absorbed and absorbed, therefore it is prescribed more often.

But since the active substance of both drugs is the same, they can fully replace each other. At the same time, "Curantil N" is produced in two dosages, which are also marked on the box. Already by the name of the medication, you can understand how much of the active ingredient is in one tablet. So, on sale there are "Curantil N 25" and "Curantil N 75". Accordingly, in the first drug, one tablet is a source of 25 mg of the active ingredient, and in the second it is three times more (75 mg per tablet). It is important to consider this if the expectant mother is prescribed a single dose of less than 75 mg.

Dragee are sold in glass bottles of 100 pieces. They have a round shape and a smooth yellow-greenish surface. Curantil N 25 tablets are also packaged in transparent glass bottles, but one package contains 120 pieces. The drug with a dosage of 75 mg is sold in blisters of 20 tablets, 40 in one pack (two blisters). They are yellow flat round tablets.

To purchase any medication option a doctor's prescription is required. One bottle of "Curantila N 25" costs about 550-600 rubles, one package of medication with a dosage of 75 mg costs about 700-800 rubles. Store the drug at home at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Shelf life of coated tablets is 3 years, pills with a dosage of 25 mg - 5 years.

The active substance of all types of "Curantil" is called dipyridamole. In the composition of the dragee, it is supplemented with such inactive components as glucose syrup, carnauba wax, gelatin, corn starch, talc and others. Among the excipients of the tablets are lactose, silicon dioxide, dye, gelatin, macrogol and other compounds. A complete list of inactive ingredients is indicated on the packaging.

How does it work?

One of the main effects that dipyridamole has is vasodilation (especially the small vessels that feed the heart). Such a substance tones the vascular walls in several ways, and the result is an increase in vascular lumen and normalization of smooth muscle tone. This effect contributes to improving blood flow and accelerating metabolic processes in cells of various tissues, including the placenta.

No less valuable is the antiplatelet effect of "Kurantila", thanks to which the drug prevents blood cells called platelets from sticking together. This prevents the appearance of blood clots, which can block blood vessels and disrupt blood circulation. The formation of such blood clots is very dangerous during pregnancy if blood clots appear in the vascular system of the placenta.

This will not only cause fetal hypoxia, but in some cases can lead to the death of the baby. Therefore, if a woman's tests have shown an increased risk of blood clots, then she will be prescribed an antiplatelet agent, which includes "Curantil". The drug thins the blood, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, which has a positive effect on blood circulation.

Such a medication also has an effect on immunity, which is called immunomodulatory... In particular, "Curantil" is able to stimulate the formation of a specific immune substance - interferon.

This increases the body's resistance to attacks from viruses and disease-causing bacteria, strengthens the defenses and helps fight inflammatory diseases.


The reason for prescribing a future mother "Curantil" is most often fetoplacental insufficiency. With such a pathology, the functions of the placenta are disrupted, which leads to a deterioration in the transport of oxygen and nutrients. This provokes hypoxia and interferes with the normal development of the baby.

The tool is used both to treat such a problem and as a preventive measure. "Curantil" restores normal blood circulation in the placenta, affecting its vessels, but without affecting the condition of the fetus. That is why placental insufficiency is one of the main indications for the use of such a medicine in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Another reason to prescribe this drug to a pregnant woman at a later date is an increased level of platelets in a blood test. In such a situation, the medication will protect against blood thickening, vascular spasms and the appearance of blood clots. This will have a positive effect on the work of all internal organs, because they will receive enough nutrients and oxygen.

Due to the strengthening effect on blood vessels, the use of "Curantil" is justified when:

  • varicose veins;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • lack of water;
  • edema;
  • high risk of developing gestosis.

In the first trimester, "Curantil" may be prescribed as an immunomodulator that activates the synthesis of interferon. This effect of the drug is in demand for influenza and various acute respiratory viral infections, as well as for their prevention. In addition, medication can be prescribed for chronic viral diseases in order to reduce the frequency of their exacerbation, for example, if a woman has genital herpes.

Since during the laying of tissues and organs, any viral diseases pose a high danger to the fetus, then when the temperature rises, the appearance of a runny nose, cough, sore throat and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections, the expectant mother will be prescribed medications to stimulate her defenses.

And since "Curantil" is considered safe in the early stages, its appointment for viral infections is considered justified.

How to use?

The scheme of using "Curantila" should be determined by the doctor, because it depends on the indications, and on the severity of the condition of the expectant mother, and on the woman's reaction to treatment. For example, if the drug is prescribed in the 1st trimester for the prevention of ARVI during an epidemic, they drink it at 25-50 mg per day once a week. To prevent varicose veins, edema and increased blood pressure, regimens are most often used that provide three times the dose of 25 mg. With an increased number of platelets, the dosage ranges from 75 mg and can reach significant numbers (225-600 mg per day).

The drug is taken on an empty stomach and washed down with water in a small amount... It is not recommended to bite through or break "Curantil", because it will damage the protective shell and reduce the activity of the product. It is best to drink the drug one hour before meals at about the same time. If a woman forgot about taking on an empty stomach and ate, then you can take a pill or dragee 2 hours later.

The duration of admission should be determined by the doctor, as it depends on many factors. For some expectant mothers, the medication is prescribed for a course of 10 or 14 days, others are recommended to take it for 4-5 weeks or longer. Sometimes you have to repeat the course of treatment several times during the entire period of gestation, taking short breaks.

What is the best way to proceed in each specific case, a specialist must decide. If a woman does not notice positive changes at the end of the course of treatment, you should contact your gynecologist. It is unacceptable to change the regimen on your own, to cancel the drug or to prolong the intake of "Curantil".


There are many restrictions for the use of "Curantil", therefore, self-administration of such a medicine during pregnancy is prohibited. The medicine should not be drunk when:

  • hypersensitivity to dipyradamole or any auxiliary ingredient;
  • severe heart disease;
  • altered blood pressure (with reduced rates);
  • arrhythmias;
  • increased risk of bleeding;
  • ulcerative disease of the digestive system;
  • obstructive diseases of the respiratory system;
  • serious kidney pathologies;
  • liver failure;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

If the expectant mother has developed placental insufficiency, then in the presence of any of the indicated contraindications, treatment with Curantil is refused and another medication is selected.

In comparison with "Cardiomagnil", the active substance "Curantila" does not inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, therefore it can be used at the beginning of the third trimester. However, since one of the actions of "Curantila" is blood thinning and a decrease in its coagulation, the use of such a medicine is stopped several weeks before the expected date of birth. If taken in the last weeks of gestation, it will increase the risk of bleeding during labor and the postpartum period. For this reason, for a period longer than 35-36 weeks, this medication is not taken.

In addition, when prescribing Curantila, the doctor should also take into account its compatibility with other drugs that the expectant mother is already taking, since:

  • taking such a medication together with anticoagulant drugs ("Clexan", "Warfarin") or drugs that include acetylsalicylic acid is dangerous with an increased risk of bleeding;
  • if you drink "Curantil" and at the same time take any antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure will drop more;
  • if you use antacids and other drugs that affect the acidity of gastric juice at the same time, then the bioavailability of the active ingredient "Curantila" will decrease;
  • if the expectant mother is prescribed cephalosporin antibiotics, this will increase the antiplatelet effect of dipyridamole;
  • if such a drug is used together with xanthine derivatives, then the vasodilating effect of "Curantil" will weaken.

The latter interaction is also noted when drinking beverages that contain xanthines (tea, cola, coffee, mate, cocoa). Therefore, the instructions for the pills and tablets indicate that it is correct to drink them only with plain water.

Side effects

While taking "Curantil", various side effects may occur, especially if the medicine is taken in a high dosage. When treating with tablets or dragees, a woman may note:

  • increased heart rate;
  • feeling of palpitations;
  • redness of the skin of the face;
  • nausea, loose stools and other digestive problems (they may be at the beginning of the intake, but eventually go away on their own);
  • dizziness;
  • skin rash;
  • noise in the head;
  • weakness;
  • ear congestion;
  • headaches;
  • pain in joints or muscles.

When they occur, it is required additional consultation with a doctor, who will decide whether it is necessary to continue taking or is it better to choose an analogue to which there will not be such a negative reaction. In addition, long-term treatment with Curantil should be accompanied by monitoring of blood counts.

If the expectant mother, who drinks this medication, has a significant drop in the number of platelets, further intake should be discarded.

What to replace?

If Curantila is not in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with the drug "Dipyridamole", that is, an analogue for the active substance. Such a medicine is produced in tablets with a dosage of 25 and 75 mg, is used for the same indications, and the possible side effects and contraindications for such medicines are the same. The difference between them lies only in the manufacturer and the composition of the inactive components, as well as in the price.

At an increased risk of thrombosis, Curantil can replace a drug called Agrenox. This is a combination medicine in the form of capsules, from which two active substances are slowly released at once. One of them, as in "Curantile", is dipyridamole at a dosage of 200 mg, and the second is represented by acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 25 mg. The tool can be used in 1-2 trimesters as directed by a doctor, but in the third trimester "Agrenox" contraindicated, as it can provoke undesirable consequences, for example, problems with labor.

If "Curantil" is prescribed to improve blood flow in the uterus and placenta, then such drugs can also replace it.

  • Actovegin. The basis of this product, available in tablets, solution for injections and several forms for external treatment, is an extract from the blood of calves, rich in peptides and amino acids. It has a positive effect on microcirculation and the absorption of oxygen by cells, improves the condition of the heart and liver, and protects against hypoxia. This medicine has an analogue called "Solcoseryl". Compared to "Actovegin", it is produced only in the form of local funds and injections.
  • "Phlebodia 600"... These coated tablets act due to diosmin, a substance capable of toning veins and capillaries, and improving microcirculation. It is often used for hemorrhoids and varicose veins, including in pregnant women in the 2-3 trimester. In the early stages, the use of this medication is not recommended.
  • "Hofitol"... Such a herbal remedy made from artichoke is allowed at any stage of pregnancy. It improves blood flow in the blood vessels of the placenta, which helps deliver oxygen to the fetus. This drug, represented by a solution and tablets, also has a diuretic effect, which makes it in demand for edema and a high risk of gestosis.


About 80% of women who had a chance to take "Curantil" while waiting for a child, leave a positive review of this medicine, confirming the effectiveness and safety of this medication. They do not notice a negative effect on the fetus either in the 2-3 trimester or in the early stages. According to them, the drug is often tolerated normally, it rarely provokes side effects, it is not difficult to swallow tablets and dragees due to its small size and smooth surface.

Doctors also speak of Curantile mostly positively. They confirm that after a course of admission in patients with a complicated course of pregnancy, blood tests and general condition improve, edema and convulsions pass, and pressure decreases. Among the disadvantages of the drug, a significant list of contraindications, high cost and inconvenient packaging are noted (if the course of treatment is short, there are many unused tablets). There are also reviews of allergic reactions and other side effects during treatment with Curantil, because of which the drug had to be canceled.