
Vitamin complexes "Vitrum Prenatal" for pregnant women

It is important for pregnant women to receive all vitamins and minerals so that the baby develops normally and the pregnancy proceeds without problems. Special complexes, for example, "Vitrum Prenatal", are capable of meeting the high requirements for such substances. Of these, the expectant mother will receive daily valuable components that will support her body and help give birth to a healthy baby.

Features and composition

The Vitrum supplements are manufactured by the American company Unipharm and include multivitamins for babies, women, seniors, adolescents and others. Among them there are 2 complexes for expectant mothers.

  1. Vitrum Prenatal. This is a basic female support supplement that contains 10 essential vitamins in dosages needed for pregnant women. They are complemented by the three most important minerals for expectant mothers - calcium, iron and zinc. The drug is available in the form of pink-coated capsule tablets. A pack with 30 tablets costs about 450-500 rubles, and for 100 tablets you need to pay about 1100-1300 rubles.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Such a tool is characterized by an enhanced composition. It includes the same vitamins as in the regular complex, but many of them are presented in higher doses. In addition, the composition includes 2 more vitamins, beta-carotene and 7 mineral compounds, including iodine. The additive is produced in gray elongated tablets with Prenatal and Forte inscriptions on opposite sides. The average cost of a small jar (30 tablets) is 500-600 rubles, and the price of 100 tablets is 1300-1500 rubles.

Let's consider their composition in detail.

  • Vitamin A presented in the complex "Prenatal" in a dosage of 4000 IU in the form of retinol acetate. One Forte tablet contains only 2500 IU, but this supplement also contains a precursor of this compound, which is used for the synthesis of retinol in the body. This is beta-carotene at a dose of 1500 mcg. Both substances are important for the normal growth of the baby, strengthening eyesight, skin, teeth, nails and hair.
  • Dosage vitamin D in both supplements is 10 μg, which corresponds to 400 IU. This compound is involved in calcium metabolism and prevents the leaching of this mineral from bones and teeth. Vitamin D is the prevention of rickets in infants.
  • Folic acid also presented in each of the complexes in the same dosage - 800 mcg. This compound is considered one of the most important in the first trimester, as it prevents malformations of the nervous system in the fetus. In the mother's body, folic acid is involved in erythropoiesis and amino acid metabolism.
  • number vitamin C in each tablet "Vitrum Prenatal" corresponds to the daily norm for pregnant women and is 100 mg, and the drug "Forte" contains it in a dose of 120 mg. Such a substance regulates vascular permeability, strengthens the immune system, fights inflammation, participates in carbohydrate metabolism and stimulates the formation of connective tissue.
  • Vitamin E presented in the Prenatal complex at a dose of 11 mg, and each Forte tablet contains 30 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate. It is important for all metabolic processes, including hematopoiesis, the formation of blood vessels and genitals. A sufficient amount of it prevents increased blood clotting and prevents early miscarriage.
  • From one Vitrum Prenatal tablet, the expectant mother will receive 1.5 mg vitamin B1 and 1.7 mg vitamin B2. As part of the Forte complex, their dosages are doubled - 3 mg and 3.4 mg, respectively. In addition, vitamin B compounds are presented in the Prenatal supplement with vitamin B6 at a dose of 2.6 mg (in the Forte preparation it is 10 mg per tablet) and vitamin B12 in an amount of 4 μg (in Forte - at a dose of 12 μg ). These substances are necessary for the formation of the fetal brain, the normal course of all metabolic processes, the synthesis of enzymes and blood cells.
  • Pantothenic acid is present only in the complex "Prenatal Forte" in the amount of 10 mg per tablet. It is necessary for lipid metabolism, antibody synthesis, assimilation of other vitamins, formation of glucocorticoids and regeneration of mucous membranes.
  • Another vitamin that is not in the usual "Vitrum Prenatal" is biotin... Its amount in each tablet is 30 mcg. It participates in the metabolism of macronutrients, strengthens nails and hair, and improves skin condition.
  • Nicotinamide available in both supplements at 18 mg and 20 mg dosages. This vitamin is essential for various biochemical processes and tissue respiration.
  • Both complexes include calcium at a dose of 200 mg (in the form of carbonate), iron at a dose of 60 mg (in the form of fumarate) and zinc at a dose of 25 mg (in the form of oxide). These minerals are important for the musculoskeletal system, blood clotting, muscle contraction, hemoglobin synthesis and many enzymes.
  • Each of the tablets "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" additionally contains 150 mcg iodine in the form of potassium iodide to support thyroid health. From such a supplement, the pregnant woman will also receive 25 μg of chromium, 20 μg of selenium and 2 mg of copper, which will ensure the normal development of the baby and support the metabolic processes in the mother's body. In addition, the preparation contains 25 mg of magnesium, 25 μg of molybdenum and 5 mg of manganese. These elements are necessary for the formation of the skeleton, prevent constipation and muscle spasms, and participate in the metabolism of iron and other substances.

Recently, another complex has appeared in pharmacies called Vitrum Prenatal Plus. This is a product of a large Asian company Takeda, known for its drugs Eutirox, Nazivin, Actovegin, Ceraxon and Cardiomagnil. She acquired the rights to the Vitrum brand and presented the Plus line of supplements, which also includes a complex for pregnant women. It is similar to the Forte tablets, but slightly different in composition.

The preparation for expectant mothers with the "Plus" prefix contains slightly less vitamin B12 (4.5 μg), folic acid (400 μg), pantothenic acid (7 mg), iron (32 mg), zinc (18 mg) and manganese (3 , 3 mg), slightly more selenium (25 mg) and no molybdenum. The supplement is also film-coated tablets. The average price of 30 tablets is 500 rubles, and a larger package (100 pieces) is 1300 rubles.

Why is it used during pregnancy?

Complexes "Vitrum Prenatal" are recommended for women in position, because they:

  • stimulate the non-specific immunity of the expectant mother;
  • smooth out flaws in nutrition;
  • reduce the manifestations of toxicosis;
  • regulate the functions of all systems and organs;
  • reduce the risk of birth defects;
  • contribute to the correct development of the baby's skeleton;
  • help to avoid the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • participate in the formation of the brain and other parts of the nervous system of the baby;
  • prevent placental insufficiency;
  • have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system of the pregnant woman;
  • prepare the woman's body for childbirth and lactation.

These supplements are especially necessary for expectant mothers who do not have the opportunity to have a balanced diet, for example, due to morning sickness. Such support is important for pregnant women aged 30+. "Vitrum" is also needed by women who in the past have suffered a miscarriage or the birth of a child with some kind of health problems.

Instructions for use

The Vitrum Prenatal complex is accepted one tablet daily, after all, all the daily norms of nutrients are presented in just such a portion. The drug is recommended to drink in the morning during breakfast with clean water in a volume of at least 150 ml. The tablet should be swallowed without chewing. The reception mode of the Forte complex is the same.

Additionally, the expectant mother should consider the following:

  • you do not need to prescribe Vitrum yourself - it is recommended to start taking such a multivitamin only after consulting a doctor;
  • do not exceed the recommended dosage, because an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as a deficiency;
  • you do not need to drink multivitamins for longer than the doctor determined - the course of admission is selected for each expectant mother individually;
  • be sure to consult a doctor if any alarming symptoms appear during the use of Vitrum;
  • be sure to check the expiration date of the tablets before you start taking them.

When can not be taken?

Taking multivitamins "Vitrum Prenatal" is contraindicated:

  • in case of individual hypersensitivity;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • with hypervitaminosis D and A;
  • with an excess of iron in the body;
  • if an excess of calcium is found in the woman's urine or blood;
  • with pernicious anemia resulting from a lack of vitamin B12.

If the expectant mother is taking any medications, you should talk to your doctor about the possibility of combining with Vitrum, since multivitamins are not recommended to be combined with some antibiotics and sulfonamides.

In addition, care is needed when using any other vitamin complexes so as not to provoke an overdose.


About multivitamins "Vitrum" for pregnant women respond mostly positively. Among the advantages is the rich composition, thanks to which the expectant mother can take only such an additive without buying additional mineral complexes. In addition, all daily dosages are contained in only one tablet.

According to women, "Vitrum Prenatal" helps to replenish nutritional deficiencies that are common during pregnancy and lactation. They confirm the effectiveness of such supplements for hair loss, stretch marks, joint pain, tooth decay, weakness and other negative symptoms.

The claims of expectant mothers to the Vitrum complexes often relate to the list of excipients that are in the composition of the pills. In particular, dyes E129, E151 and E110 cause concern, because some of them are prohibited in European countries.

The appearance of an allergic skin reaction to the drug, which occurs in some women, is probably associated with just such components. Some expectant mothers stop taking Prenatal due to an individual reaction in the form of nausea or vomiting, but in most cases the supplement is well tolerated.

Relative disadvantages complexes include their rather high price. But if you take into account the intake of only 1 tablet a day, then the drug lasts for a long time. If you count it taking into account the month of use, Vitrum is not that expensive, but there are many cheaper analogues.

Sometimes women also complain of staining urine and feces while taking Prenatal. This cannot be attributed to the disadvantages of the remedy, because all similar complexes with iron also change the color of feces, and the color of urine is due to the presence of vitamin B2 and dyes. Such changes do not affect the effectiveness of multivitamins in any way and do not harm the health of the woman in the position.

Watch the video: Group partners with Vegas nonprofit for prenatal vitamins (July 2024).