
What vitamins are best for 7 years old children?

Vitamins are important for the health of any person, but they are especially valuable for children. Lack of vitamins can affect the development of the child and worsen his health. This is especially noticeable at the age of 7, when children begin to go to school and the load on their body increases many times over. What vitamins are most important for seven-year-olds, are pharmaceutical preparations needed and what to consider when choosing them?

Any person, especially a child, needs 13 vitamins every day. Also, the child needs mineral compounds.

Some of them are especially important at the age of 7, when the child's brain is developing more actively:

  • Normal growth and strengthening of bones is impossible without sufficient amounts of vitamins D and A, as well as calcium, B vitamins and phosphorus.
  • To prevent frequent illnesses and support the child's immunity, it is important to get enough vitamin C. Vitamins E, A and PP, as well as B9 are equally important for the immune system.
  • Vitamin A and its precursor beta-carotene are extremely important for the development of the eyes and the preservation of vision under heavy loads in school. In addition, vitamins E and C, as well as riboflavin, are of great importance for the health of the organ of vision.
  • Vitamins from the B group are most important to support the nervous system of a younger student, increase resistance to stress and increase efficiency. Their lack leads to increased fatigue, poor appetite and apathy.
  • In order for the body of the seven-year plan to be full of energy, and in the classroom the child concentrates well, in addition to B vitamins, it is important to receive omega fats, iodine, zinc and selenium.

In order to navigate the necessary dosages of vitamins for the seven-year plan and evaluate the amount of a particular vitamin present in a complex preparation, you should know the daily requirements at 7 years:


Complex vitamins are usually prescribed for seven-year-old children in such situations:

  • The child is overworked and finds it difficult to do his homework.
  • The child goes to the sports section, as a result of which he has increased physical activity.
  • The child eats unbalanced and inadequate for one reason or another.
  • The child's appetite is reduced or absent.
  • The child lags behind in growth from peers.
  • The child was treated with antibiotics or other drugs for a long time.
  • The child's body needs to be supported during the seasonal shortage of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.


Vitamin preparations are not prescribed to children aged 7 years with:

  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the complex.
  • Hypervitaminosis of vitamins D or A.

You should also be careful when choosing vitamin complexes for diseases of the kidneys, endocrine organs, digestive disorders, phenylketonuria, calcium metabolism disorders, allergic diseases and other serious health problems of the child.

Should I use to strengthen the immune system?

The immune system of seven-year-olds is under increased stress, since children of this age communicate a lot with their peers, spend a lot of energy on homework and often attend additional sections and circles. To strengthen the defenses of the student's body, you need to pay attention to a sufficient intake of vitamins C, A, D and E.

Vitamin complexes Multi-tabs Immuno Kids and VitaMishki Immuno +, as well as Pikovit Prebiotic, have been developed specifically to support the immune system of school-age children, which will help in case of adverse symptoms.

Release forms

Vitamin preparations for seven-year-old children are presented in tablets, lozenges, chewable lozenges, capsules, gel and syrups. There are also vitamin preparations that are administered by injection. They are used mainly for the treatment of hypovitaminosis, and for prophylactic purposes, chewable forms of vitamin complexes are most often chosen.

What vitamins are better for giving: a review of popular

The most demanded and popular vitamin complexes for a 7-year-old child are:

Nutritional adjustments as an alternative

Thinking about the sufficient intake of vitamins in the body of the seven-year plan, you must first of all pay attention to the student's diet, because we get almost all vitamins from food.

By balancing the child's menu, you can avoid vitamin deficiency and the appointment of pharmaceuticals. To do this, the diet of 7-year-old children should always contain:

  • Various vegetables.
  • Dairy.
  • Meat, offal and poultry.
  • Fish and seaweed.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • A variety of berries and fruits.
  • Cereals and bread.
  • Legumes.
  • Butter.
  • Nuts.

Read about how to correctly compose a menu for a week and about a student's food in another article. You will learn a lot of interesting and useful things.

Komarovsky's opinion

The popular pediatrician is sure that the normal development of a child is impossible without vitamins, therefore he urges all parents to pay enough attention to the nutrition of 7-year-old children. ATVitamin complexes from pharmacies, according to Komarovsky, should be bought only in a situation when hypovitaminosis has already developed. A well-known physician does not recommend prophylactic intake of vitamin supplements.

For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


  • Buy only those vitamins for younger students that are allowed to be taken at 7 years of age. It is unacceptable to give such children complexes for adolescents or adults, as well as to increase the dosage of the drug allowed for seven-year-olds.
  • Before purchasing vitamins, it is best to talk to a pediatrician who knows your child's health about choosing the right vitamin supplement.
  • You should buy a vitamin complex in a pharmacy network and it is desirable that these are products of a well-known brand with a positive reputation.
  • Remember that most vitamin products have a tonic effect, which is why it is always advised to give such drugs in the first half of the day.

Watch the video: What Supplements Should I Have My Child Taking Daily? (July 2024).