
Skwooshi modeling mass

Once upon a time, children in their games and amusements were left only to themselves, and they had to play literally with whatever came to hand. Over time, mankind realized that toys are not just a children's whim, but a very real opportunity to develop kids, stimulating the rapid development of civilization in the next generation. It is not surprising that in such conditions a whole branch of science and industry has emerged, aimed at creating various play and developmental products for children.

One of the latest impressive inventions in this industry is the Skwooshi sculpting mass, which appeared in our country quite recently, but has already managed to collect a huge amount of enthusiastic reviews from both the children themselves and their parents.

Features and Benefits

Honestly, there is still a very big question - how to correctly name the mass for sculpting Skwooshi. It is sometimes called plasticine, but it is not similar to it either in composition or in properties - except in terms of application. To describe a product to a person who has no idea about it yet, sales assistants often use the definition "Unusual kinetic sand", which is also true, but it sounds too unusual.

We will allow ourselves to use all the definitions mentioned, but the reader should understand that in fact this is something completely new and unlike anything else.

When unpacking the packaging, most often a block of a certain size is in the hands of the owner, which, according to the descriptions, is quite hard and even somewhat resembles chalk. However, you can still knead it - at least, such a bar lends itself to the influence of adult hands. However, it is not molded from it at all: the fact is that it is stretching plasticine sand, which does not respond well when trying to compress, but stretches very easily.

In other words, it is quite easy for a child to simply pull the pieces of the bar in different directions, when suddenly this solid mass succumbs without much resistance, begins to stretch, and in its middle part at the moment of maximum stretching it becomes almost liquid, dripping down!

This state allows the child to collect pliable viscous material and sculpt any desired figures from it, moreover, when compressed, the product will regain its original solid shape! At the same time, a tightly compressed piece holds its shape so well that it does not deform even when dropped from a low height, but it emits a very “wooden” knock.

At the same time, the properties of the mass in different states change not only with respect to the ability to hold the shape, but also in terms of mixing colors. Solid, tightly stitched parts of different colors stick together rather well without mixing - they can be disconnected at any time, and both pieces of plasticine will remain unstained in the color of the neighboring one. In this case, the stretched semi-liquid mass perfectly mixes with each other, creating new unusual shades, and then it is no longer possible to separate the individual components.

On the one hand, this gives new opportunities, on the other, it requires increased attention so as not to accidentally spoil the set of colors.

Sculptor Skwooshi claims its clay is non-drying. Unlike the vast majority of analogues, such a product does not lose its elasticity - it always remains available for sculpting and pressing, which makes it practically eternal, unless careless use leads to a complete mixing of colors into one colorless mass.

Finally, due to its unusual chemical composition, Skwooshi sculpting mass is absolutely neutral in relation to all other materials, except for itself.

It does not stick to your hands, and does not leave stubborn dirt on tables and other surfaces, on carpets and clothes, which is critical for modeling with a small child.

Child Development Benefits

If other types of plasticine and modeling masses bring certain benefits for the development of the child, then the positive effect of using Skwooshi is generally difficult to overestimate, because unusual properties add new, unexpected bonuses for understanding the world around you.

Of course, sculpting in general is very conducive to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Small children are usually not very good at using their own fingers, because a newborn child can hardly do anything at all, and only in the process of development takes possession of his body. By forming various figures, especially if they contain complex shapes and a large number of small details, the child hones his finger skills.

It should be noted that after all, not only the muscles of the hands develop, but also those parts of the brain that are responsible for precise movements, so that modeling in general contributes to the development of coordination of movements.

Of course, in the process of creating a particular figure, the child significantly develops his thinking abilities and imagination. It is unlikely that he will use sculptural technique in the sculpting process, creating his creation from one single piece of plasticine - rather, he will separately make small parts, which he will then put together. For such an operation, at least a general understanding of the private and the whole is necessary, you will also have to think in advance of what details the finished result will consist of.

If the child's creative search is not independent, but takes place in the company of an adult who shows, prompts and generally leads a conversation about this lesson, then the child develops even faster, at the same time assimilating useful knowledge about those real objects, whose copy he is trying to sculpt.

Due to the fact that the Skwooshi sculpting mass is able to change its properties literally before our eyes, it is possible to teach a child such a concept as differentiation of approaches to solving a problem. For example, in order to get a small piece from a large block of plasticine, it must, oddly enough, be stretched, making it even larger. This teaches the child to search for non-standard solutions to get out of these situations., which is also very useful.

In the end, he simply has the ability to get a visual idea that the same materials in different conditions can have completely different properties.

After all, Skwooshi is great fun too. Modeling generally cheers up a child well, even if he is not very successful, and even if he creates a cute figure with his own hand, he will have every right to be proud of himself. Due to the specific properties of this material, you can even please the kid with a banal "rainbow" by stretching several multi-colored bars at once, although then there is a risk that the colors will mix.

Nevertheless, a happy child who has an interesting rest in between studies will absorb new knowledge much more actively, which is useful for his later life. Actually, doing modeling, he at least does nothing bad or dangerous, which is good in itself.

Composition and colors

There are several varieties of Skwooshi sculpting masses, which are predictably slightly different in their chemical composition. Actually, it is not for nothing that this material is often called improved kinetic sand, because this children's product really is included in most types of mass - that is why it spreads and crumbles when stretched.

For overall softness and integrity this sand was mixed with hand gum, which itself can also be manufactured in completely different ways and differ in properties. Also, polymers were added there, which allowed the mass to be solid and pressed to a very solid state.

As for the colors, they are quite numerous and varied, but the manufacturer of this mass takes an unusual approach: a significant part of the product is sold in two-color sets, which, when mixed, can give a certain predictable third color. This limitation of color sets is caused, firstly, by the high miscibility of plasticine, secondly, by its high price, and thirdly, by the orientation of the sets for the production of certain crafts (most often imitating food), for which 2-3 characteristic colors are quite enough.

At the same time, two-color sets are sold in many variations, combining with each other in various combinations - you can get 4 colors by buying two sets, and a certain number of shades from mixing already four options.

Sold in individual colors of the mass and by the piece - a total of eight different colors. All colors are necessarily produced in the brightest possible tone.


Skwooshi Modeling Dough is available in two main versions - either in container packs or in complete creative kits.

If we talk about individual containers, then in this form, the mass is sold either by the piece (each color must be purchased separately), or in small sets of two multi-colored containers. This option is very convenient for those who are not yet familiar with the properties of the products of this manufacturer, but really want to try. It is also appropriate to purchase such children's plasticine piece by piece if the child already has a mass, but for some reason, one or two specific colors are missing. Sets of two colors sometimes include one simple sculpting tool - for example, a mold or roller to roll the mass into a pancake.

As for the kits for creativity, they are much more flexible, and their concepts are different. You can find, for example, a set in 10 containers with various sculpting tools - this set is ideal for those children who cannot imagine their life without sculpting, are ready to devote a huge amount of their time to this activity, and therefore literally need large amounts of material of different colors and additional tools.

For beginners who are not very fond of modeling, but would like to get attractive results of their own activities rather quickly, it is worth buying a set with molds designed for making food. In particular, kits for making plasticine "cakes" or "ice cream" are produced. This set includes containers with a mass of the desired colors (which the baby, in fact, can shuffle in any order), and molds that allow you to effortlessly create believable food figurines that can really awaken your appetite. These sets are usually chosen for their children by those parents who want to interest the child in the sculpting process.

The concept presented in the color mixing kit looks rather unusual. Many types of plasticine, including Skwooshi sculpting mass, allow mixing different shades from the set to get new colors, but only this manufacturer came up with a set with a special mixer that makes this task even easier. If the kid is quite well versed in modeling, then the opportunity to receive literally any tone at home will allow him to increase the believability of his masterpieces to the maximum.

However, there is a definite plus for a beginner in such a set: in itself, mixing two colors to obtain a completely new third can be a mesmerizing sight!

The set includes only two colors (optional, at the buyer's choice), but it is enough to buy it only once, then simply buying separate containers with other colors - the mixer will still remain.

Tips for choosing

Perhaps, it is worth starting with the most general recommendations, similar to those given when choosing any other masses for modeling. First of all, be guided by the age of the child - although the Skwooshi mass is not toxic, it is still very undesirable to swallow it, and after all, young children are very often prone to such actions. In this regard, this type of plasticine not recommended for use by children under 3 years old, and for those who have already reached this age, modeling classes are recommended exclusively in the presence of adults.

As for specific recommendations for choosing a particular set of Skwooshi, then in general they can be formulated as follows:

  • Do not rush to immediately buy an expensive multicolor set. Traditionally, parents, when choosing plasticine for kids, are guided by a large number of colors, and tools for modeling, quite logically, will not interfere. This is all true, perhaps, for all cases except this one, because such a purchase will be very expensive, but at the same time there is a great risk that the child will quickly mix different colors, turning them into mud. For starters, it is better to choose either two-color sets, the colors in which mix well into a pure third color, or purchase multi-color sets to create specific crafts in the form of food.

There is no point in buying a huge set of colors “just in case”, since the shades are sold individually and the one you need can be purchased any day.

  • You should not buy too complicated sets for small children. Again, the high cost of the product can scare away the buyer a little, and although nothing is a pity for their own children, such an expense will simply be unjustified, because the baby will not be able to fully use the gift's possibilities. At the same time, a two-color set is enough for exciting entertainment - after all, the colors are bright, if necessary, they are very excitingly mixed to obtain a third, shrink to a solid bar and spread almost to a liquid state at the request of the child.

If two colors still seem small, using a separately sold container or another alternative set, increase the number of colors to 3-4 (despite the fact that they can also be mixed correctly), but purchase complex sets only for little fans of modeling.

  • If the child already has a fairly large number of different colors, be careful when purchasing additional ones. The fact is that the same two-color sets are arranged in such a way as to create a pure third color. Perhaps, buying such a third color, you do not even suspect that you could actually get it at home. Such a purchase can be justified if both the first two colors and the third are needed, however, if an additional container is bought simply to increase the palette, it must be carefully selected.

It is important that not only he himself was a completely new shade, but in combination with the existing colors could give something completely new to the entire collection.


Parents' opinions about this toy are unanimous - adults, like their children, are delighted with the unusual abilities of this material, which seems to have been brought from another planet. Children are usually simply fascinated with such a gift, because the magical transformation from solid to liquid and back is simply mesmerizing.

If the child was previously actively interested in modeling, then you can be sure that now this particular material will become his favorite. At the same time, the substance, despite its clearly synthetic nature, safe for baby's health. Many commentators on the Web note that the funny mechanics of the mass for modeling Skwooshi has a very positive effect on the psyche, allowing you to relax, so they admit that such entertainment would not hurt adults either.

True, certain doubts are expressed about the fact that with the help of this mass for sculpting, you can interest in sculpting a child who was not previously fond of it. The first reaction of the baby will be delighted precisely because of the unusual properties of the material, but over time he will get used to it, and the hobby for modeling will not necessarily appear. In this case, he simply will gradually cease to be interested in the material, and the gift will go to the shelf, which once again confirms that there is no need to immediately buy a huge expensive multicolor set for the baby if there is no confidence that the child will actively use it.

For an overview of the Skwooshi sculpting mass, see the next video.

Watch the video: DIY How to Make Kinetic Sand Green Apple Ice Cream Skwooshi Toys Sand Play for Kids Children (July 2024).