
Girl's writing desk

In the children's room there should be a place not only for recreation and entertainment, but also for study. The work area is usually perceived as a place where there are no distractions from the lessons, but still the child should be comfortable here.

In practice, this means that a girl needs a special desk and a properly designed work area.

Features and Benefits

The main feature of a special writing desk for a girl is that it should not resemble a school environment. As practice shows, even those children who show a certain interest in knowledge are rarely fond of the school form of education, but at home, in a pleasant environment, it is a completely different matter.

A table can also contribute to this, the main difference between which from any other is a cute design especially for a girl.

The advantages of a special table for a young lady are as follows:

  • Furniture is matched to the parameters of the child - this applies to the height of the tabletop and the chair. The table is also equipped with the necessary drawers - all conditions have been created to make learning comfortable.
  • Good transformer models often allow changing the position of the tabletop over time and the angle of its inclination, so the once purchased table will be equally convenient for both the first grader and the graduate.
  • If school is often associated with coercion and hammering uninteresting knowledge into the head, then a beautiful home table, on the contrary, can become a symbol of comfort, convenience and interesting development.


Desks for girls come in a wide variety of options, and the products are not only beautiful, but also functional.

It is possible to distinguish not only classic designs, but also the following common options:

  • Corner table. It is particularly compact. Sitting behind him, the girl has a table top both in front of her and on the side. This makes it possible to reach a larger table space. A computer is often installed on such tables.
  • With superstructure... Storage boxes under the table have already become a familiar addition, and in recent years, models with shelves above the table top have also become very popular. This is convenient, since the space is useful not only under the table, but also above it.
  • Double. If there are two children in the nursery at once, you can purchase a table for two girls - one common tabletop will take up less space than two separate ones, and will help to more practical divide the room into zones.


Most often, when purchasing a table for a girl, furniture is selected in a classic style - with standard color schemes and a typical shape. However, other options are also valid.

For example, a girl might like a minimalist writing desk that has no embellishments - or even drawers. The edges of such a table must necessarily be rounded, otherwise it will resemble hi-tech, closer to boys.

An interesting solution would be a writing table in a romantic style. Often it is executed in pink tones and has a small area in the depths above the tabletop where you can put small favorite toys or a portrait of an idol from the world of celebrities.


It is best to purchase only such pieces of furniture and accessories that are made from natural materials in the child's room. In this regard, materials of wood origin look the most accessible and practical. A solid wood table for a girl is hardly needed. However, if you want something really durable, then the option is suitable.

Probably the most appropriate material will be MDF boards. They are made from compressed wood waste, but at the same time they have increased strength and are environmentally friendly. At a price several times more favorable than a solid wood table, such a product will be no less practical.

Particleboard (like plastic) is usually not recommended due to the high likelihood of toxic emissions. As for the metal, it is durable, but too cold and traumatic.


The modern capabilities of manufacturers allow you to purchase a table of any color, however, the work area requires that the child not be too distracted from his main activity. This condition significantly limits the possible palette, but you can still choose any tone - as long as it is not too bright.

A typical solution for a girl is a white writing table - this color, in principle, goes well with any other colors and their combinations, and even fits into the typical pastel range of young ladies' rooms. A very special option is the pink table, designed exclusively for girls, but not always appropriate even for them.

If the interior allows, you can pay attention to the tables of typical wood shades.

How to choose?

When choosing a table for a girl, it is imperative to take into account her needs - both now and in the future. Usually, a desk is bought for a child at least 7 years old, so it must be equipped with drawers for storing notebooks and textbooks, or even personal belongings. The latter is especially true for adolescents aged 12 and over.

The child should be comfortable spending hours at the table.

Considering that the height of the tabletop greatly affects the correct formation of the child's posture, choose a table and chair so that the tabletop is approximately at the level of the baby's elbow. You can buy a table with a small margin - as for a schoolgirl of 8-9 years old, because the girl will grow up quickly anyway. So that the table does not have to be changed after a few years, try to buy a transformer that allows you to change the height of the tabletop, but you can also solve the problem with a chair with an adjustable seat.

Work area organization rules

For maximum convenience and a productive stay in the work area, you will have to try a lot to bring together the requirements for a table and a highchair. It is believed that the distance from the knees of a sitting child to the table top should not exceed 15-20 cm, while a child sitting on a chair should confidently reach the floor with his feet. Although you can simply adapt a small chair or any other elevation under your feet - this is the only way to form the correct posture.

The task would not be so difficult if the child was not growing, but he is growing, so a comfortable back of the chair is needed for additional support, and the armrests also do not interfere.

It is generally accepted that the light source should be located in front and to the left of the girl, but it is unacceptable that it hit in the eyes or dazzle. If you have a computer on the same desk, you need to provide adequate space for writing and textbooks, but be aware that technology can be distracting and interfere with learning.

Where to put it?

Most often, the working area of ​​the children's room is located by the window. This perfectly saves space, allows you to make the most of natural light that is beneficial to your eyes, and psychologically relaxes a tired child, allowing you to be distracted by the landscape. The disadvantages of such an arrangement are easily smoothed out - too bright light from the window and an overly interesting landscape outside the window are blocked by thick curtains, and the back wall of the table will reliably protect from interfering batteries.

The writing table is also appropriate against the wall - then the shelves for books can be hung directly on it, and anything outside will not distract the baby from the case. True, there will be less natural light here, and artificial light may not be enough - in this case, use table lamps.

If the child is very tired, hang some pictures or images over the table for moral relaxation, which can be changed periodically for a change.

Beautiful room decoration ideas

  • If a little princess lives in the children's room, and you are ready to change the table over time, when she outgrows it, you can give her a little dream - a real pink table. It looks very romantic, while such a table is very practical and convenient for both learning and creativity.
  • Delicate white table the baby will also like it, but it looks much more versatile. With a cozy and homely look, it can be very roomy if its design provides for both boxes and add-ons - a large number of things can be stored there.

  • If a girl loves order and minimalism, you can choose a strict table for her, somewhat reminiscent of high-tech, but still in a softer implementation. In shape, it can be angular - then you can profitably combine a large tabletop with natural lighting and the placement of spacious shelves directly on the wall, above the table.

You will learn how to choose the right table for your child from the video below.

Watch the video: Two Royal Writing Desks. Christies (July 2024).