
Little Trek stroller: model characteristics and selection features

Little Trek is a stroller from a Russian manufacturer. It belongs to the economy class category. However, the relatively low price, especially in comparison with fashionable Italian means of transportation, does not affect the quality, and it is at a high level. To purchase this stroller is recommended for those who do not chase brands, but appreciate the best value for money.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive aspects of the Little Track stroller, there are several.

  • Low weight. Even large 2-in-1 strollers weigh no more than 12 kg. The wheels of all models are lightweight, with imitation tires and plastic rims.
  • Maneuverability. Even if, in addition to the child, there are products in the lower basket in the stroller, it will be easy to operate it, you can even handle it with one hand.
  • Optimal seat and bench size. In models with a cradle, you can safely roll a baby up to 9-10 months. The width of the stroller is very comfortable and even a toddler dressed in winter clothes will not be constrained in movement. In addition, the sufficient seat depth provides excellent wind and weather protection. The cradles for all models are made of plastic with special ventilation holes.

  • Practical upper fabric. It does not wrinkle, it is perfectly cleaned of dirt, it is enough just to wipe it with a cloth soaked in soapy water. It is not removable for washing, but this is not necessary due to the very simple maintenance.
  • Inner fabric 100% cotton. This only applies to models with a carrycot. It is very convenient to remove the inner cover for washing.
  • Narrow chassis. Most of the models have a frame up to 58 centimeters wide, which allows it to be used even in small old elevators.
  • Excellent flotation and shock absorption. With Little Trek, you can safely walk not only on asphalt, but also on cobblestones, rough terrain and snow. The stroller perfectly “walks” up the steps so that no staircase will be an obstacle.

  • Adjustable handle. In some models, up to 11 handle positions are provided, which allows you to adjust the stroller to the height of both tall and short parents.
  • Compactness and ease of assembly / disassembly. All Little Track models can be easily transported in the trunk, they can be easily folded. The strollers are easy to fold with one hand.
  • Durability. Despite the low price, all the materials from which the stroller is made are of high quality. Stroller tires are not prone to cuts and punctures.
  • Budgetary. For a stroller with similar characteristics, but a well-known firm, you will have to pay much more. The Russian company does not need advertising, and by saving money on promoting its product, the price remains attractive to the buyer.

Despite all the advantages, there are also some disadvantages.

  • Quite noisy mechanism for lowering and raising the hood. If the child has a sensitive sleep, then lowering the visor to hide the baby from the sun without waking him up can be a real problem.
  • Not too original design. For some, this item may turn out to be not a disadvantage, but an advantage.
  • Budgetary equipment.
  • On some models, especially with a cradle, it is not very convenient to adjust the backrest position without disturbing the baby.

All of the listed disadvantages for someone may be quite significant, however, the advantages of Russian strollers are much greater.

Popular stroller models

The manufacturer produces several models of strollers, some of which can be supplemented with accessories, for example, a stroller.

Classic strollers carrycots for newborns are made in several colors, have large inflatable wheels and a spacious metal basket for groceries. Comes with a bag for mom.

Abner 2 in 1. Modern stroller with bright design

This stroller has a number of features:

  • ultra-light aluminum frame;
  • wheels on bearings, do not require additional maintenance;
  • suspension with the ability to adjust the damping rigidity;
  • large shopping basket that closes with a zipper;
  • folds up quickly and easily.

You can separately purchase a chassis and a stroller for a classic stroller with a carrycot from the manufacturer. This tactic allows the buyer to independently choose the best version of the stroller, without overpaying for unnecessary components.

How to choose the right stroller?

The choice of a stroller is a crucial step that should be taken with all seriousness. An improperly selected vehicle can not only ruin the nerves of the parents, but also the locomotor system of the child. Going to the store for this miracle of technology, you should remember simple tips.

  • Stroller model should meet the individual requirements of the parents, not fashion. For weather children, it makes sense to take a double stroller, and if you walk a lot or travel with your baby, then you cannot do without a comfortable and lightweight stroller.
  • Seat must be firm and stable. This is necessary in order to avoid serious problems with the spine in the future.
  • Chassis dimensions. It is necessary to measure the width of the doorway and the elevator in advance, so as not to make a mistake and not to purchase a model that will not enter anywhere.
  • Shock absorbers. They must be of high quality and do their job well.
  • Comfortable handle. It's great if it is adjustable in height and even better if it can be thrown over. Such a handle will allow you to hide the child from the wind in the face or rain, if you change its position.
  • Brake. It should be comfortable for the person who plans to use the stroller the most. The center brake has proven itself well, usually in front and very comfortable to apply.

If possible, you need to decide which of the additional accessories will be needed, and which you can safely do without and not overpay for them.


Reviews of the Russian Little Trek strollers are mostly positive. Most of all, parents like the low price and good quality. Some have tried several models of these strollers and expertly declare that their reliability and driving performance are at a high level. In addition, the manufacturer's website has all the necessary parts for warranty repair, which allows you to quickly repair and replace a failed part.

The strollers of the Russian manufacturer are the optimal solution for those who value their money and care about the health and comfort of the child. Little Trek makes any walk an exciting journey.

In the next video you will find an overview of the Little Trek "Country" stroller.

Watch the video: How to Choose the Best Stroller - Babylist (July 2024).