
Kajtex strollers: lineup and tips for choosing

Even if you are choosing a stroller for a newborn for the second or third time, it will not hurt you to familiarize yourself with the model range of Kajtex strollers. And parents who buy a vehicle for their baby for the first time need to find out what types are intended for.

Features and varieties

A distinctive feature of all Kajtex models is ergonomics and convenience for the baby and parents: high maneuverability, lightweight frame, comfortable hood with a lock in several positions and an extensive range of accessories for mothers (couplings, baskets, bags, play organizers, and others).

A brief classification of Kajtex strollers includes the following varieties.

  • Transformers They were once very popular, as they allowed you to save money and not buy a stroller. They are suitable for children from 0 to 3 years old, they allow you to make a sitting structure from a recumbent structure, simply by raising the back. Minus - clumsy, heavy and cumbersome.

  • Carrycots Is the best option for a newborn. They are distinguished by increased cross-country ability due to large wheels, low weight due to an aluminum frame, a pleasant aesthetic appearance and reliability (the fewer complex transforming structures, the longer the frame will last). Minus - it is expensive and not suitable for mobile babies from 1 year old. True, most of the parents still use them for the winter, when cane strollers get stuck in the snow.

  • Modular models - This is the design most loved by parents. It consists of a frame on which you can attach a cradle, a walking block, an infant car seat. Advantages - the frame and additional modules are purchased separately, disadvantages - the structure can be assembled only on the basis of components from one manufacturer, as well as the high cost.

Important! Kajtex strollers are presented in several design options: transformer (including for twins), station wagons (2 in 1).

How to choose?

There are several nuances worth paying attention to when buying a stroller.

  • Appointment. Children's design for summer walks, frequent trips to nature and air travel will be distinguished by small wheels, light weight and simplicity of design. The stroller for urban walks will have large rubber or plastic wheels to ensure maximum flotation. If the wheelchair's wheels rotate 180 degrees, then they must necessarily have a lock.
  • Dimensions. The size of the stroller is determined by the width of its wheels. Even if you visually think that the stroller will enter the elevator, you better find out for sure by measuring the elevator opening and the width of the wheels with a tape measure.
  • Frame and shock absorption. The lighter the frame, the easier it is for parents to carry the stroller. The best option is aluminum, carbon steel or plastic is allowed. The Kajtex strollers have a frame weight of 8 kg, spring-type shock absorbers have two stiffness systems.
  • Brake system. The tube brake allows you to quickly stop the Kajtex stroller, as it fixes two wheels at once.

A reliable brake eliminates the possibility of spontaneous rotation of the stroller.

Popular models

The transformers include the Kajtex Sprint Twin, Sprint, Skippy and Juppi models. The general characteristics are the frame size (distance between the wheels), which is 60 cm, the wheel diameter is 30 cm, the folding type is a book, the presence of five-point seat belts and a weight of at least 14.5 kg. It is worth considering in more detail the most popular models.

Sprint Twin

Kajtex Sprint Twin is the most popular model for twins. It has an increased berth and is equipped with two separate mattresses, as well as carrying baskets. It is reliably insulated with a double lining, a cover for the legs, has a ventilation system, and a protective barrier for children. The lightweight frame has flat tubes and is made in a trendy graphite color.

The handle on the body is thrown in the opposite direction and is adjustable according to the height of the parent, the chamber inflatable wheels are removable, the brakes are double, and the shock absorbers have two degrees of softness and complete shutdown. The backrest is fixed in four positions, while each child has its own adjustment system, and it also has an additional shock absorber. The wheelchair cover is lowered noiselessly.

Important! The rest of the transforming strollers have the same characteristics, only they have a berth for one child.

Tramonto Len

Kajtex Tramonto Len is the most popular model of universal (modular) strollers. A distinctive feature of the model is 20 different body colors: from classic plain or two-tone options to models with bright prints. The body itself is made of linen fabric, which has an increased margin of safety. At the same time, flax is well ventilated and hypoallergenic. The set includes two blocks (cradle and stroller) and a base (lightweight aluminum frame). Carrying is not included in the package.

A big plus is the reduced distance between the wheels - 55 cm, which allows you to bring the stroller even into old elevators. The wheels themselves have a diameter of 30 cm, a white rim and spring cushioning. The carrycot is equipped with a sturdy bottom, and the stroller is focused on 4 backrest positions. The weight of the model depends on what is installed on the frame: the weight of the stroller with a cradle is 13 kg, with a stroller block - 14.5 kg.


The main emphasis in reviews of Kajtex strollers is placed on the high maneuverability of the models (drives through the snowdrifts, “walks” up the steps and curbs), excellent ergonomics, low cost (from 22,000 to 30,000 rubles). Of the minuses, there is a large mosquito net, magnetic mounts on the cradle and buttons for lowering and raising the hood.

You cannot fold the hood with one hand. The rest of the strollers suit 80% of parents.

For an overview of the Kajtex stroller, see the next video.

Watch the video: Baby Act With Stroller. (July 2024).