
Polish strollers: popular models and manufacturers

When a child appears in the family, the question arises of ensuring his comfort and safety. To make walks with your baby only joyful, you need to purchase high-quality children's transport. Often, parents cannot quickly choose a stroller, as they carefully study reviews of various manufacturers and product characteristics.

There are a large number of brands offering good products. But the most popular and demanded are Polish brands. And this is not surprising, because they offer quality and safe products at fairly affordable prices. Let's consider the range of products from Poland in more detail.


Many people like strollers from Poland, as they are distinguished by the European quality level and a large number of positive features that allow parents not to worry about the child and enjoy the walk.

  • Almost all models have a modern look. Manufacturers offer a huge range of various colors and design options. You can find both laconic and very original model.
  • Baby strollers from Polish manufacturers are always extremely practical. They have waterproof and easy-to-clean covers that can be washed by hand or in a washing machine. This is very convenient for caring parents who take care of the accuracy of the purchased items.
  • Each model is ergonomic and has many useful accessories to make your walk more comfortable. The bag can hold your baby's favorite toys and other things that may be needed during the walk. The bulk basket can be used to store food. The hood will relieve the baby from the discomfort associated with bad weather conditions. The waterproof foot cover protects the child from rain and wind, and the sun visor protects from the scorching rays.
  • The Polish stroller is ideal for budget conscious parents. The products are functional, stylish and of high quality, but at the same time they have an affordable price, which allows even a family with an average income to purchase a design.

Polish designs are perfectly adapted to the climate of Russia and are able to provide children with maximum comfort. Also, parents do not have to worry about the safety of babies, because the manufacturers have already taken care of this, making the belts durable and comfortable.


Before purchasing a vehicle for your baby, you should decide what type of stroller he needs. There are several types.

  • Walking and for newborns. Only children of certain ages can walk in them: in a walking room - from one and a half to three years, in a design for newborns - babies up to 6-9 months. When purchasing one of these models, you should pay attention to whether it is possible to adjust the inclination of the backrest, as well as assess its rigidity.

  • Carriages-transformers. Such models are purchased by parents of children under 3-4 years old. If you buy a transformer, you can no longer change the stroller when the baby is growing up. But it must be remembered that such constructions are rather heavy, as they include many functions.

  • Universal strollers (2 in 1, 3 in 1). As part of the 3-in-1 designs, there is a portable car seat that can be installed on an axle. For small children, a cradle can be placed on the axle; for a child from 9 months, you can install a walking block. These strollers are very comfortable. The cradles are spacious and do not hinder the movement of the baby, and the walking blocks are designed for maximum weight.

Most often, strollers of this type have inflatable wheels that allow them to be maneuverable.


There are many Polish manufacturers on the market, offering parents worthy products. Consider the ranking of the most popular brands.


It is a manufacturer that produces structures with a modern design. The brand offers a wide variety of colors, so everyone can choose something for themselves. Lonex produces quality products that serve parents for a long time. The designs have many additional accessories that can protect the child from cold, snow, rain and sunlight. Mothers can put their favorite toys in a large basket. Lonex strollers make walks with children easier and more comfortable.

Reliable belts that will not cause discomfort to the child will take care of the baby's safety.


This brand also produces products with unique and interesting designs. The main difference between the designs is innovative developments that can simplify the operation of wheelchairs. The latest line of models has a reliable and lightweight frame with a very comfortable mechanism. With its help, parents can unfold the module without unfastening the structure from the frame.

All models are made of high quality materials that cannot harm the baby.

They are very soft and pleasant to the touch, do not cause allergies and repel moisture, which allows parents not to worry about the comfort of the child in bad weather.


This is a budget option. The manufacturer offers customers a quality product at an affordable price. The constructions are incredibly maneuverable. They are able to drive on any roads, snow or leaves. Large inflatable wheels allow them to do this. Also, the strollers of this brand have an excellent shock absorption system, which provides a smooth and easy ride. They are not afraid of any obstacles.

In the spacious cradle, the baby will feel comfortable even if he is wearing warm clothes. The design does not hinder movement and allows children to enjoy the fresh air in comfort.

"Baby Design"

The products manufactured by this brand are of remarkable quality, which is confirmed by many positive reviews on the open spaces of the network. The design can become a real helper for parents in any season of the year. Most often, the frame of the models is insulated, which helps to protect the baby from the cold. Each stroller has a mesh window that allows air to pass through and saves the child from the summer heat. The hoods of the models are quite deep, reliably covering children from the prying glances of passers-by. All materials from which the strollers are made are high quality and safe.


This design will be an ideal option for parents who lead an active lifestyle and often travel to nature or the country. The most significant positive quality of the models is the powerful chassis. Strollers are good for long journeys or long walks. They are quite compact, easily fit into the trunk of a car and carry from one place to another. Structures quickly fold, when folded, they can be stored anywhere. The unique design of the models attracts attention, is elegant, interesting, but restrained.

Roan marita

This is a company that produces quality all-terrain strollers. A large selection allows parents to purchase exactly what will suit them and the baby. A significant plus in favor of this brand is a powerful chassis and large wheels, which guarantee good cross-country ability under any conditions. The seat belts reliably protect the child, so he cannot fall out of his transport. They have soft pads that relieve the baby from discomfort.


This manufacturer tries to think through any, even the smallest detail of structures, therefore, creates the highest quality and functional products. The company's stroller will undoubtedly make walks with your child fun and safe. The constructions have rich functionality. Inflatable wheels allow strollers to drive even on the worst roads, and good shock absorption can save parents from worrying about various obstacles.


Models of this manufacturer have three wheels and a narrowed frame. With the help of this structure, they can pass through any doorway and passenger elevator without any problems. The strollers are extremely light and compact and can be folded anywhere. Also, the model is easy to carry or transport, it easily fits into the trunk of any size. Hauck - very comfortable, convenient and high quality designs.


This is a manufacturer that makes incredibly light and maneuverable structures that are real all-terrain vehicles. Such a purchase will be ideal for the winter season. The set includes a warm and comfortable foot cover, a large basket in which you can put toys and things. Strollers have a convenient backrest adjustment. For many years, the brand has been producing high-quality and inexpensive goods, which have already made many parents happy.

For an overview of the Verdi Expert 3 in 1 stroller, see the following video.

Tips & Tricks

For the stroller to please the baby and parents for a long time, you should handle it carefully and take into account some of the rules for operating the structure.

  • It is strictly forbidden to overload the stroller, as this may cause mechanical damage to the frame.
  • Do not swing the structure, as this will damage the product.
  • You cannot use the stroller if the temperature outside in winter is below -30 degrees, as this may deteriorate the appearance of the product.
  • If parents bought a stroller with large inflatable wheels, it is worth remembering that such models also cannot be used at temperatures below -30 degrees. Structures with plastic wheels cannot be used if the temperature is below -10 degrees.
  • In order to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on children's transport, you need to constantly wipe it with a soft cloth. Otherwise, the appearance of the stroller will not be very attractive, and the accumulation of dust can affect the health of the child.
  • When choosing a design, you should immediately decide which type of product is best suited for walking with your baby.

It is better to take the child with you and see if he will be comfortable in the model you like.

Some parents don't know how to choose the best option. There are several tips to help you acquire exactly what will make life easier for both your baby and parents.

  • Before purchasing a structure, you should decide where it will be used. If parents are accustomed to walking with their baby in the city center, on a good sidewalk, a model with small wheels may suit them. If the walking area is rough terrain and bad roads, you should pay attention to structures with large wheels. They should also have good coil springs.
  • If parents like to go out of town or just travel, you need to choose the stroller that fits easily and simply into the trunk. It should be lightweight and compact. When purchasing, parents should check whether the size of the structure is suitable for the dimensions of their car. Models' weights and widths also matter if parents use public transportation frequently, maneuver narrow stairs and enter a small elevator.
  • Parents of active children should choose darker upholstery that can be easily removed and washed.
  • It is better to immediately check whether the structure folds and unfolds easily.

Watch the video: Best Strollers of 2019 Nuna. UPPAbaby. Bugaboo. Cybex. Babyzen. BOB. Maclaren. Silver Cross (July 2024).