
EasyWalker stroller: varieties and tips for choosing

In the modern world, every person who has become a parent purchases a stroller for their child. After all, it is an indispensable thing for young mothers and fathers: in it, the baby can not only move around, exploring the world, but also sleep in the fresh air. Today we will talk about this product from the Dutch company EasyWalker.


First introduced several decades ago, the EasyWalker has created a worldwide sensation. Already the first models of this brand have become popular among consumers. The company's products are sporting reliable structures with a standard four-wheel system.

Such strollers are designed for transportation in public transport, movement over rough terrain. Their soft inner surface is easy to remove, and it also has a special lining to protect it from water. The quality of the products of this manufacturer is confirmed by European certificates.


EasyWalker currently offers a wide range of products. Today one of the most popular models is the Mini Buggy XS. It differs from other samples in its compactness and light weight. When folded, its size is 52x44x23 cm, when unfolded, dimensions reach 105x76x44 cm.

This model has non-double wheels, they are made of heavy-duty rubber. Suspension is available on all wheels. The Buggy XS comes with an adjustable footrest and bumper (soft interior).

Another model is the Buggy XL. According to most people, such a stroller-cane has good maneuverability and has height-adjustable handles. The back can also be fixed, in total it has four positions.

The Mosey 2-in-1 swatch folds and unfolds easily with just one swipe. The stroller is maneuverable and lightweight. In addition, this model comes with a special adapter that provides additional headroom when needed.

Mosey 2-in-1 models also come with adjustable handlebars and shock absorbers. They provide smooth movement of the stroller and smooth out all the bumps on the road. This sample is available with a five-point harness that protects the child from falling while walking.

Another model of such products is the Harvey 2 in 1. It comes with a special telescopic handle, which is trimmed with durable and high quality artificial leather. Her wheels are half filled with special hard foam. The footrest of this instance can be fixed in four different positions.

In addition, this stroller has a special storage basket. It is located under the body of the product. Like the previous model, the Harvey 2-in-1 has five-point straps that come with soft overlays.

This model is the first sliding stroller. It has a special adapter axle with which you can expand one more place. Therefore, it is often just such a design that is bought for twins or the weather.

The Qtro sample has a standard four-wheel system and excellent handling. In one set with this stroller there is a frame cradle for a child and a wide stroller seat. The wheels of this model have a large radius. In addition, they are equipped with an off-road tread and frame made of light-alloy aluminum.

Another Qtro stroller comes with a silent hood. It is made of ultra-dense fabric and has a visor that protects the newborn from ultraviolet rays. The suspension level and ergonomic handle of this design are easy to adjust.

The Duo model for twins can be safely called an excellent option for parents with two babies. One set with this design includes two strollers and two cradles. The seats and the carrycot can be installed in different positions, so this stroller can be used even for the weather.

Stroller seats are produced with adjustable backrests and seats. All upholstery for them is completely made of safe hypoallergenic fabrics. The ergonomic handle on the Duo can be locked in six different positions.

Today EasyWalker also produces the Sky baby stroller. It is distinguished by ideal handling, maneuverability and maneuverability. This sample has super-strong inflatable wheels with a large diameter. In addition, they have an off-road tread.

The Sky stroller is equipped with soft shock absorbers that are installed in the rear pillars. The back of the structure can be fixed and has three different positions. Also, this model is available with a visor, which is equipped with deep protection against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Pros and cons

EasyWalker strollers have a number of important advantages.

  • Nice appearance. Many people believe that these strollers are the most elegant and modern design.
  • Easy control. It is achieved through robust rubber wheels with a large diameter.
  • Possibility of various transformations. Many EasyWalker models can be folded out to form a second seat. In addition, these strollers can be folded quite compactly to make them easier to carry.
  • Stylish colors. In the production of these designs, manufacturers use only ultra-modern and fashionable shades: gray, cream, dark blue.

  • Safety. EasyWalker strollers are equipped with several secure belts for the child, which will prevent him from falling out of the stroller while walking.
  • Large seats. The seats in these strollers are spacious, so any child will feel comfortable in them.
  • Can be used for two children. Today this Dutch manufacturer manufactures designs with an additional seat for the second child, which is a practical and convenient option for parents of twins or the weather.

But at the same time, EasyWalker strollers have some drawbacks.

  • High price. Most consumers noted that the price of a stroller of this brand is much higher than that of other manufacturers, so it will not be affordable for everyone.
  • Great weight. On many models, the wheels are filled with special hard foam and other elements that make the product significantly heavier, so they are difficult to carry.
  • Small basket size. Some buyers said the basket underneath the structure was too small. In addition, access to it is significantly difficult, since the stroller frame interferes with it.

How to choose?

Many young parents do not know which EasyWalker to choose for their child. So, before buying a suitable design, you need to pay attention to several things.

  • If you have twins or the weather, then it is best for you to choose folding models with an additional seat (EasyWalker Duo).

  • It is also important to consider that there are cane strollers, which can be used for a child at least 6 months old. After all, they are intended for those children who already know how to sit independently. These designs include the following models: Buggy XS, Buggy XL, Mosey 2 in 1, Sky. If your child has not yet reached that age, then you are better off using regular strollers.
  • Also, when choosing a suitable model, you should pay special attention to the wheels. If the stroller will be used on rough terrain, then you should buy structures with more stable inflatable wheels. The following EasyWalker strollers have them: Harvey 2 in 1, Mosey 2 in 1.


Many experienced parents advise new mothers and fathers to buy strollers with inflatable wheels for their child, because they provide excellent cross-country ability and maneuverability. But at the same time, today on the Internet you can find many reviews that these elements give the product additional weight and make it heavy, so this option is not suitable for everyone.

Some users noted that it is most profitable to purchase models that come with a bumper, carrycot and a special raincoat (Qtro).

Otherwise, buying a complete set will cost you much more, because separately such parts cost more.

Also, many experts leave a lot of recommendations for the care of strollers from this manufacturer. So, they often advise to carry out regular cleaning of the product using ordinary soap and a rag. But if the structure has been exposed to moisture or snow, it should be thoroughly wiped and dried in order to avoid the formation of rust on the parts.

For the EasyWalker stroller, see the following video.

Watch the video: Costway Foldable Lightweight Baby travel stroller introduction video BB4726CF (July 2024).