
Variety of pushchairs with reclining handle

Stroller manufacturers regularly replenish their product range with new models. Strollers are especially popular with young parents, one of the varieties of which is children's vehicles with a cross-over handle.


For babies who can already sit, there are many different types of strollers, but models of strollers with a cross over handle are in demand all over the world. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of parents, as well as the increased demand for such products.

The main feature of such a child's vehicle is the presence of a reversible unit, which allows the model to be used in two variants of the seat arrangement - when the child sits facing the mother or, conversely, with his back to his parents. By turning the baby's back, you can increase his view, allowing you to study the surrounding objects. By choosing a position in which the child will turn to his mother, you can maintain eye contact with the child, which will help him adapt to a walk or to new conditions.

Thanks to the development of manufacturers, there are models of tools with a swing handle on the market that are recommended for use in winter, as well as lighter products intended for use in summer.

Strollers with a mechanism for changing the position of the handle are distinguished by a high level of practicality, in addition, they have a long time range for walking with a child. As a rule, they can carry babies from six months of age to 3-4 years.

Strollers are equipped with a special seat, unlike other baby carriages, where a cradle is placed on the chassis, in which the child cannot sit. The seat for the baby's seat is much lower than that of the bassinet.

The principle of rotation of the handle occurs along a vertical plane, due to which you can quickly change the position of the child relative to the mother.

Advantages and disadvantages

For an objective assessment of prams with a cross-over holder, it is worth highlighting their main positive properties and weaknesses.

The advantages of the models include several features.

  • First of all, children's vehicles with a movable handle mechanism give the little passenger the opportunity to learn about the world around him during his wakefulness on a walk, and also allow, if necessary, for example, when the child is tired of impressions, turn him to his mother, giving the opportunity to rest.
  • In addition, under unpleasant weather conditions, including strong winds or scorching sun, you can protect your baby from negative external factors using the overhead handle.
  • Parental control is also an important factor. Thanks to the ability to turn the child to face you, you can prevent a lot of unpleasant situations.

Of course, all of the above tasks can also be handled by transformer strollers, in which it is possible, thanks to a special jumper, to rearrange the unit to a different position. But such manipulations are not always convenient for a walk, especially when the child is asleep, since the baby will need to be taken out of the vehicle.

In addition, changing the position of the block will take much more time and effort, and in order to throw the handle over the stroller, you need only a few seconds and a minimum of energy.

In the ranking of the best goods for toddlers, vehicles with a rocker handle occupy the first positions. Since during operation they have proven themselves on the positive side. However, these models also have some weaknesses, which in some cases can complicate the use of the stroller.

The disadvantages of walking children's products are not so many features.

  • In models with a rocker handle, the chassis are arranged so that the parental handle will be in the rear when moving. In the event that it is thrown to the other side, the center of gravity shifts by itself. This position makes it difficult to lift the wheelchair when driving onto a curb or other elevation on the road.

However, the way out of this situation can be to move the holder to the standard position, or you can drive onto a hill by turning the stroller. Neglecting this feature of a stroller can simply break the handle.

  • When the child takes the position in the stroller facing the mother, the maneuverability of the device is slightly reduced. This is true for models with front swivel wheels, when the position of the holder changes, they automatically become rear wheels, therefore, they need to block their rotating abilities.
  • Despite the cushioning, changing the position of the handle makes it harder to walk, so the mom needs to apply extra force to operate the baby vehicle.
  • A three-wheeled walk is very rarely equipped with a crossover holder. But on sale you can find inexpensive book strollers, the handle of which can be in front and behind.


Stroller manufacturers classify walking models with a cross-over handle into three types.

  • Heavy children vehicles - their weight sometimes reaches 12 kilograms. This group of strollers includes products where a walking block is attached to the chassis instead of a cradle. This type of stroller also includes transforming strollers, in which the child seat can be used both for the baby's sleep and for sitting walks. According to the reviews of young parents, these strollers are very comfortable for winter.

  • Lightweight products - where the weight of the strollers does not exceed 10 kilograms. This group includes almost all varieties of pushchairs with a cross-over handle, in which the folding technology is provided by analogy with a book. Due to their weight, such models proved to be stable, and therefore reliable, children's vehicles during operation.
  • Walking canes - their weight varies between 3-7 kilograms... A feature of these models is the folding mechanism, during which all the wheels of the stroller are closely adjacent to each other. Due to this configuration, when folded, the cane stroller becomes flat. The model consists of the following elements - a lightweight block for a kid, a frame, as a rule, it is made of aluminum, wheels made of plastic, a handle. The back of a child's seat usually has a rigid frame and only one position.

Such strollers will be the most convenient for traveling with a baby in public transport, as well as for children who move independently most of the time during a walk. Walking strollers are simply irreplaceable for traveling with a child, as well as on vacation.


Strollers with a reversible holder are presented in a wide variety at each manufacturer of children's vehicles. In the top of the most popular strollers, the following brands occupy a leading place:

  • Peg Perego;
  • Inglesina;
  • Chicco;
  • Cam;
  • Rant.

The products of these manufacturers represent the time-tested classics of the recreational range of children's vehicles. The common qualities that unite the strollers of these brands are durability due to the use of modern high-quality materials for the production of strollers, as well as functionality. The last feature is characteristic of wheelchairs with a cross-over handle for control.

The products of these manufacturers are distinguished by their high cost, but the quality of the products pays for such expenses. Very often, strollers of these brands are passed from older children to younger family members, as a result, the operational life of one stroller can be estimated at several tens of years.

Capella and X-Lander strollers are no less popular. Based on the price of the goods of these manufacturers, strollers should be attributed to the middle price category. But despite the difference in cost, the products are characterized by high quality indicators, and they are perfect for operation in the Russian climate.

The budget models include strollers of the following brands - Geoby, Everflo, Jetem, Happy Baby. The walks of these manufacturers are Chinese products. However, this fact does not in any way indicate the poor quality of the goods. Strollers are distinguished by a wide variety of models, the overhead handles for such children's vehicles are made of different materials.

Among the offered assortment of Asian goods, you can purchase a quality and attractive stroller for use in the off-season or in the summer.

Tips & Tricks

When planning to purchase a stroller with a cross-over handle, it is worth examining the positive and negative aspects of such models. The main criterion when choosing a product will be the safety of the child. It is due to the stability of the vehicle during driving, as well as at rest, in addition, the presence of additional safety devices. These components of the stroller are seat belts and a bumper.

An important nuance is the comfort of both the mother and the baby in the process of using the stroller. Therefore, before buying this or that model, it is worth testing the tool in order to feel the weight of the transport with the baby, the maneuverability in different positions of the folding holder, as well as the mechanism for folding the walk. It is advisable that the mother be able to cope with the stroller on her own, and can fold and unfold it without assistance.

There is a list of recommendations, following which you can make the right choice.


When buying, take into account the seasonality. If products are bought on the eve of winter, the model must necessarily have large inflatable wheels, preferably single ones. This configuration of the child vehicle will help increase its maneuverability. A voluminous hood and a special insulated leg cover will be indispensable for walks.

Summer recreational vehicles with a rocker handle should have lightweight body liners with ventilation openings that are fitted with a textile net for protection. There are models with a visor that can be lowered almost to the footrest to protect the baby from the sun's rays. Wheels for summer models may be small.

Comfort level

To make it convenient for a small passenger to spend time in a stroller for a walk, you should focus on the width of the stroller block, as well as the softness of the upholstery. The ability to change the angle of the backrest will be taken into account in favor of a particular model. And also you need to pay attention to the presence of a footboard and the possibility of its adjustment.


In addition to seat belts, the stroller must have reliable brakes; in models with a crossover handle, the best option would be to have them both in the front and in the back. In order to eliminate the risk of injury, smooth cushioning and soft sides are required.


This indicator is due to the type of material that was used to skin the block, as well as the reliability of the assembly. It is best to give preference to well-known brands, but try to avoid counterfeiting a popular brand. A good model, most often, will have a steel or aluminum frame, and high-quality plastic wheels will be resistant to negative temperatures.

Textile upholstery should not fade in the sun, and it is best to be able to remove and clean it.


This parameter directly depends on the diameter of the wheels, as well as the type of chassis. For asphalt paths, you can opt for products with a diameter of about 15 centimeters; for operation outside the city, it is better to buy a stroller with wheels with a diameter of 30 centimeters.

A pen

The reversible holder must be adjustable in height. Otherwise, walking with the child will be comfortable only for the dad or only for the mother, since, most often, the parents of the baby have a difference in height. In addition, in different positions of the handle, it is sometimes necessary to adjust its height for comfortable movement.

For helpful tips on choosing a stroller, see the following video.

Watch the video: Wonder buggy Lightweight Baby Stroller with Reversible Handle (July 2024).