
"Rotokan" during pregnancy: instructions for use

If any ailment occurs during pregnancy, the question often arises as to which drugs are permissible for women in position, and which drugs are prohibited. Many expectant mothers prefer herbal remedies, for example, Rotokan extract. Such a solution is in demand in dentistry, as it reduces the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. It is permissible to use it during pregnancy, but only after the appointment of a specialist.

Features of the drug

Rotokan is produced by several pharmaceutical companies in only one form - a liquid extract that can be used topically or internally. The medicine is sold without a prescription in dark glass bottles, which are additionally placed in a cardboard box.

One bottle contains from 25 to 110 ml of a brown-orange liquid, which has a specific alcoholic herbal aroma. This extract has a bitter aftertaste dominated by alcohol and chamomile. During storage (the shelf life of the solution is 2 years), a precipitate may appear, but this does not impair the properties of the drug, if the drug is not expired.

The basis of "Rotokan" are medicinal plants - chamomile, marigold (calendula) and yarrow. They have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, and can also eliminate spasms and disinfect. For the manufacture of 1000 ml of the extract, take 500 g of chamomile flowers, 250 g each of yarrow herb and marigold flowers. The only auxiliary component of the drug is 40% ethyl alcohol. It is added to plant raw materials in such an amount that 1 liter of medicine is obtained.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

There is no consensus on the possibility of using Rotokan while waiting for a child. Some manufacturers include pregnancy in the list of contraindications for such a drug, others note that this drug is undesirable or requires caution. First of all, this is due to the unproven safety of the extract for the fetus, since studies of the effect of its active substances on the embryo have not been carried out.

It is also important that the solution is one third represented by ethyl alcohol... The teratogenic effect of such a chemical has been known for a long time, therefore taking "Rotokan" inside while carrying a child is strictly prohibited.

Another argument against such a drug for pregnant women is the presence in the composition of medicinal herbs that can cause allergies... The risk of a negative reaction to medicinal plants while waiting for the baby increases, therefore with a tendency to allergic diseases, the use of such a drug should be avoided.

In addition, flowers and herbs in the extract can negatively affect the body of a woman in a position.

Under the influence of pharmacy chamomile, bleeding may occur, and the use of yarrow and calendula sometimes results in peeling of the endometrium and the threat of miscarriage.

Nonetheless the drug can be used in expectant mothers. The prohibition for his appointment is usually only 1 trimesterwhen the effects of chemicals on the fetus can be fatal. In 2-3 trimesters, doctors can prescribe Rotokan if urgently needed. They justify such an appointment by the high efficiency of the drug and low absorption during local treatment. Therefore, if a woman is not allergic to medicinal herbs, the use of the extract is possible, but only after a medical examination.

As for the effect of alcohol, then, according to the data from the annotation, after dilution with water, 1 portion of the resulting solution contains only 0.8 g of ethanol. Doctors call this amount of alcohol low and allow its local effect on the body of a pregnant woman, but provided that the patient will not swallow the drug, but will limit herself only to rinsing, lotions or inhalations.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

Rotokan is prescribed for stomatitis caused by various reasons, for example, a fungal infection or pathogenic bacteria. The drug copes well with gum inflammation and relieves the condition of patients with periodontitis. It is often used with bleeding gums and toothache, and ENT doctors prescribe this medicine for sore throat, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Dermatologists also prescribe a spot treatment with an extract for various skin lesions. As for the inclusion of "Rotokan" in the complex of treatment of gastroenterological diseases (colitis, enteritis, duodenitis, gastritis), during pregnancy, with such indications, other means are used to minimize the intake of ethyl alcohol into the body of the expectant mother.


The use of the extract is prohibited in case of intolerance to any of its active substances, as well as in case of liver diseases. In addition, Rotokan is not recommended for traumatic brain injuries and any diseases of the brain. Serious kidney diseases are also contraindications for solution treatment.

Side effects

As already mentioned, due to the plant base "Rotokan" can provoke an allergic reaction... If, after using the medicine, a rash on the skin, itching, watery eyes, reddening of the throat and other negative symptoms appear, further use of the drug should be immediately discarded.

Instructions for use

If Rotokan is prescribed for rinsing, the extract is dissolved in warm water in the proportion prescribed by the doctor before use. For pregnant women, it is usually 5 ml per glass of water, but if necessary, it can increase to 2-3 teaspoons per glass. Gargle for 1-2 minutes 2 times a day, but for some patients the remedy should be used three times.

The duration of such treatment is determined individually, but in most cases it ranges from 2 to 5 days.

In case of inflammation of the oral mucosa, the doctor can also prescribe applications of the solution to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Another common way to use Rotokan is inhalation. They are made using a special inhaler, after consulting a doctor. Mix before the procedure 1 ml of extract and 40 ml of saline, pour such a mixture in a volume of 4 ml into the chamber of the device and breathe for 5-10 minutes.


Almost all women who have used Rotokan for sore throat, stomatitis and many other problems respond positively to this medicine. Among the main advantages of the drug are plant-based, pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, several methods of application, affordable price.

The disadvantages of the extract include a specific taste and smell, the presence of alcohol in the composition, the risk of an allergic reaction.


If it is necessary to replace Rotokan with a similar drug, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs.

  • Miramistin. Such an antiseptic agent acts on a large number of bacteria and other infectious agents. It is allowed at any stage of pregnancy and can be used for rinsing and external treatment, as well as for inhalation.

  • Tantum Verde. This liquid preparation can be used to gargle the throat and mouth for laryngitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, gum disease and other diseases. The medication is not used in the 1st trimester, but in the later stages, treatment is permissible as prescribed by a doctor.

  • "Stomatofit". The composition of such a dental preparation also contains medicinal herbs, but there are more of them than in Rotokan. The remedy is prescribed for rinsing after tooth extraction, for thrush in the mouth and other types of stomatitis. During the waiting period for the child, it is used after consulting a specialist.

See the next video for how to use Rotokan.