
Corner bunk beds for children

If the space of the nursery is rather limited, and there are two children living in it at once, parents have to seriously think about how to place everything they need in the room. When it comes to sleeping places, one of the most practical solutions would be to use a bunk bed. If saving space is just the same, you should think about buying a corner bunk bed for children.


Arguing about the key factors that force you to make a choice in favor of a corner bunk bed, it should be noted that usually such a design, one way or another, is supplemented with some more pieces of furniture - usually either a wardrobe or a table acts as an addition, although an option is also acceptable, with which the headset includes both.

Thus, the main advantage is versatility.

Often, sleeping places in such a bunk bed are located at right angles to one another, that is, they converge in one corner, but they themselves are located along two different walls. This design is optimal for the smallest rooms, because it occupies a corner as useful as possible, freeing up the central part of the room. In this case, the upper tier partially hangs over the lower one, and partially rests on the cabinet, or, as an option, on the legs, and under it is a table. The open space above half of the lower tier is not used very often, but various shelves can be placed there.

However, it also happens that both tiers are arranged in a classic order - one above the other, and the rest of the furniture is a separate headset module.

This also has a certain convenience, because a bed for two still takes up space as a bed for one, and the detachable parts can be freely moved separately from the bed.


There are several varieties of two-tier corner children's headsets, differing in two main parameters: the position of the tiers in relation to each other and the presence of additional modules. We have already considered the first parameter above, so we will pay more attention to the second.

  • The most common addition is a wardrobe. Firstly, two children probably have a lot of things that need to be stored somewhere. Secondly, a sturdy cabinet in itself will be an excellent support for the second tier. By the way, the ladder upward can be placed precisely on the side wall of the cabinet, although more often it is still located somewhat away from it. If two tiers are allocated to a module separate from the cabinet, then it will be possible to store things even after replacing the original bed.

  • If a separate second tier rests not on the cabinet, but on long legs, options immediately appear as to how to use the space under the second tier. Often, designers equip this place with a table, but its size is usually relatively small. It's optimal to use it as a place for a computer - two people are still unlikely to be able to use it at the same time.
  • If space permits, the free space under the second tier can be completed with a desk - then it will be an excellent working area for both kids at once. Due to the large space it takes up, the desk is usually not compatible with a wardrobe or even shelves, but if you wish, you can try to look for even such a universal solution.

Design features

Contrary to the seeming simplicity, there are quite a few variations of this design, and all of them are designed for maximum compliance with the living conditions of a particular apartment.

The simplest solution is an ordinary bunk bed plus a separate wardrobe or any other furniture located nearby, along the adjacent wall. Such furniture is convenient for redevelopment, due to which you can count on its long-term use. As an alternative, a partial overhang of the upper tier over such a side cabinet is possible.

If we talk about maximum roominess, you should pay attention to headsets with two wardrobes at once, one of which is corner, and the second looks like a continuation of the bed - this is an excellent solution for children of different ages.

Much attention is paid to the creators and the fact that the complex design provides maximum functionality even where it is not expected at all. Some cabinets with a pull-out mechanism allow you to hide a small table inside the case, which is very convenient if you cannot organize a full-fledged separate game and work area in the room.

The size

When purchasing corner bunk beds, parents are usually quite constrained in the free space, so they tend to put this factor at the forefront. On the one hand, the size of the apartment dictates its own conditions, on the other, you should not take something that is clearly not useful for children. In this regard, the first thing worth paying attention to is the size of the sleeping places. It is generally accepted that the width of a sleeping place for a child is normally about 70 cm, and the length should exceed the height by about 15-20 cm.Do not forget that children grow up, so it is better to purchase furniture with a size margin, however, we are talking about children's furniture. so do not bend the stick - babies are scared on a big bed. As for the height, the lower part should be low, especially if the youngest child is sleeping there, who is still very small; 50-60 cm is the limit value for its height.

As for the size of the cabinet, it is completely at the discretion of buyers, there are no specific recommendations on this matter. Much more requirements are put forward regarding the table, at least when it comes to the written version. It is believed that the normal width of the tabletop for one child should be at least a meter, although in practice 70-80 cm is also sufficient. The depth of the table should not be less than half a meter.


Let's start with what is definitely not worth buying - this is Chipboard... Many manufacturers today offer cheap chipboard headsets, but cheap, as often happens, does not even meet the minimum requirements. This material, in addition to low strength and durability, is also toxic, its use in residential premises, and even more so in a nursery, is not recommended.

It is best to purchase these types of headsets from solid wood, because this is a guarantee of durability, strength and complete safety for babies. Given the significant load on the body, it is very important that metal reinforcement is provided for the wooden supports - this applies to both classic bunk beds and wardrobes that are lucky to carry the second tier on themselves.

Do not look at the high cost and do not ignore the high strength - although children do not weigh much, they are prone to high physical activity, which is why the load increases many times over.

If you don't have enough money to buy real wooden furniture, try paying attention to furniture made from slabs. MDF... Such a solution will be much cheaper, and the loss of strength will be relatively low, although in this case the attention to metal reinforcement should be doubly increased. Usually MDF is completely environmentally friendly, but it will never be superfluous to ask the seller about the certificates.

How to choose?

Buying a bunk corner headset can be both good and bad. Assessment of the final result depends on the observance of a few simple rules:

  • Focus on the needs of the children. Sleeping places in size and availability should fully correspond to the current age of the kids, and if you are not ready to change furniture regularly, then be calculated with a margin. The same applies to the addition to the bed itself - if there is already a closet in the room, it may not be worth taking another one as part of the headset and blocking the room with it. The best option in this situation would be a set with a table or desk.
  • Don't skimp on safety and keep out toxic materials. High cost usually means quality, because no one will buy an expensive and low-quality product, but what does a low price mean? With all the desire to save money, you should understand how these savings are achieved, because the safety of your children is at stake.
  • Keep track of design compatibility. A large number of furniture purchased in one set has a positive effect on the interior, because all the details are in harmony with each other. However, the design of the room is not limited to a new set, there is also other furniture, textiles, accessories and wall decoration - everything should be kept in a certain style and a common palette.

In this video, you will see the options for assembling bunk beds.

Watch the video: Amazing Woodworking Idea Bunk Bed Baby. Build Stairs With Storage Drawers For Bunk Bed Kids! (July 2024).