Child development

11 clear signs of gambling addiction in children and adolescents

We traditionally associate a happy childhood with games and entertainment. However, the old courtyard fun is no longer as popular with the younger generation as it was 40 or at least 20 years ago. Today, teenagers are in honor of computer shooters and strategies. As a result, a mental illness such as gambling addiction is formed in children. How serious is it?

Children are addictive natures, and it is difficult to find the line that separates a simple hobby from an addiction. But one thing is for sure: if computer toys are so attractive to a child that he literally lives in front of a blue screen, forgetting about sleep, food and study, then it's time to talk about pathology.

What is gambling addiction

Addiction to computer games is a mental disorder that implies the formation of a corresponding pathological addiction in a person (an adult or a child). According to experts, gambling addiction (gambling addiction) by the mechanisms of occurrence and consequences resembles dependence on alcohol or drugs. Only in our case, the child cannot suppress the urge to play and spend all his free time at the computer.

Why is child gambling addiction a pathology? A teenager is not able to control his behavior, his desire to play comes into sharp conflict with the need to focus on other, really important matters. And if he goes to the computer, despite the fact that he needs to do his homework, clean the room, just have lunch, then this is precisely an addiction.

In turn, addiction must be distinguished from the usual obsession with online games, which is considered absolutely normal. Modern gadgets, the Internet - all this is an integral part of our life. It is not surprising that children from an early age get acquainted with computer games and periodically play them. But normally, such entertainment does not threaten the child with negative consequences, while computer addiction in children is constantly progressing.

What does it mean? If you do not take any action, then over time the teenager will play more and more often, and the intervals between play sessions will become very short. As a result, health will deteriorate, problems with studies will begin, social contacts will cease, and family relations will become strained. Do not forget about the destructive effect of addiction on the psyche of the child.

Thus, gambling addiction in adolescents is a mental pathology officially recognized by many national psychiatric associations. In particularly severe cases, the help of a psychiatrist may be required, since the child is not able to control his attraction to the computer. And, of course, parents should understand the reason for this addiction and follow the advice of experts.

Causes of gambling addiction in adolescents

Play is a natural form of activity for children. They love to play and do it with pleasure, because during the game they get many different emotions: joy, surprise, delight and even fear. And it is these emotional changes that interest in computer games is based on.

But what is the reason for addiction, because many modern children play shooters and adventure games, and not everyone has gambling addiction? Experts identify several provoking factors.

  • Family trouble. A child whose parents suffer from one addiction or another (not necessarily a game addiction) subconsciously copies a similar behavioral model. For example, a father relieves psychological discomfort with drinking, and a teenager - through immersion in virtual reality.
  • Stressful situations. Children still do not know how to adequately respond to conflicts, stresses, blows of fate. If he is faced with any problem (death of a loved one, divorce of parents, moving, school bullying), then he may try to escape from it into the world of computer games.
  • Personal characteristics. Addiction to computer games in adolescents is often a consequence of personality traits such as low self-esteem, intolerance to critical remarks, high anxiety, depression, impulsive behavior, love of risk, inability to lose.
  • Difficulty communicating with peers. Children who cannot establish contact with peers, and even more so who are outcasts, are deeply immersed in virtual reality. In games they can, without hesitation, communicate with other people, interact without eye contact. For some teens, this is a big plus.
  • Lack of alternatives. If a child does not attend sections, does not study in any circles, then the computer becomes his only opportunity to have fun and even gain new knowledge. In addition, dancing or sports takes time, effort, and computer games are at home, nearby, always nearby.

Stages of a child's addiction to computer games

Gambling addiction to computer games in children and adolescents does not occur overnight. This is a stepwise process that goes through several successive stages in its development: from the easiest to the most difficult, requiring supervision by a specialist.

  1. Preclinical stage. At this stage, there are no clear signs of addiction. Behavioral disorders are worn out, so they are sometimes not even noticeable from the outside. The child shows interest in games, spends a lot of time online, but is still able to independently refuse such a pastime. Well, or parents can convince him that there are other options for recreation.
  2. The stage of clinical changes. During this period, you can already clearly see the child's addiction to games. Including clear changes in behavior. The teenager becomes impulsive, reacts sharply to the prohibition to sit at the computer. All his thoughts are connected only with the gameplay.
  3. Clinical addiction. This stage is characterized by the appearance of mental disorders. The child no longer controls his behavior, self-criticism is significantly reduced. A so-called flattened affect is formed, which is understood as emotional impoverishment. The child becomes callous, tough and even cruel towards family, friends and pets.
  4. Structural personality changes. With a general impoverishment of emotions, vivid sensations arise that relate exclusively to the game. The child has obsessive thoughts, lack of will appears, thinking becomes illogical. Only computer games become the meaning of life, all activity is concentrated only near a computer or set-top box.

Usually, adults start sounding the alarm at the moment when the child has already formed an addiction and he spends almost all the time at the computer. Meanwhile, it is possible to cope with the problem without negative consequences at the initial stage. And you need to pay attention to the characteristic signs of computer addiction.

Signs of gambling addiction in a child

Experts identify a number of symptoms that indicate that a teenager has developed an addiction to online games.

  1. Protest behavior in response to a request to take a break from the game and take a break from the laptop.
  2. Negative emotions - anger, irritation, emptiness, arising at the moment when the child cannot play the game.
  3. Inability to plan your time.
  4. Suspension from performing their duties (the child does not do homework, does not help around the house).
  5. Emotional upsurge during the gameplay (akin to euphoria from the use of a drug dose or alcoholic beverages).
  6. Disregard for basic hygiene rules. The teenager forgets to brush his teeth, wash his hair, looks sloppy.
  7. Violation of the usual daily routine. The child falls asleep late, skips meals (or eats right at the computer table, not wanting to interrupt the gameplay), wakes up with difficulty in the morning.
  8. Changes in the emotional sphere: rudeness, cruelty, depression, impulsivity, outbursts of rage.
  9. Problems in studies, relationships with peers.
  10. Narrowing the circle of interests when the game becomes the central theme. The child constantly discusses only the gameplay, he talks reluctantly on other topics.
  11. Spending money on purchasing new computer toys, improving computer performance. If a child is passionate about online casinos, then he spends money directly on bets.

These signs of gambling addiction are often accompanied by physiological problems. Constant presence in one position leads to painful sensations in the spine and neck. Due to eating disorders, intestinal malfunctions occur. Do not forget about the decrease in visual acuity. After all, a child spends a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

Gambling addiction treatment

The answer to the question of how to deal with gambling addiction in children and adolescents should be sought in conjunction with a specialist - psychologist or psychiatrist. It should be understood that the treatment of gambling addiction occurs in a complex, long-term and consists, like the formation of addiction, of several stages.

1st stage. Create motivation

Treatment of gambling addicts begins with clarifying the reasons for the development of addiction, as well as consulting the child himself and his parents / family members. The main task of this stage is the formation of sustainable motivation to undergo a rehabilitation course. The specialist selects such arguments that will be well received by the adolescent and will allow further work.

If the child behaves inappropriately and the behavioral disturbances are severe, which excludes normal treatment, then the use of medications is possible. For example, antidepressants.

2nd stage. Medical rehabilitation

The psychiatrist first determines the most preferable type of treatment - outpatient or inpatient. The second option is optimal if the young gambling addict suffers from severe psychological disorders. In all other situations, outpatient treatment is usually prescribed, when the child comes to the clinic for special sessions.

The main goal of this stage is to eliminate excessive enthusiasm for the gameplay. For this, methods of suggestion, cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy are used. And also special trainings for the development of social skills and group therapy for children with similar problems. It is also possible to prescribe drugs.

3rd stage. Psychological rehabilitation

This is a kind of training in normal behavior and release from addiction. Usually at this stage, the psychiatrist or psychologist involves the parents in the therapeutic process. After all, one of the conditions for a successful cure for gambling addiction is the normalization of parent-child relations, the solution of existing interpersonal problems.

Also, experts are working to improve mental mechanisms. They will help resist the urge to revert to computer games. To achieve the best results, personal growth trainings, family psychotherapy, group meetings, etc. are used.

4th stage. Supportive therapy

How to wean a child from computer games so that he does not return to his usual pastime later? This is why this stage is needed, at which the specialist supports the former gambling addict and prevents relapses. The main tools are individual consultations, special trainings that increase resistance to stress, group therapy.

The duration of the entire therapeutic course and individual stages is determined individually, based on the severity of the symptoms and the characteristics of the child. As practice shows, usually the treatment lasts about a year. At the same time, the end of the course does not mean that the teenager will not further return to addiction. His further fate depends on himself and the support of his family.

Prevention of gambling addiction

Parents can prevent the development of addiction or relapse. It is only important to give the child due attention and support him in every possible way.

The following tips are quite commonplace, but they do not become less effective from this.

  • Make sure your child is not bored. The ideal option is a hobby based on his interests.
  • Be sure to show your own positive example of life without any addictions.
  • Host family activities. These can be hikes, excursions to nature, a joint visit to the cinema, etc.
  • Control the features of the games that the child chooses. Let it be unobtrusive, without dictate, but express your opinion. Also, monitor the length of time your child is at the computer.
  • If you have any suspicious symptoms, seek professional help. The sooner you sound the alarm, the less devastating the consequences of gambling addiction will be.


Gambling addiction in children is a scourge of modern society. However, it should be understood that the games themselves or the computer are not absolute evil. In the right hands and with judicious use, they can even be beneficial to a child's development. The problem is provoked by the violation of parent-child relations, the adolescent's dissatisfaction with his position in society and the destructive style of upbringing.

Watch the video: Gambling Addiction Help: How to stop gambling Forever and End Your Addiction (July 2024).