
Vitamin complexes "Alphabet" for pregnant women

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally and the child to develop correctly, doctors recommend supporting the body of the expectant mother with vitamin supplements. One of the most popular multivitamin complexes, designed specifically for women in position, is the drug "Alphabet Mom's Health".

Such a multivitamin product is recommended not only for pregnant women, but also for women who are only planning to become a mother or have already given birth and are breastfeeding a baby. The needs of all such women for vitamins and microelements are increasing, therefore, additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, according to doctors, is necessary and very important for them.


Unlike many other vitamin supplements for pregnant women, the composition of the “Mom's Health” complex was created taking into account the compatibility of vitamins both with each other and with different minerals. So that all the useful ingredients are absorbed as well as possible and do not interfere with each other, they were divided into three formulas, as a result of which it turned out three different pills. The manufacturer assures that this not only significantly increases the effectiveness of prophylactic use (by about 30-50%), but also reduces the risk of an allergic reaction.

Studies have shown that certain minerals and vitamins impair the absorption of other nutrients. For example, calcium has the ability to reduce iron absorption, and vitamin B12, when combined with ascorbic acid and vitamin E, is destroyed faster. All such interactions were taken into account in the formulation of Mom's Health tablets, which contributes to better prevention of nutritional deficiencies.

In total, Alphabet tablets for expectant mothers contain 13 vitamin compounds supplemented with 11 minerals and taurine. The dosages of such substances meet the increased needs of a woman expecting a baby, but do not exceed the maximum allowable.

One package contains 60 tablets (20 pieces of different types) and costs an average of 350-370 rubles. You need to store the drug at home in a dry place at a temperature of + 4 + 25 degrees, reliably hiding the tablets from children. The additive has a shelf life of 2 years.


Supplement "Alphabet" of the "Mom's Health" series is recommended to be taken while waiting for the baby in order to prevent a deficiency of substances important for the development of crumbs.

It is especially needed by pregnant women who are malnourished, have undergone surgery or some kind of infectious disease, are subject to significant mental or physical stress, and have taken antibiotics for a long time.

In all such situations, the woman needs to get more nutrients so that the pregnancy goes through without problems, and the child develops according to the timing. In addition, the complex will support the woman's body in the winter-spring period, when the immune system is weakening, so the risk of contracting a viral infection increases.


It is necessary to refuse from taking the supplement in case of individual intolerance, if any of the ingredients of the "Alphabet" provokes unwanted reactions. Tablets are also not prescribed for women with certain diseases of the thyroid gland, therefore, take "Mom's Health" during the period of bearing a baby. only after consulting your doctor.

If the expectant mother has developed gestational diabetes mellitus, taking the complex requires caution.


The pink tablet is called Iron + because it contains 20 mg of iron supplemented with 1 mg of copper. These elements play an important role in the formation of hemoglobin, therefore, with a lack of them, anemia occurs. Among the vitamins, the pink tablets include:

  • 50 mg vitamin C - one of the most important antioxidants supporting immunity and collagen formation;
  • 1.2 mg vitamin B1, necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and heart;
  • 300 mcg folic acid - for the prevention of malformations of the nervous system in the fetus and normal synthesis of blood cells;
  • 2 mg beta carotene - for the formation of vitamin A in the body, which is necessary for normal growth, vision and skin condition.

In addition, the "Iron +" additionally contains the amino acid taurine in a dosage of 50 mg per tablet. It is important for eye health, improves metabolic processes, protects liver tissue from harmful effects and helps to lower blood pressure. In addition, taurine is involved in fat metabolism and is used in the synthesis of bile acids.

The second tablet of the complex, which is blue in color, contains 40 mg of vitamin C and 2 mg of beta-carotene, and also acts as a source of such vitamins:

  • 19 mg nicotinamide - to support protein metabolism and the function of the digestive tract;
  • 12 mg vitamin E - to protect against free radicals, synthesis of hormones and nucleic acids;
  • 1 mg vitamin B2 - for all metabolic processes in the body of the mother and fetus;
  • 2 mg vitamin B6 - for better assimilation of all other substances, the normal formation of blood cells, bones and tissues of the oral cavity.

These blue tablets called "Antioxidants +" also contain various minerals:

  • magnesium at a dose of 50 mg - to transmit impulses in neurons and to contract muscle cells;
  • zinc at a dosage of 12 mg, involved in the synthesis of many enzymes and hormones;
  • iodine at a dose of 150 mcg - for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and support of all metabolic processes;
  • selenium at a dosage of 40 mcg - for the regulation of redox processes, metabolic reactions and good immunity;
  • manganese at a dose of 1 mg - for the formation of blood cells and normal growth of the fetus;
  • molybdenum at a dosage of 25 mcg - for the formation of enzymes and coenzymes that are important for many metabolic processes.

The action of the tablet No. 3, which has a white-cream color, is aimed at the musculoskeletal system of the pregnant woman and the unborn child. It is called "Calcium-D3 +" because its main components are vitamin D at a dose of 10 μg and calcium at a dose of 250 mg per tablet. Such a complex also contains:

  • 5 mg vitamin B5 - to support carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • 300 mcg folic acid;
  • 125 mg phosphorus - for the regulation of metabolism, cell division and growth, better absorption of calcium;
  • 3 μg vitamin B12 - for the normal synthesis of red blood cells and the work of the nervous system;
  • 25 mcg chromium - for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the normalization of blood pressure;
  • 30 mcg biotin - for the regulation of protein and fat balance, the synthesis of various enzymes;
  • 60 mcg vitamin K1 - to support blood clotting, heart and liver functions.

Instructions for use

The drug must be swallowed during meals with non-carbonated clean water. The daily dose of the "Mom's Health" complex is 3 tablets - one of each color. It is advisable to take them at intervals of at least 4 hours. (optimally - 4-6 hours, so that all nutrients have time to be absorbed in the intestines), divided into three doses. So vitamins will be absorbed best and will bring maximum benefit to the body of the expectant mother and baby in the tummy.

If it is not possible to use the additive three times, the complex can be taken twice a day. For example, a woman can take one pill during breakfast and the other two during dinner, or vice versa. So the drug will also be more effective than taking all three tablets at the same time.

Nonetheless, if it is more convenient for a woman to swallow the entire daily dose at once, this method of administration is also acceptable. In this case, the supplement will lose its advantages among analogues, but it will still be a source of valuable elements that support the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus.

In what order to take the "Alphabet", it does not matter, therefore, the order of reception is chosen by the pregnant woman herself. If a woman has forgotten to take another pill, you need to take the drug as soon as it is discovered. You can continue taking a tablet of any color.

The supplement can be used at any stage of pregnancy - both in the first months of gestation, and in the second or third trimesters. Usually "Mom's Health", like any other multivitamins, is recommended to be taken continuously for one month, and then take a break for 10-15 days, after which vitamin prophylaxis is resumed.


There are mostly positive reviews about the use of the "Alphabet" supplement intended to support pregnant and lactating women. In them, the tool is praised for its rich composition, small size, and reasonable cost. The tolerance of the complex, according to expectant mothers, is good. Allergy to such multivitamins occurs very rarely, but still sometimes occurs, therefore, when taking it for the first time, caution is needed.

Many women who took "Mom's Health" while expecting a child choose such a complex and for the period of breastfeeding, after all, during lactation, the need for vitamin and mineral support is also high.

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