
"Iodomarin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Many pathological conditions of pregnant women and the formation of severe malformations of the fetus are associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the thyroid gland with a lack of iodine. That is why, for preventive purposes, pregnant women are advised to take Iodomarin.

Purpose of appointment

Sometimes expectant mothers have a reasonable question why doctors prescribe an iodine-containing agent for them in the absence of any pathologies from the thyroid gland, and whether it is necessary to drink Iodomarin. The answer to this question is simple and unambiguous - This medication is necessary for women waiting for a replenishment. For the full functioning of the thyroid gland of pregnant women iodine is an extremely necessary substance. The baby in utero in the early stages receives the hormones that the mother "shares" with him, they come to him with her blood. This also applies to thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

At the end of the first trimester, the baby himself begins to produce such hormones, since his thyroid gland begins to work, which also needs iodine, and the baby can receive it exclusively from the mother's blood. The cells of the "thyroid", called thyrocytes, are capable of producing the necessary hormones only if they are able to complete a complete capture of their blood plasma of such a substance as iodine.

Thyroid hormones are necessary for the child to develop bone tissue, blood circulation, respiratory organs, and immunity normally. The maturation of the parts of the brain and their differentiation also takes place with the direct participation of thyroid hormones, and their lack leads to brain underdevelopment, dementia.

With a lack of iodine, thyroid hormones begin to be produced in violation, an imbalance arises, which leads to a delay in fetal development, to malformations of the child's gonads, to low intelligence, up to cretinism. The child already in the womb develops severe forms of metabolic disorders, he is obese

But what does this have to do with every pregnant woman, you ask. Yes, the most direct - up to 75% of the population of our country is experiencing more or less permanent iodine deficiency. And even the regions that are located close to the seas (Krasnodar Territory, Primorsky Territory) began to experience a chronic lack of a trace element. For this very reason, all manufacturers in Russia are advised to make iodized salt.

During the anxious expectation of the birth of a baby, a double iodine deficiency occurs, and it grows if it is not compensated. Therefore, from the very early gestational periods, and even earlier, when planning a pregnancy, it is advised to take "Yodomarin" to all the fair sex, and not only to patients with hypothyroidism. Until when do you do it? Before the baby is born and after this wonderful event. The daily iodine requirement of a pregnant woman is 200 mcg. And with food, we get no more than 60 mcg. The need to compensate for iodine deficiency from the outside is quite obvious.

At the initial stages of gestation, "Iodomarin" is part of the prevention of congenital hypothyroidism (thyroid insufficiency), a component of preventive measures to prevent fetal malformations and anomalies.

At the end of pregnancy, iodine is needed for the proper growth of the baby's bone substance. After childbirth, a woman should continue to take the drug, but already so that the baby receives iodine in breast milk.

About the drug

Iodomarin is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie AG. The main active ingredient is potassium iodide. The drug has been produced for several decades, and during this time controversy around it has not stopped. First of all, they relate to the composition - the combination of iodine with potassium raises questions for some specialists. Potassium is added to the compound so that iodine is not oxidized. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but opponents of preventing potassium iodine deficiency with iodide are sure that potassium can be dispensed with.

The recommendations of the Ministry of Health to prescribe Iodomarin without exception also caused some bewilderment about the opponents of the drug, because the guide for doctors Vidal clearly indicates that an overdose of iodine is no less dangerous than a deficiency of this substance. So, it is believed that an excess of a substance that easily overcomes the placental barrier leads to disruption of the fetal thyroid gland, to its increase. That is why you should not treat "Iodomarin" as a harmless "vitamin", although there are no harmless vitamins either.

Only adherence to the dosage and recommendations provided for in the instructions will help you get exclusively benefit from taking the drug.

Release form

The drug is currently available in the form of tablets, there is no other form of release:

  • "Yodomarin" -100 sold in bottles of 50 or 100;
  • "Yodomarin" -200 available in blister packs of 25.

The difference is in the dosage of potassium iodide. As you can see, in the first variant, this dose is 100 μg, and in the second - 200 μg. Often women are wondering if there is a dosage of 250? There is a special form of release, which is called so - "Yodomarin for a future mother", iodine was added to the composition in the amount of 225 μg, in addition, folic acid in the amount of 400 μg and a small amount of vitamin B12 were added to the preparation.


It is quite simple and straightforward - either 100 or 200 μg of potassium iodide is introduced into it. Lactose monohydrate, magnesium carbonate, a small amount of gelatin, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate are present as non-basic, but additional substances. Folic acid and vitamin B12 are introduced into a special form of release for pregnant women.

Operating principle

Iodine is considered an essential trace element for the adequate and healthy functioning of the body. In its absence or deficiency, the full function of the thyroid gland is impossible. Once inside, iodine quickly penetrates into the plasma component of the blood and compensates for the lack of this substance. Thyrocytes seize iodine and produce the necessary hormones - T3, T4 and some others... A state of correct balance between thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormone sets in.

Absorption occurs in the small intestine, within 2 hours iodine is distributed in the space between cells, becoming available to the thyroid gland, kidneys, and mammary glands. Taking 200 mcg of potassium iodide leads to a blood level of at least 10-50 mg / ml of iodine. In breast milk and salivary fluid, 25-30 times more iodine is determined.


Despite the fact that today this medication is prescribed for every expectant mother, manufacturers provide for the following conditions, in which medication will be especially useful:

  • prevention of disorders of the thyroid gland, the appearance of endemic goiter in patients living in regions with a low iodine content in soil, water, food and habitat;
  • prevention of the reappearance of goiter with thyroid pathologies or after surgery on this gland;
  • therapy of diffuse goiter caused by a long lack of iodine and hormonal disorders.

Waiting for a child is considered a good reason to take the medication, but caution is advised.


There are also circumstances that are contraindications to taking the drug. That is why it is important to start drinking the remedy only with the permission of the doctor. You can not take the remedy when:

  • excessive functioning of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism, this is fraught with an overdose of the substance and the occurrence of a condition dangerous to life and health;
  • individual inadequate susceptibility to iodine, the presence of an allergy to this trace element.

Particular restrictions (relative contraindications) exist with the simultaneous treatment of oncological diseases with radioactive iodine and with any oncological neoplasm found in the body.

In hypothyroidism, which has developed not because of a lack of substance, but because of anomalies in the structure of the gland itself, the appointment of "Iodomarin" is again not carried out. These are the clinical guidelines.

Side effects

Usually, the medication does not cause negative concomitant reactions, and doctors without much fear prescribe a remedy for expectant mothers. And side effects from "Yodomarin" are a rather rare phenomenon. But one cannot but know about them. The likelihood of side effects is directly related to the dose taken - if it is exceeded, it is possible that signs of iodine poisoning will appear.

Recommended for women while expecting a baby, 200 mcg is a daily dose that is considered prophylactic or physiological. If you do not exceed it, then the probability of "side effects" will be minimal. If a woman exceeds the dose, she will need qualified medical support and accompaniment.

Sometimes, against the background of prolonged use of the medication, a special condition can appear - iodism. This is an inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes in those places where iodine is released, that is, in the area of ​​the salivary glands, respiratory organs. Such a phenomenon as a common cold manifests itself - tears flow intensely, the conjunctiva of the organs of vision becomes inflamed, nasal congestion, cough and fever appear. A special, specific smell of iodine appears from the mouth, a strange metallic taste is observed in the mouth, sweating increases, a woman is constantly thirsty, diarrhea opens, a feeling of perspiration and dryness in the throat appears, and her head is spinning.

Vomiting, if it happens, will have characteristic differences - the masses will have a rich yellow or chemical blue color. On the skin, rashes are likely, which dermatologists qualify as iododerma.

Instructions for use

It is very important to strictly follow the instructions, not to violate it, and it provides different schemes for drugs with different dosages.


A future mother without fear of her own health it is permissible to take 2 tablets per day. You can drink them at the same time, or you can divide them into two doses, for example, in the morning and in the evening - as convenient for the pregnant woman. The drug should be taken after meals and washed down with plenty of liquid at room temperature. If you do not want to swallow a pill, and this condition often accompanies nausea with toxicosis, dissolution of the tablet in milk or a glass of fruit juice is allowed.

You can drink the medication during the entire period of bearing the baby.


Ladies who are preparing for imminent motherhood are shown taking only 1 tablet a day. The same dosage is recommended for young mothers after giving birth while breastfeeding their baby. The same as with a drug of a different dosage, the medication should be taken after meals and washed down with water.


If a woman took an extra dose, exceeded the permissible values, then overdose symptoms usually require medical attention. Most often, severe nausea and vomiting develops, and the masses that come out turn into a frightening bluish color. The shade of feces with diarrhea becomes almost black, abdominal pains (in the abdomen) can appear.

In a severe case, there may be a rapid loss of fluid, dehydration can lead to the onset of shock, narrowing of the esophagus. Acute poisoning requires immediately rinsing the stomach in any available way with water and starch dissolved in it.

In the hospital, the woman will be given anti-shock treatment, as well as droppers for rehydration - to restore the water-salt balance, disturbed during the period of severe vomiting.

Interaction with other drugs

Caution requires the simultaneous administration of "Iodomarin" with diuretics. Diuretics and potassium iodide together can cause the undesirable effect of a hyperkalemic state - an excess of potassium. It is also not recommended to take iodine preparations separately with some multivitamin combination products. If the vitamin product contains a daily dose of iodine, there is no need to add more.

But at the same time as "Elevit", taking the drug is permissible, since this multivitamin complex, which is popular among pregnant women, does not contain iodine. You can take an iodine preparation as directed by a doctor and "Eutirox" (appointed by the endocrinologist). Also, no negative interactions occur with the simultaneous use in the third trimester or earlier of Hexicon suppositories and iodine.

During the reception of funds you should avoid a lot of foods that contain iodine. Dosed and reasonable should be treated with seaweed and seafood.

If you are taking other medicines, you should discuss their compatibility with your doctor beforehand. His opinion in this matter will be decisive.

Terms of sale and storage

Despite the fact that a doctor's consultation is necessary to make a decision to start taking an iodine preparation, a prescription for it is not required in pharmacies - "Iodomarin" is available for sale, there are no problems with its presence in pharmacies. After purchasing the tablets, it is important to ensure the correct storage conditions. In no case should you put them in the refrigerator or on the windowsill, where they will bask in the scorching sun.

The optimum storage temperature is 10 to 25 degrees Celsius. To the means small children should not have accessas an overdose can be fatal for them. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. After this time, you cannot take the medication.

Reviews and analogues

According to the reviews of women left by them on thematic forums on the Internet, the drug does not cause any unpleasant sensations and does not lead to unwanted side effects. The price of the product is another of its advantages. It starts at 125 rubles (2019). If for some reason you do not want to take "Iodomarin", it makes you sick, then the remedy can be easily replaced with one of the recognized structural analogs, for example, the drug "Iodbalans-100" or "9 months - potassium iodide". Also, a woman can opt for "Yodantin-200" or "Mikroyodid-200".