
"Kanefron" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The load on the organs of the urinary system of a pregnant woman increases significantly already in the early stages, therefore, during the carrying of a child, cystitis, edema, pyelonephritis, sand in the urine and other problems often appear, which Kanefron N copes well with. This drug is one of the few drugs approved during pregnancy that do not have a harmful effect on the fetus. He has a plant base, mostly good tolerance and a lot of positive reviews.

Features of the drug

"Kanefron N" is produced in Germany by the well-known company Bionorica in two dosage forms. One of them is an ingested solution, which is distinguished by a brown-yellow color and a specific odor. It is often transparent, but slight turbidity or slight sediment is considered normal, since it does not affect the therapeutic effect in any way.

The liquid is sold in bottles with a drip device for dispensing drops. One bottle holds 50 or 100 ml of solution. The average price of a large bottle is 450 rubles. It is recommended to store such "Kanefron N" at home in a place protected from light, where high temperature (above + 25 degrees) and humidity will not affect the drug. The shelf life of the solution in a sealed form is 3 years, after opening it is only 6 months.

The second form of the drug is round orange dragee coated with a dense shell. They are packaged in blisters of 20, sold in a box of 60 or 120 dragees. A smaller package costs 400-500 rubles. The storage conditions of the solid form "Kanefron N" are the same as for drops, and the shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue.

Both the pills and the solution contain the same active substances represented by medicinal herbs. These are rosemary leaves, centaury herb and lovage roots. The drops contain alcohol-water extracts of such plants in a volume of 29%. The remainder of the solution is represented by ethyl alcohol (16-19% of the total volume in liquid "Kanefron N") and purified water. This ethanol content, subject to single dosages, is not critical for the fetus and does not provoke negative consequences.

The dragee core is made from crushed plant materials, to which corn starch, milk sugar, silicon dioxide and povidone are added. These ingredients are encased in a shell made from shellac, riboflavin, sucrose, wax and some other substances that provide it with a dense structure, orange color and sweetish taste.

How does it work?

The active phytocomponents presented in both forms of "Kanefron N" are able to stimulate urine excretion, therefore the main effect of such a drug is a diuretic. In addition to it, the drug has an antispasmodic effect, which also contributes to an increase in urine output. Also "Kanefron" has anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to inhibit pathogenic bacteria, due to which drops and pills are in demand for infections of the urinary system.

Indications for expectant mothers

First of all, it should be noted that if a pregnant woman has any alarming symptoms from the urinary system, you should not self-medicate. To quickly eliminate the malaise, you need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist and pass additional tests, and only then, if the doctor decides that this is necessary, take a course of "Kanefron N".

Although such a remedy is made from medicinal herbs and is considered harmless to the fetus, pregnant women should only take it as directed by a specialist.

  • In the 1st trimester problems with urination are not uncommon. Many expectant mothers face them, since elevated progesterone (a hormone formed in significant quantities at the beginning of pregnancy and necessary for normal gestation) provokes a weakening of the muscles of the urethra. This leads to stagnation of urine, which promotes the multiplication of pathogens and can result in cystitis or even pyelonephritis. "Kanefron N" will further stimulate urination and prevent congestion, which will reduce the risk of infection.
  • In the 2nd trimester the drug is often prescribed to women with chronic pathologies of the excretory system. In such patients, "Kanephron N" improves kidney function, eliminates painful sensations, prevents the appearance of sand and stones due to the obstructed outflow of urine from the renal cups.
  • In the 3rd trimester the medication is most often prescribed for the prevention of gestosis, one of the symptoms of which is swelling of the extremities.

Another common indication for the treatment of "Kanefron N" in the later stages is cystitis. Such an inflammatory disease is caused not only by the pressure of the uterus on the urinary tract, but also by a decrease in immunity, which is observed in many pregnant women. The disease is accompanied by painful sensations, itching, cramps, frequent urging, often combined with thrush. This causes not only physical, but also psychological discomfort, therefore the use of "Kanefron N" is fully justified.


The use of "Kanefron N" is prohibited if the expectant mother has an intolerance to any of the ingredients of the medicine. It is also impossible to drink both forms of the drug during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. Since the dragee contains carbohydrates, this version of the medication is contraindicated in women with glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactase deficiency, milk sugar or fructose intolerance. The presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition of liquid "Kanefron N" limits the use of this agent for pathologies of the brain and liver diseases.

Side effects

Some expectant mothers may react to "Kanefron N" with an itch, rash or other allergic reaction, because the basis of such a drug is medicinal plants, and they are classified as allergens. Occasionally, after taking pills or drops, nausea, diarrhea or other digestive upset occurs. With such symptoms, the use of the drug will have to be abandoned, choosing one of the analogues with a similar therapeutic effect.

How to use?

As already noted, drinking "Kanefron N" while waiting for the baby should only be prescribed by the doctor, since the doses and the mode of administration are selected individually.

The most common treatment regimens for "Kanefron N" are:

  • when using the solution - three times intake of 30-50 drops;
  • when prescribing pills - 1-2 pieces three times a day.

According to the instructions, the liquid preparation can be taken undiluted and washed down with water, but because of the bitter taste, many women find it more convenient to drip such "Kanefron N" into a small amount of water or juice, and then drink it diluted. Since a precipitate often appears in the solution during storage, such a product should be shaken before each use.

Taking the drug is possible at any time of the day and does not depend on nutrition, but doctors recommend drinking drops or pills at about the same time.

How long to take "Kanefron N" during pregnancy, you should check with your doctor, but often this remedy is drunk for a long time (at least two weeks). Even when the symptoms of the disease subside, taking drops or pills is prescribed for several more weeks. Long-term use of the medication does not have a negative effect, since its components do not accumulate and do not provoke addiction. Therefore, if the doctor prescribed "Kanephron N" for 1 month or longer, there is no need to worry about the harm to the baby.

Some expectant mothers should take this remedy throughout their pregnancy, starting from the conception planning stage.


The use of "Kanefron N" during the period of expectation of the child is generally answered positively. Women confirm that such a drug helped to get rid of cuts and pains during urination, improved the condition with edema and preeclampsia, and prevented the exacerbation of chronic kidney disease while carrying a baby.

The advantages of the remedy include its plant composition, mainly good tolerance, safety for the fetus, and the disadvantages include the high price and long course of administration. Among the disadvantages of the drops, a not too pleasant taste is also noted.

What to replace?

As analogs of "Kanefron N" the doctor can recommend different means.

  • "Fitolysin"... Such a drug is a greenish paste, which is sold in tubes and has a specific taste (judging by the reviews, many patients do not like it). It acts on the organs of the excretory system thanks to an extract from 9 medicinal plants, including parsley, birch, lovage, pine, horsetail and goldenrod. The drug is taken orally for the treatment of cystitis, urolithiasis or pyelonephritis, dissolving in warm water. Among the contraindications for using the paste, individual hypersensitivity and glomerulonephritis are noted, among the frequent side effects are allergies and digestive disorders. If a pregnant woman has severe pain and feeling unwell, the doctor sometimes prescribes "Kanefron N" at the same time as "Phytolysin", but you should not take such medications together on your own.
  • "Cyston"... Such a tablet is prescribed for inflammation of the bladder, urinary incontinence and pyelonephritis, as well as when kidney stones are found. It is made from saxifrage, madder, strawberry and other medicinal plants. The course of treatment for urinary tract infections is 4-6 weeks, for urolithiasis - several months.
  • Brusniver... As part of this medicinal collection, from which decoctions and infusions are made, there are lingonberry leaves, a string, St. John's wort and rose hips. It is prescribed both for the treatment of cystitis and various kidney diseases, and for the prevention of edema in the later stages. One of the main advantages of this herbal remedy is the low cost.
  • "Hofitol"... This drug based on artichoke leaves is often used to obtain a choleretic effect and protect liver cells, but due to some diuretic effect, it can also be prescribed for pregnant women with impaired kidney function. The tool is represented by tablets, oral solution and ampoules with injection solution.
  • "Urolesan"... This medication has properties similar to "Kanefron N", as it stimulates the excretion of urine, neutralizes bacteria, reduces inflammation, helps eliminate pain and spasms. The drug is presented in syrup, capsules and drops. Its vegetable base is made from hop cones, wild carrots and oregano herb with the addition of fir and mint oils. The drug can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy both for the treatment of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis and cholecystitis, and for the prevention of such pathologies.

Instructions for using "Kanefron" are presented in the next video.

Watch the video: Үр зулбуулах эм худалдан борлуулж байсан иргэдийг саатуулжээ (July 2024).