Things for baby

Complete composition of a children's first aid kit

A small child requires constant care. All means for this should contain a baby first aid kit for newborns. It needs to be formed before the baby is born - many of the components of the first aid kit will be needed from the first days of life.

Download and print the complete list of first aid kits

The composition of the children's first aid kit must include:

  • hygiene products;
  • antiseptic agents for disinfecting the umbilical wound in the first days of life and for disinfecting the baby's skin with wounds;
  • necessary medical supplies for carrying out medical procedures;
  • medicines for emergency treatment of a sick child.

Hygienic care products

  1. Baby bath soap. For convenience, you can purchase a liquid with a dispenser.
  2. Baby cream for lubricating folds.
  3. Diaper rash cream - Bepanten, Purelan, Tsindol or D-panthenol (See details about diaper rash creams)... These creams will help mom in treating cracked nipples.
  4. The powder is used to prevent diaper rash before putting on a diaper. Do not use it simultaneously with the cream.
  5. Baby massage oil.
  6. Vaseline oil for wetting cotton flagella when treating the nose and ears.
  7. Cotton wool for cleaning ears and nose. For this, small flagella are rolled up and the ear and nasal passages are cleaned.
  8. Cotton swabs are useful for treating umbilical wounds, pimples, and bites with antiseptics.
  9. Cotton swabs equipped with a stopper for cleaning the auricle.
  10. Cotton pads for hygiene procedures. You can use cotton wool instead, but it leaves cotton particles on the skin.
  11. Wet wipes for quick care in an emergency.

Care accessories

  1. Small nail scissors with rounded ends and protective cap.
  2. A spirit thermometer can help you measure the temperature of the bathing water.
  3. Nasal aspirator for removing nasal discharge (see article on aspirators).

Medical instruments

  1. Thermometer for measuring temperature. It is safer to use an electronic thermometer, although the mercury one gives more accurate readings. (see article about all types of thermometers)
  2. Syringe No. 1 for 25 ml for enemas. (how to give an enema to a baby)
  3. Gas outlet tube No. 1 for removing gases in case of intestinal colic. (how to use the flue gas pipe)
  4. A heating pad for relieving abdominal pain.
  5. Pipette with a rounded end in a case (2 pcs.) For instilling medicines into the ears and nose.
  6. Bandage 2 pcs., One sterile, for dressing.
  7. Sterile wipes will be needed in the early days to treat the umbilical wound.
  8. Dispenser syringe or dosing spoon for administering drugs.


  1. Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  2. A solution of brilliant green 1% 10 ml or an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. The second option is distinguished by the absence of burning when treating wounds, in contrast to brilliant green.
  3. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is needed to treat wounds: in the early days of the umbilical, then any other. It is better to purchase it dry and make a 5% solution at home: dissolve 5 g in warm water (100 ml) and strain through cheesecloth in three layers. The solution can be stored for 10 days. In the first month of a child's life, it is better to bathe in water with the addition of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. This powerful disinfectant will disinfect your baby's delicate skin.
  4. Alcohol solution of iodine 5%, 1 ml.
  5. Medical alcohol for disinfection.
  6. A bactericidal patch is used when the skin is damaged.


  1. Vitamin D solution (Aquadetrim or Vigantol) for the prevention of rickets.
  2. Paracetamol-based antipyretics in suppositories or in liquid form (Efferalgan, Panadol, or Ibuprofen). It will be needed when the temperature rises sharply. (medicines for temperature)
  3. Antihistamine: Suprastin, Fenistil, Tavegil, Telfas or Claritin. It is necessary if an allergic reaction occurs.
  4. Remedy for intestinal colic (Espumisan, Plantex). In children in the first months of life, the occurrence of intestinal colic is very common. (Medicines for colic)
  5. Activated carbon (sorbent) in capsules.
  6. Remedy for diarrhea (diarrhea) - Smecta, Linex.
  7. Constipation Medication - Remedies for constipation.
  8. Drops from the common cold in the form of a spray (Nazivin, Aquamaris).
  9. Eye drops Albucid.
  10. Furacilin tablets. Its solution will be needed when conjunctivitis occurs for washing the eyes and for washing the genitals of girls. (conjunctivitis in an infant)
  11. Interferon in the form of drops and nasal spray "NAZOFERON" to strengthen the immunity of the baby during a flu epidemic, as well as during the period of receiving vaccinations to reduce the risk of post-vaccination complications.
  12. Gel for relieving pain during teething - Dentol, Kamistad, Kalgel.

It is possible to add herbal preparations to a children's first aid kit for newborns. It is useful to add an infusion of string and chamomile to the water when bathing (herbs for bathing). They have a beneficial effect on the delicate skin of babies and relieve irritation. Decoction of dill or fennel seed will help relieve intestinal colic.

It is necessary to use all medicines only in emergency cases, strictly according to the instructions. Take the minimum dose and carefully observe the baby's reaction. Further treatment should be prescribed by the attending pediatrician.

Storing the first aid kit

Divide the baby's finished first-aid kit into two parts. The first one, for everyday use, should be kept close at hand in a place easily accessible to parents. Store the other for emergencies separately in a dark and dry place. Candles and ointments should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

It is imperative to keep all instructions for medicinal products, which contain information about their purpose, shelf life and release date. Every three months, you should look at everything that is included in the newborn's first aid kit. Throw away those drugs that have expired. Check the availability of everything you need and buy if necessary.

The easiest way is to go to the pharmacy and buy a ready-made newborn care kit. However, such a set may not meet all the needs of child care. You may not need some tools, and the missing ones will have to be purchased separately. Therefore, it is best to make a list of everything you need yourself and go to the pharmacy for a purchase. Of course, not all medicines are useful for a child, but they need to be purchased in case of unforeseen situations.

Download and print the complete list of first aid kits

View the full composition of the children's first aid kit

1. "Cefikon D" or any suppositories containing paracetamol - for fever and pain.

2. Children's "Nurofen".

3. Candles "Viferon" - increase immunity, are prescribed for colds, infections.

4. Candles "Viburcol" - a homeopathic remedy for high fever, prescribed when teeth are cut.

5. Furacilin - antibacterial tablets for the preparation of rinses, rinses.

6. Dry children's cough medicine.

7. “Physiomer” or “Aquamaris”, or “Aqualor” - solutions of sea water for washing the spout.

8. Aspirator.

9. Nazivin for babies is a vasoconstrictor for rhinitis.

 For skin

10. Hydrogen peroxide (treat navel, scratches, etc.).

11. Zelenka (for processing the navel in liquid form, for scratches, etc. - pencil "Lekker").

12. Chlorophyllipt (lubricate pimples, inflammations, add to the bath when bathing).

13. Potassium permanganate - to bathe the child in the first days after the hospital.

14. Bepanten ointment - to lubricate cracks, irritations, dry skin.

15. Ointment "Dropalen" - in case of irritation, prickly heat, diaper rash.

16. Zinc paste - remarkably fights prickly heat.

17. Calendula tincture / calendula ointment - lubricate scratches, irritations.

18. "Fenistil" gel - from allergic skin manifestations, insect bites.

19. Rescuer ointment - bruises, burns, scratches, bites, etc.

20. Ointment "Arnika" - bruises, hematomas, bruises.

21. Alcohol napkins.

22. Hemostatic napkins.

 For tummy

23. "Baby Calm" - drops from colic gas (on grass).

24. "Sub Simplex" - drops from colic-gazik (active ingredient - smectin).

25. Tea "Plantex" (attention: few people read the instructions, but this tea should not be given to babies with lactose deficiency!)

26. Enemas with soft tip # 1 and # 2 (release gases, use instead of an aspirator and directly for enemas).

27. Glycerin candles - use for constipation (for babies - 1/7 part, well cut with a thread).

28. "Mikrolax" - microclysters, very convenient to use, also used for constipation (for babies, half a tube is inserted).

29. "Duphalac" - from constipation, you can take from birth.

30. "Rehydron" - restores the body's need for fluid in case of diarrhea and vomiting.

31. "Smecta" - for diarrhea, indigestion.

32. Gas outlet tube - for “percussion” (difficult to get).

 For eyes

33. Tetracycline eye ointment.

34. Drops of chloramphenicol eye (these two options are just from the category of "penny" drugs, which may not be in the nearest pharmacies).


35. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory agent, relieves spasms, is used internally and externally (baths, washing).

36. Mint - relieves nausea.

37. Calendula is an external anti-inflammatory agent.

38. A series - antiallergic herb, for internal use and baths.

39. Motherwort - a sedative, can be added to the bath.

40. Bay leaf - just like the string, it fights allergic manifestations.


41. "Fenistil" drops - antiallergic (if not needed in the current regime, it will be required for vaccinations).

42. "Kalgel" - gel with lidocaine, reduces the pain of teething.

43. Thermometer in the room, thermometer in the bath, thermometer for measuring body temperature. Nowadays, very convenient infrared thermometers are being sold that measure very accurately the temperature of both the body and the air in the room.

44. Pieces of 5 pipettes with a blunt end (5 - because they tend to disappear somewhere).

45. Children's plasters.

46. ​​Measuring spoon or glass for dosage of medicines.

47. Silver spoon (it is better to drink water from this, silver really has a beneficial effect on what it touches).

48. Children's urine collection bag (it is very convenient to collect urine for analyzes: a small plastic bag is simply glued safely to the baby's skin under the diaper).


  • Baby creams (types and how to choose the right baby cream);
  • TOP-10 products for newborn care.

Video: First aid kit for a newborn. What should you buy first?

The composition of the first aid kit from Lara's mother:

Watch the video: First Aid Essentials (July 2024).