Baby care

How many months can girls be imprisoned: important nuances and 4 important pediatrician advice

Many parents, with the birth of their child, want to simultaneously extend this time in order to enjoy the baby scent and humming longer, but at the same time, they want their baby to turn over, sit down, crawl, start walking and talking. Therefore, some of them begin to plant their children faster, in the hope that the process will go faster this way. But is it right? How many months can girls be imprisoned? Is the development of girls and boys different? How can you help develop this skill? Are there complications if you stimulate this process in a child ahead of time?

When do children start sitting? Is there a difference between girls and boys?

Physiological readiness to master this skill appears by six to eight months. The child sits down on his own when his skeletal and muscular system is ready for this. So, for example, one child can learn to sit at the age of five months, and the other at the age of eight months. It is not up to the parents to decide what months the girls can be sent to. The readiness for the process is determined by the child's body independently.

Each kid is an individual, therefore, the timing of acquiring a particular skill for each of them may differ. In this regard, it is not worth planting the baby before it is ready for this process, since this is fraught with the development of deformities of the skeletal system due to too much load on the spinal column.

Despite the fact that the question of the physical development of male and female children among parents is rather controversial, since some, for example, believe that boys learn to sit down faster than girls, it is important to note that this is not the case. According to many studies, this theory has not been confirmed.

Strengthening of the spinal column occurs in several stages: 1st, the cervical bend is formed (the child learns to hold his head); the second - chest (the baby begins to roll over, crawl, sit); the third is lumbar (the baby acquires the skill of standing and walking).

So, for example, if you take a newborn baby and a one-year-old for comparison, then their posture will be completely different (the first one needs support, since he does not know how to hold his back and head, and the second one copes with it himself without outside help). It is in this sequence that the physiological development of the curves of the spine occurs.

At what age should a normally developing baby sit down?

The average time to start developing this skill is six months. At first, children sit unstably, fall over on their side or back, and then, as the muscles of the back and spine become stronger, they can perform this action on their own. The duration of this process can take up to two months. That is, the child sits confidently without outside help at about eight to nine months.

How many months can girls sit down? This question is one of the most frequently asked pediatricians and moms discussed on forums.

Are there any differences in the development of girls?

A child develops according to age or lags behind in development - this conclusion should be made exclusively by a pediatrician or neurologist. You should not draw your conclusions based on the literature you read on the Internet.

According to scientific data, there is no confirmation of the theory that the physical development of girls or boys is somehow different or has its own characteristics. It all depends on the development of the muscular system and on how strengthened the spine of the baby. It is on these parameters that the further formation of skills will depend: to sit, crawl, stand and walk.

How can we help a girl develop her planting skills?

Quite often, there are cases - the baby has reached the age when she should acquire this skill, but she does not sit, and does not even try to learn it. In this case, there should be a mandatory consultation of such doctors as: pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist. And if these specialists exclude their pathology, then parents should take care of the physical development of their crumbs and help her acquire this skill.

This is done using:

  • fortifying massage. It is recommended that a professional should perform this manipulation in addition to the parents;

Parents should carry out these procedures every morning and before an evening swim.

  • swimming. It is better to start doing this sport in the first month of a baby's life, and then such problems will most likely not arise for your girl. But if this has a place to be, then you can learn to swim both in the bathtub and in the pool;

These activities should be done under the guidance of a coach.

  • gymnastics. Thanks to her, the muscles are well strengthened and coordination develops.

Parental misconceptions about early planting

Do not plant the baby ahead of time, as his body must be ready for this process!

Some parents believe that if:

  • the crumb is six months old, then it can be planted. This is not the case, because if a child is artificially seated, it can harm his health in the future. So, in this case, there may be a lag in physical development, impaired posture, etc.;

A sign of a baby's strengthened muscle corset and correct posture is being in a sitting position for a long time, while the back of the baby is even (does not protrude in the form of an arc), the pelvis is slightly tilted anteriorly, and the legs confidently support the body in this position.

  • sit down early girls - a posterior bend of the uterus may form. This theory has been refuted by medicine, since this factor has either a genetic predisposition, or is a consequence of an infectious and inflammatory process.
  • the baby is in the jumpers, it is safe for the child and they do not pose any threat to the health of the baby. This opinion is incorrect, since the spine of the child experiences a colossal load, being in an upright position with a poorly formed muscular frame and a fragile spinal column;

Yes, this device "helps out great" for the mother, giving her the opportunity to go about her business, but you should not use it at least until the baby has learned to sit, but it is better to stand, and most correctly, not to use them at all.

  • the baby starts to stand and walk in the walker, then it will go faster. This theory is erroneous because, firstly, a different muscle group is used when walking independently, therefore, after them, such children often move on tiptoes. Secondly, in this device, the back is strengthened in an unnatural way (this process occurs best during crawling). Thirdly, the child does not form an awareness that without them he will fall. And when trying to stand up without support, he may be injured or start to be afraid to move independently.

It is better not to use this device, but if there is no such possibility, then use it at least from the age of eight months.

Possible complications of early embarkation of a girl

Moving the crumbs in a car seat, carrier, wheelchair should also be carried out in a semi-recumbent state, then there will be no load on the spinal column.

According to medical data, with untimely planting, a baby may experience not only spinal disorders in the form of lordosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, but also deformation of the pelvic bones. And this factor can play an important role during childbirth, since due to these changes the birth canal can be deformed and this process will be even longer and more painful.

In addition, when a girl takes such a pose early, her psychoemotional state may be disturbed, and a feeling of fear may cover.

General strengthening exercises for the muscles of the back of an infant

To help her child learn this skill, a mom can:

  • take by the handles of the baby (at the same time he must grab your finger), lying on a hard surface on his back and begin to pull him towards himself. This procedure can be started from the age of three months, after the child has learned to hold the head. It is necessary to gradually increase the angle at which you lift his body and the duration of this procedure. Thanks to this exercise, the abdominal muscles are developed;
  • swing the baby on the fitball and at the same time bend and unbend his legs;
  • make him coups as follows: to lay the baby on his stomach - he will start to raise his head, then gradually learn to roll over from his stomach to his back;
  • put a bright and interesting toy near himso that he has a desire to reach her. Thanks to these procedures, the muscular system is strengthened;
  • perform daily massage on his own. Rubbing the skin will increase the blood flow to the baby's muscular system, which will help relax his muscles and improve tactile perception;
  • put the child on all fours and wiggle forward and backward;
  • put it on your stomach, and rest your legs against yourself. Then begin to gradually raise the child, while holding the baby's legs and chest. You need to hold it in this position for a few seconds, and then you can lower it.

All of these and many other exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal and spine and acquire the skill of sitting.

With paratrophy (overweight) and with prematurity, this skill is acquired later in most children. With a timely appeal to a pediatrician and with properly prescribed preventive manipulations, the baby will not lag behind in development.

Tips for parents

So that the baby could quickly acquire this skill, the goal of the parents is to help her as much as possible, and not harm her. Therefore:

  • you cannot forcefully plant children yourself;

It is strictly forbidden to sit the baby in pillows, as this is a colossal load on the weak spine. And this posture excludes the possibility of changing it by the baby when fatigue occurs.

  • be sure to undergo monthly preventive examinations at the clinic;
  • when the doctor prescribes any general strengthening activities - perform them;
  • it is not recommended to use various jumpers, walkers, etc. at least until the moment the baby learns to sit.

The introduction of complementary foods to the baby should be on chairs that can give a reclining position.


The acquisition of sitting skills is a rather difficult but surmountable obstacle in the life of almost every baby. Therefore, the goal of the parents is in no way to harm him in this.

How many months can girls be imprisoned? This question is quite frequent both for pediatricians and when talking among moms, on the forums. The answer to it is unequivocal - you cannot do it early and forcibly, the child must do it himself and then it will not "come around" in the future. If this does not happen, be sure to consult a pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist and strictly follow their recommendations.

Be healthy! Do not follow the lead of grandparents, who insist that they did this and nothing terrible happened. Because before, firstly, there was no such opportunity to examine a child and evaluate the whole essence of complications, and secondly, only you are responsible for your children. Therefore, take care of them!


  1. "Pediatrics" A. V. Tyazhkaya, 2008
  2. “The first year of baby's life. 52 are the most important weeks for a child's development ”, E. P. Sosareva, 2009
  3. "The first year of a child's life", Valman, 2006
  4. "Child from birth to one year", S. N. Teplyuk, 2005
  5. “Children's massage. Step-by-step guidance ", E. L. Isaeva.
  6. "Wonder child from the very cradle", Malyukina, 2014

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