
The subtleties of choosing and using diapers for girls

A newborn baby needs 24/7 attention. For this, a young mother needs to find time for rest. With the advent of disposable diapers, babies sleep longer and better. A useful invention saved mothers from the need to wash and iron cloth diapers. Babies are no longer worried about wet asses and diaper rash. The benefits of diapers are appreciated throughout the civilized world, but nevertheless, disputes on this score are still ongoing.

What are the benefits of diapers?

Some young parents have a question: will a disposable diaper harm a baby? The concerns of moms and dads are related to myths that have arisen against the backdrop of a long debate on this exciting topic. To understand whether "diapers" are important for newborns or not, you need to compare their benefits and harms.

First, it is worth listing the obvious advantages of a baby diaper:

  • The absorbent inner layer ensures a calm and long sleep for the baby;
  • allows you to increase the walking time, it is especially convenient in the cold season;
  • fits well to the body, but does not hinder movement;
  • made of soft natural material, does not irritate the delicate skin of babies;
  • commercially available everywhere;
  • protects the body from contact with urine;
  • keeps the butt dry, the nerves of the parents strong, the things clean;
  • there are models for children of both sexes and universal;
  • convenient and fast changing;
  • easy to put on even on a sleeping child.

From this list it follows that the benefits of such diapers are great, but only you need to use them correctly. The diaper put on should not put pressure on the baby's tummy. The Velcro on the sides should not be overtightened, and the size should be chosen according to the weight of the baby.

But too loose fit of the diaper will not bring benefit and convenience to the baby. Such a thing will slide off the bottom during sleep and leakage is inevitable.

The quality of the product for babies must also meet all standards and requirements. You need to purchase diapers only from well-known manufacturers and in specialized stores or departments.

Is there any harm?

But if these benefits don't sound convincing either, it's worth noting that numerous dermatological tests have long confirmed that disposable diapers are not harmful at all.

Scientists are in a hurry to reassure parents - products that replace fabric diapers from modern manufacturers will only benefit children. But only on condition of their timely replacement and in accordance with the dimensional grid stated on the package. Otherwise, the manufacturer does not guarantee the baby's healthy sleep and the safety of his sensitive skin.

It is also necessary to remember that infants have imperfect thermoregulation and the body heats up faster.

In order not to overheat the child, you need to let the skin breathe from time to time and not keep the baby in a hot and stuffy room.

Use "diapers" for up to two years is the maximum period. Otherwise, enuresis may develop and the baby will no longer control urination.

Popular myths about disposable diapers

Consider what you hear a lot about diapers.

  • In it, the skin does not breathe and overheats. It is not true. Modern products for children are highly breathable. To avoid diaper rash, parents only need to change the diaper in a timely manner. An excellent prevention of skin rashes is regular air baths.

  • Because of wearing a "diaper", the baby's legs may bend. Completely unfounded information invented by the swaddling advocates.
  • Cloth diapers are more beneficial than absorbent ones. Absurd justification. A damp cloth will disturb the baby, keep him awake and guarantee irritation on delicate skin. The absorbent layer of the disposable "diaper" will keep all the liquid inside, keeping the inner layer dry. It must be changed at least once every three hours. If it fills up faster, then more often.
  • The greenhouse effect is generated in the diaper. Incorrect statement refuted by multiple dermatological tests. It has been scientifically proven that the temperature of a child's body (and genitals in particular) does not change during many hours of use of a disposable diaper.
  • The habit of wearing a diaper will cause difficulties in potty training. This widespread myth has no right to exist, since wearing a "diaper" is recommended only for children under two years old.
  • Diapers can provoke cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. The opinion of pediatricians on this matter is different. The listed violations occur only with poor hygiene of the baby. And this is the fault of the parents, not the manufacturers of disposable diapers with an absorbent layer.
  • Boys who wear diapers contribute to infertility. The main horror story on the Internet for young moms and dads. To debunk this myth, you need to know the anatomy of the human body. Sperm cells begin to form after seven years. Until this age, it is unrealistic to harm them.

It is better to ignore all speculation and unjustified recommendations about the harm from diapers. When used correctly, a quality product will only bring peace of mind for all family members.

Which one to choose for newborns?

Diapers need not only to be able to operate correctly, but also to choose according to certain criteria. There are serious demands on products for babies. Taking them into account, a suitable model is selected throughout the growth of the baby.

  • Choose a "diaper" based on the figure of the child's weight and his individual constitution. For example, if the weight of the crumbs is a little more than 8 kg, but it is well-nourished, it is advisable to purchase diapers designed for weight from, not up to 9 kg. Then neither the belt nor the Velcro will tighten his tummy.

  • You should only buy products from trusted brands.
  • Carefully inspect the packaging before purchasing for integrity and the presence of all mandatory instructions and production addresses.
  • Don't buy a lot of diapers in reserve. Children grow rapidly and their size will change as they gain weight and grow.
  • Pay attention to the fragrance-free disposable diapers. This way you can avoid allergic reactions in the baby.
  • Do not let your baby play with the diaper. If the adsorbent gets into the airways of the crumb, big trouble can happen.

  • Only hypoallergenic products are best suited for sensitive skin.
  • The composition of diapers for a newborn should be exclusively natural ingredients. Better to choose cotton.
  • The softer the product, the more comfortable the baby will be in it.
  • The diaper should not only absorb liquid well, but also allow air to pass through. Articles made of material with microscopic pores are preferred.
  • The clasps should securely fix it to the child's body.
  • A special model for girls or boys can be purchased. They differ in the distribution of the absorbent layer according to the physiological characteristics of both sexes. Newborns mostly lie down, and in girls most of the fluid remains in the perineum and back. In boys, it is distributed in the front of the diaper. With this in mind, manufacturers distribute the absorbent layer in the product. Also, a diaper pattern for boys can have an additional volume in the front, counting on the genitals.

Manufacturers are increasingly decorating the outer part of hygiene products with drawings, thus delimiting the series produced or dividing products by gender. Packaging for girls comes in shades of pink, and the diapers themselves are decorated with butterflies, ponies, fairies, princesses, hearts or flowers.

For male babies, there are blue and blue packaging, with pictures of cars, planes, rockets and stars.

Models without distinction for boys and girls are usually sold in yellow, orange, green or white packaging. But this is not a standard, but just a marketing decision of this or that manufacturer. Patterns on diapers can be very different. Usually these are cute animals or clouds. Universal models are still in demand and the reviews about them are extremely positive.

How to put on and change correctly?

Learning this science is difficult only at first glance. A couple of do-it-yourself replacements and you're a diaper changing master. To replace the "diaper" you need to prepare:

  • diaper;
  • wet wipes;
  • powder or cream.

You need to change the diaper on the changing table or on any flat, clean and not hard surface.

Unbutton the disposable diaper. Lift the lower part of the body of the crumbs by the legs, lay the product under its bottom with the inner layer to the skin. Straighten the diaper so that it lies evenly under the baby. Lower your baby gently onto it. Passing the front of the product between the legs, straighten the elastic bands located in the leg cutouts. If this is not done, the product often leaks from the side. It remains to symmetrically fasten the Velcro and the job is done.

If redness or a rash appears on the baby's skin, it is necessary to change the diaper more often and use special drying creams or powders during air baths. They are applied only to a clean and dry body.

Monitor diaper filling. In the case of fast filling and leaking, it is likely that it is time to upgrade.

Replacement frequency

Each newborn develops an individual pattern of bladder and bowel emptying. Therefore, there are no standard diaper change schedules. If the baby went to the toilet on a "big", "diaper" must be replaced immediately. This is the only standard in the rules for changing disposable diapers.

Wearing them constantly is also not recommended by pediatricians.

The replacement must be carried out, having come from a long walk, as well as before and after sleep, that is, every time when it was not possible to check the condition of the product for a long time.

How often a diaper is changed will show over time its condition and the condition of the skin after contact with the coating.

Moisture and heavy weight of the diaper is a signal for the next change, so that the baby feels comfortable and does not worry. At elevated temperatures or illness, diapers are changed more often, periodically arranging air baths to avoid additional overheating. Compliance with these simple rules of application and a serious approach to the choice of "diapers" will make them absolutely safe for girls and boys.

For even more useful information about baby diapers, see the next video.

Watch the video: OnlyFans Girl Wears a Diaper (July 2024).