Child health

6 methods of treating strep throat in a child

Streptococcus in a child raises a lot of questions from parents. The most important thing is how to fight and how to treat? An interesting fact is that streptococcus can be safe for the body. But in what cases? Are all types of bacteria pathogenic and capable of causing disease in a child? The answers to your questions can be found in this article.

Streptococcal infection in children

Streptococcal infection in children is a group of serious diseases that have the same type of pathogen, and also require specific therapeutic measures.

Streptococcus classification

Streptococci are gram-positive bacteria that are round or oval in shape, immobile. They multiply mainly in the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. The classification of all streptococci is based on their pathogenic effect on the body and medical significance.

The most important types of streptococci for specialists:

  • group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This pathogen causes most streptococcal diseases. Pyogenic streptococcus is involved in the development of diseases such as erysipelas of the skin, scarlet fever, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. And also beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus can participate in the development of complications of the underlying disease (otitis media, mastoiditis, sinusitis, lymphadenitis, pneumonia, meningitis, endocarditis, glomerulonephritis, rheumatism);
  • group B streptococcus. Most often, this pathogen is observed in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the vagina. Babies can be infected from their mother during childbirth. Then the newborn develops serious diseases (meningitis, sepsis), which often end up unfavorably for the child's life. Also, group B streptococcus can cause complications (pneumonia) after acute viral infections, including influenza;
  • pneumococci are the cause of the development of almost all community-acquired pneumonia;
  • Streptococcus groups C and G. This pathogen is isolated in humans and animals. Streptococci C and G can cause the same diseases that are inherent in other types of streptococci;
  • group D. streptococci. This type of pathogen is observed mainly in the gastrointestinal tract. It can cause various infectious diseases in the abdominal cavity as well as in the urinary tract.

Ways of transmission

Bacteria are transmitted to a healthy person by airborne droplets (as a result of sneezing, coughing). Young children can become infected through household contact. Through toys, personal items. It is also possible the foodborne transmission of infection, with the use of infected, unprocessed foods.

It is important to note that young children are more susceptible to purulent-inflammatory diseases. Infection of the child population aged 3 to 7 years is manifested in the form of scarlet fever. In adolescents, scarlet fever does not occur, but the disease proceeds most often in the form of tonsillitis.

Streptococcus infection is most likely in the autumn-winter period.

What is the difference between streptococcus and other pathogens?

In addition to the general understanding of the pathogen, it is important to know the differences. What are the features of streptococcus? This pathogen is usually found in groups or pairs. Streptococci can be observed in the form of chains, packages or bunches of grapes. The causative agent is gram-positive, because it is stained by microscopy by the Gram + method.

It is important to highlight the type of streptococcus, because treatment depends on it, in particular the choice of an antibacterial drug. As already mentioned, streptococci are motionless. They can move in the body with the flow of blood or other biological fluids.

The trigger for the multiplication of microorganisms is provided under favorable conditions for bacteria. That is, they can be in the human body without causing any harm. Therefore, streptococci are called opportunistic microorganisms.

What diseases does streptococcus cause?

All diseases caused by streptococcus have a rather serious prognosis for human health and life. Therefore, the diagnosis should be made as soon as possible. Most often, streptococcus causes bacterial tonsillitis or sore throat, scarlet fever for people who first encounter this pathogen.

The skin can also be affected by streptococci. With infection, erysipelas of the skin is observed. Infection of newborns is manifested by inflammation of the blood, heart valves, and the lining of the brain. Chorea, rheumatism, arthritis, glomerulonephritis are diseases that are also caused by the causative agent streptococcus.

If streptococcus has settled in the throat of a child

If a child becomes infected, then streptococcus will begin to manifest itself almost immediately. When new symptoms and signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and determine the type of pathogen in case of throat damage.

With a sore throat, streptococcus is the cause only in 30% of cases, everything else is viruses.

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately identify the etiology of the disease, because the treatment will be radically different.

Common symptoms of lesion

Streptococcal infection develops quickly. The disease begins acutely with the appearance of an elevated temperature. Fever from bacterial tonsillitis in young children can cause febrile seizures. Along with this, the child develops symptoms of intoxication: headache, weakness, malaise, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, muscle pain, nausea.

Local symptoms

The most important manifestation of streptococcal infection is a sharp sore throat. The pain is so intense that it hurts children to swallow, they refuse to eat. They are also worried about sore throat.


The diagnostic search should begin with a thorough examination of the patient's oropharynx. With pharyngoscopy, the doctor, as a rule, observes reddening of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, an increase in the palatine tonsils. The tongue with streptococcal angina is coated with a white coating. Also, plaque can be observed on the tonsils, but the prevalence of pathological formation is different depending on the form of angina. Strep in the throat of a child leads to bad breath.

Next, the doctor proceeds to palpation research. It is important to evaluate the size of the patient's regional lymph nodes. A different clinical picture of viral tonsillitis helps the doctor to differentiate these diseases.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx with ARVI is characterized by the presence of additional catarrhal symptoms. With a viral disease, a runny nose is observed, there may be a cough, conjunctivitis. The sore throat is less severe. Intoxication symptoms are also less common. The lymph nodes do not respond to local inflammation.

A more accurate diagnostic method is the culture of a smear from the oropharynx. The only drawback is that you have to wait a long time for the result. More often, treatment is prescribed pending results.

Currently, there is express diagnostics, which is quite accurate, but not every clinic. A positive result is the detection of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

The "gold standard" for diagnosing streptococcal infection is the culture of an oropharyngeal smear.

Approaches to the treatment of streptococcus in children

The main principle of treating streptococcal infection is its timeliness. Since the earlier the therapy is prescribed, the less likely it is to develop complications.

Drug therapy

Treatment with drugs can be divided into local and general therapy. The latter includes the appointment of antibacterial agents. Antibiotics should be prescribed in accordance with the isolated pathogen and should be selected according to the sensitivity of bacteria to them. Most often, drugs are prescribed from the group of aminopenicillins, cephalosporins or macrolides.

It is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations for taking antibiotics. And despite the fact that the child's condition may improve after taking the first pill, it is important to strictly drink the course dose of drugs. Because due to the irrational use of antibacterial agents, the resistance of microorganisms to drugs is growing.

The main principle of treating streptococcal infection is antibiotic therapy.

Topical treatment usually involves applying antiseptic and analgesic aerosols (Tantum Verde, Hexoral, Miramistin). It is also recommended to gargle, if the patient's age permits, with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine) or herbal preparations (Chamomile, Sage).


Physiotherapy is contraindicated in the acute period. It is not prescribed, because physiotherapy creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, due to heating. Physiotherapy can be prescribed for patients with chronic tonsillitis in remission.


Surgical treatment consists in the complete removal of the tonsils. It is indicated for chronic tonsillitis, with frequent relapses and ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment. And also the operation is performed for persons with the constant development of complications (paratonsillar, retropharyngeal abscesses).

Traditional medicine against streptococcus

It is impossible to influence streptococcus in the throat with folk methods. Antibiotic therapy is the only method.

Do not self-medicate.


Strep throat infection does not require hospitalization. Children with tonsillitis are treated at home. The indication for hospitalization is a severe course of infection, the presence of complications.

Restrictions for children during illness and during the recovery period

For the entire febrile period, children are assigned to bed rest. During the period of convalescence, children are advised not to engage in active sports, and are also exempted from physical education at school for a month.

Complications of streptococcal infection

Complications of streptococcal infection can be divided into general and local. The latter include:

  • paratonsillitis, paratonsillar abscess - a purulent process that spreads to the tissue surrounding the tonsils. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply, the temperature rises again. The sore throat gets worse. Difficulty opening the mouth. A certain position is noted (the head is tilted to the sore side);
  • retropharyngeal abscess - an inflammatory focus in the pharyngeal tissue. The patient's condition also changes for the worse. Forced position of the patient: the head is thrown back;
  • parapharyngitis - a purulent-inflammatory process in the parapharyngeal region. Deterioration of the general condition of the patient. The pain reaches such a level that the patient can hardly turn his head to the side;
  • cervical lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes. The consistency of the lymph nodes changes. In the absence of proper treatment, the development of formidable complications is observed.

General systemic complications do not develop immediately, usually after recovery, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks.

These include:

  • rheumatic fever (a disease that affects organs that include connective tissue);
  • acute glomerulonephritis (inflammatory kidney disease);
  • tonsilogenic sepsis (blood poisoning with streptococci).

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for streptococcal infection is generally good. But the patient must strictly follow medical advice. With the development of complications, the prognosis worsens significantly. The main preventive measure is the knowledge and application of the rules of personal hygiene.

Timely isolation of patients prevents the development of further infection in healthy individuals. It is also important to regularly visit a dentist and otorhinolaryngologist for the rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection.

Features of treatment in pregnant women

Streptococcal infection must be treated in any case, and pregnancy is not a contraindication to the appointment of antibacterial drugs. Pregnant women can take drugs such as Flemoxin, Amoxiclav.

Also, do not forget about local treatment. Regular gargling significantly improves the effectiveness of the therapy. It is especially important to treat pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, before childbirth, in order to exclude the infection of the newborn baby.


Streptococcal infections are fairly common. The danger lies in the possibility of complications. Based on clinical data, it can be difficult for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis, but today in modern medicine there are accurate methods for determining the pathogen, which greatly facilitate the diagnosis of the disease.

The choice of antibacterial agents is quite wide. And the effectiveness of treatment is high, subject to the identification of the pathogen. It is always very important to follow the doctor's recommendations, because otherwise self-medication can only bring harm to health.

Watch the video: How to get rid of sore throat instantly (July 2024).