Child health

The main reasons for the decreased and increased color index of blood in children

Blood flows in our body, so its characteristics help doctors analyze the patient's condition, diagnose, and prescribe treatment. Below we will talk about such a characteristic as the color index of blood, the term will be analyzed, its meaning in the diagnosis of diseases will be described.

What is a color index?

How are the main components calculated

Color indicator - a number showing the degree of filling the erythrocyte with hemoglobin, expressed in non-systemic units.

Hemoglobin performs a transport function - it carries gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide between tissues and lungs. In addition, hemoglobin is a blood pigment, that is, it gives a red color to erythrocytes.

Based on the definition, to calculate the color index, it is necessary to know the hemoglobin content and the number of erythrocytes in the blood.

There is such a formula for calculating the color index (CPU):

Color index = 3 * hemoglobin content / first three digits of the content of red blood cells in the blood (excluding signs).

The hemoglobin content in the blood is usually expressed in g / l.

For example, the hemoglobin content in the blood is 146 g / l, and the number of erythrocytes is 4.31 * 10 * 9 / l. Then the color index will be equal to: 3 * 146/431 = 1.02.

Normal values

The norm for the color index is considered to be the interval 0.85 - 1.05. For children, the norm is 0.75 - 0.96. If we analyze our example, then it fits into the framework of normal values.

In modern laboratory practice, the color index is considered a little outdated. The best and more modern indicator is the MCH, which reflects the average hemoglobin content in an erythrocyte.

MCH is calculated on an automatic hematology analyzer according to the formula:

MCH = hemoglobin count / erythrocyte count

27 - 31 pg - is the norm for the SIT.

Purpose of the definition

The color index is determined in order to check the saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin. The deviation of this indicator from the norm makes it possible to differentiate the pathology. So, for example, depending on the color index, there is a division of anemias into hypochromic, hyperchromic, normochromic.

Raising the color index

A high value of the color index indicates an excess content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte. Accordingly, the red blood cells will be more pigmented. In the presence of anemia, it is classified as hyperchromic.


The reason that a lot of hemoglobin accumulates in the erythrocyte may be macrocytic anemia, or rather megaloblastic anemia.

Megaloblastic anemias include B9-B12-deficiency anemias. They appear when there is a lack of vitamins B9 and B12 in the body. This can occur as a result of a lack of these vitamins in food or if there is a pathological condition in which their absorption is impaired.

Additional examination

To find out the cause of erythrocyte hyperchromia, it is important to conduct an additional examination. For example, blood levels of vitamins B9 and B12 are measured to confirm megaloblastic anemia. Also, in the presence of an autoimmune pathology, antibodies to stomach cells that secrete a special substance can be determined. It is this substance that allows the body to absorb vitamins.

Reduced color index

Why is the color index of blood lowered?

The reduced value of the color index is called hypochromia. This means that red blood cells are not sufficiently supplied with hemoglobin, so they become less colored.

Anemia characterized by a low color index is called hypochromic.

There are many reasons that lead to the fact that the color index is lowered in children and adults:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia - a condition when there is little iron in the body. This leads to insufficient synthesis of hemoglobin in the blood, which is reflected in the level of the color index;
  • children may have thalassemia - hereditary disease in which the synthesis of hemoglobin chains is disrupted;
  • hemoglobinopathies - diseases accompanied by the synthesis of the wrong hemoglobin;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • liver and kidney damage.

If the mother had anemia during pregnancy, then a low color index may be found in her child. It is also worth carefully monitoring what the child eats. A child is a growing organism that requires a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, it is not recommended to stick to vegetarianism in this case.

Additional analyzes

Since the most common pathology in which a low color index is found is iron deficiency anemia, it must be correctly diagnosed. For this, the patient's blood is determined:

  • serum iron;
  • total serum iron-binding capacity or TIBC;
  • transferrin;
  • ferritin.

These indicators are basic in the diagnosis of iron metabolism in the body.

Who will help with treatment?

In the treatment of diseases related to blood, you will be helped by a hematologist who specializes in this. If your medical institution does not have such a specialist, you can contact a therapist, pediatrician.

Rules for donating blood for analysis

The main rule in preparing blood for analysis is the delivery of biological material on an empty stomach. It is also important not to worry before taking blood. Stress and exercise can influence research results.

As for the medications taken, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Perhaps some of them can lead to a falsely high level of hemoglobin or red blood cells.

Where can you be examined?

The determination of the color index, as well as the MSN, is included in the CBC (general clinical blood test). This analysis is included in a number of free under the compulsory medical insurance policy. You can also take the analysis for a fee. On average, its cost varies from 150 to 400 rubles. Additionally, they can set a price for blood sampling.

Analysis deadline

On average, the analysis results are issued the next day. If the response is urgent, the result can be issued within a few hours.


If you find low or high values ​​of the color index, you should consult a doctor if you yourself went to the clinic for a blood test.

It is recommended to re-take the analysis and, if the result remains the same, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination to find out the reasons.


The color indicator is slowly leaving laboratory practice, instead of it, the SIT is now taken into account. But the value of the indicator and the purpose of its determination have not changed.

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