Child health

Sumamed is a starting antibiotic for children and adolescents

Sumamed in the practice of a pediatrician

Antibiotic Sumamed belongs to the starting line of therapy for bacterial infections, in the presence of allergic reactions to penicillin. This means that it is used very often in the practice of a pediatrician. Since it is the local pediatrician who deals with bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary system, which are most common in children.

Do not treat antibiotics as a panacea. Despite the fact that Sumamed belongs to broad-spectrum antibiotics, this does not mean that it is able to cure any disease. The choice of antibiotic treatment should depend on the suspected pathogen. In most cases, it is impossible to identify the microorganism that is involved in the development of the disease. Since this process is very long and laborious. Therefore, the doctor empirically selects the drug. And if there is no effect within 24-48 hours, the antibiotic should be changed.

Characteristic of Sumamed

Active substance

The active ingredient of Sumamed is azithromycin, which belongs to the macrolide group. There are quite a few forms of the drug on the pharmaceutical market: tablets, powder for suspension, capsules.

Release forms

Sumamed tablets are divided into 2 forms: dispersible and film-coated tablets, which are more suitable for adults and older children. The forms of Sumamed also differ from each other in the dosage of the active substance.

Sumamed for children is used in the form of dispersible tablets, as it dissolves easily in water and in the form of a suspension.

The mechanism of action of Sumamed

Antibiotic Sumamed belongs to the pharmacological group of macrolides. This drug has a wide spectrum of action on microbes. The mechanism of action is a bacteriostatic effect. That is, the drug does not allow bacteria to multiply, thereby suspending their negative effect on the human body.

High concentrations of Sumamed are capable of having a bactericidal effect (death of a microorganism). The bacteriostatic effect of the drug is to block the synthesis of bacterial protein, thereby further growth and reproduction is impossible.

Microorganisms are able to acquire resistance to the action of Sumamed.

This drug is rapidly absorbed and spreads through the organs and tissues of the human body, and also penetrates into the cell. In the blood, the maximum concentration of the antibiotic is reached after 3 hours. It is also worth noting that the amount of the drug in the affected tissues is greater than in healthy ones.

The half-life can be up to 50 hours. The concentration of Sumamed in cells and tissues remains up to 7 days after the course of treatment. The antibiotic is excreted unchanged by the intestines and kidneys.


It should be emphasized that the drug is dosed strictly according to the patient's body weight, and also depending on the disease. Sumamed for children is prescribed in accordance with a dosage of 10-20 mg / kg, depending on the disease.

Sumamed suspension can be applied to children from 6 months of age. The antibiotic is used once a day, which greatly facilitates treatment. It is recommended to use Sumamed one hour before meals or 2 hours after. A distinctive feature of the macrolide group is their short course. Therefore, the course of Sumamed is from 3 to 5 days, which is also an indisputable advantage.


There are times when the pharmacy does not have the necessary drug. In such situations, you can choose an alternative drug for the active ingredient. Such funds are otherwise called analogs. Sumamed has enough of them.

Sumamed analogues: Azithromycin, Hemomycin, Azitral, Zitrolide, AzitRus.

What symptoms can Sumamed be prescribed

In children, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are most common, therefore this antibiotic is very often used among the child population. Therefore, the symptoms that are observed with tonsillitis, otitis media, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia may be an indication for the appointment of Sumamed.

But first, the fact of a bacterial infection must be established. Because with a viral etiology, an antibiotic is not only useless, but can also harm the patient. The risk of developing drug resistance also increases.

Pneumonia with atypical flora is treated with Sumamed and other drugs from the macrolide group. Bacterial damage to the skin and soft tissues, manifested by pain syndrome, as well as characteristic external changes, can also be an indication for the appointment of Sumamed.

In the treatment of chlamydial urinary tract infections, the characteristic symptom of which is changes in the general analysis of urine and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication, the antibiotic Sumamed can be used. Lyme skin disease, in its initial manifestation, is also an indication for antibiotic therapy.

Absolute and relative contraindications for the appointment of Sumamed in children

All contraindications can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: absolute and relative. First you need to know absolute contraindications.

  1. Sumamed can be used for children from 6 months. Therefore, before this age, it is strictly contraindicated.
  2. Also, the absolute contraindications include hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.
  3. Severe functional disorders of organs, in particular the liver and kidneys.
  4. Genetic disease - phenylketonuria is an absolute contraindication to the appointment of Sumamed.

Relative contraindications are not as strict as absolute ones. But you shouldn't forget about them either. It is always important to assess the expected benefits and risks.

Relative contraindications include:

  • mild to moderate kidney and liver damage;
  • persons with changes in the electrocardiogram (prolongation of the QT interval);
  • the use of certain medicines;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart failure;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • myasthenia gravis.

What side effects are most common in children when taking Sumamed

Any drug can have adverse side effects. The more serious the drug, the more of those same effects. Despite the fact that Sumamed is well tolerated, side effects are still more or less likely to occur. Children are subject to such negative consequences more often.

Taking an antibiotic can affect all organs and systems, but the most common changes are in the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Children may experience headache, weakness, lethargy, and decreased appetite. The gastrointestinal tract reacts to the intake of an antibacterial agent by stool disturbance.

It should also be noted that very often after antibiotic therapy, changes are observed in the general blood test (a decrease in the total number of leukocytes, an increase in the concentration of eosinophils, monocytes, neutrophils and basophils).

Is an overdose possible and what to do at the same time

An overdose of Sumamedov is quite possible. And cases are described in the medical literature. In case of an overdose, symptoms appear: stool disturbance, nausea, vomiting, temporary hearing loss is possible. The treatment is symptomatic, aimed at removing the drug from the body.

How Sumamed is prescribed, if the child is already taking another medicine

It is not recommended to take antacids simultaneously with the antibiotic, since they affect the concentration of Sumamed in the blood, therefore, the effectiveness decreases. If cancellation is not possible, then the time should be kept after taking antacids (2 hours).

Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, taking Digoxin and Sumamed at the same time, should be prepared for a possible increase in the concentration of Digoxin in the blood. The same effect is observed when Sumamed and Cyclosporin are taken together.

Concomitant use of an antibiotic and Terfenadine can cause cardiac arrhythmias and lengthening of the QT interval on the electrocardiogram. When prescribing Sumamed, it is always necessary to find out the concomitant pathology of the child in order to have an idea of ​​what drugs the patient is receiving at the moment.

Pharmacy leave

Sumamed, like all antibacterial agents, is dispensed from the pharmacy exclusively by prescription. The price of the drug depends on the form, dosage and volume of the drug. Film-coated tablets cost about 300 - 500 rubles. Dispersible tablets have a price range from 300 to 1700 rubles.

Powder for preparing a suspension costs about 180 - 300 rubles, and capsules from 400 to 500 rubles. The price may vary in different regions of Russia. Analogues have a more budgetary option. So, for example, Hemomycin has a cost of 220 rubles, Azitral from 270, Azitrox from 310 rubles.

Store the antibacterial agent in a place protected from children, and also at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

Pediatrician's review of Sumamed

Sumamed is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but this fact does not mean that the drug can be used for any bacterial disease. The doctor, before prescribing an antibiotic, must conduct an examination and collect a thorough history to make the correct diagnosis. After that, the doctor can have an idea of ​​the causative agent of the disease.

The analysis to identify the microorganism is quite expensive and time-consuming. As a rule, an analysis with an identified pathogen is obtained after the treatment has been completed. Therefore, when choosing an antibiotic, the doctor should rely on the statistical data of the pathogens that cause a particular disease.

As for some microorganisms, to which Sumamed is sensitive, the drug always copes with the task. For the pediatrician, the dosage form that can be used for children is also always important. Sumamed has a sufficient number of forms that are convenient for the child population.

The drug can be used from the age of 6 months, which also facilitates the work of the pediatrician. The frequency of admission (1 time per knock) and the course (3 - 5 days) of Sumamed makes it more convenient not only for a specialist, but also for the parents of a small patient.


Prescribing all drugs requires a rational and appropriate approach.

Do not self-medicate! Before using the drugs, a specialist consultation is required!

This article is not a direct guide to action. Sumamed has certain indications and should be used only after the correct diagnosis. The irrational use of antibacterial drugs leads to drug resistance (resistance) of microorganisms. Therefore, the wrong approach to the use of an antibiotic is only harmful to the body, while the drug does not prevent bacterial infections.

Watch the video: Macrolides - Azithromycin (July 2024).