
Causes and consequences of a soft cervix during pregnancy

A baby growing in the womb needs good support. It is created by the cervix, on which the fetus rests during its intrauterine development. Pathologies of this organ can lead to various abnormalities of pregnancy.

What does this mean?

For the implementation of normal intrauterine development, it is very important that the cervix is ​​sufficiently firm and dense. It must also be in a closed state. This is very important, especially in the early stages of bearing a baby. A softened cervix can lead to a risk of spontaneous abortion.

In many women, the tone of this organ changes significantly closer to childbirth. This reaction is quite physiological. Usually, this condition develops closer to 37-39 weeks of pregnancy. A soft cervix at this time is necessary for good progress of the baby along the birth canal during his birth.

This pathology may have extremely negative consequences... Experienced obstetricians and gynecologists know how to distinguish a hard from a soft cervix.

They regularly conduct such a study during the entire period of pregnancy. It is necessary especially if a woman has any diseases of the cervical canal or has concomitant diseases of the reproductive system.

Why does it appear?

Doctors identify several causal factors that lead to the development of this condition during pregnancy. The most common option is the development of hormonal disorders, which are associated with the different effects of numerous hormones that are formed in this specific period in the female body.

Some women have a softening of the cervix more often observed in the second pregnancy. The risk of developing this pathology increases significantly if the expectant mother had any problems with the cervical canal or with the neck during the previous gestation of the first child.

Frequent scraping of the lining of the uterus after an abortion is another risk factor leading to softening during pregnancy. Also, any combined diseases of the internal genital organs that have developed in a woman even before the conception of a baby can lead to the development of this pathology.

Taking certain types of hormonal drugs can also provoke a softening of the cervix. Usually, this condition is caused by excessive use of improperly selected oral contraceptives... Some of the remedies can also provide a whole range of adverse symptoms that worsen a woman's well-being.

It is important to remember that even in the second half of pregnancy, it is very important to monitor the state of the cervix.

The growing fetal bladder exerts strong pressure on the cervical canal. This can lead to the fact that the amniotic fluid is released prematurely, and the woman may begin premature birth.

How is the treatment carried out?

If, during a gynecological examination, the doctor determined the presence of signs of a softened neck, then he will definitely recommend the expectant mother to control her daily routine. In this case, all physical activity and weight lifting are necessarily excluded.

A woman should spend more time in bed and rest... In case of mild disorders, doctors will allow the expectant mother to take short walks in the fresh air. They will be useful not only for her, but also for her baby.

Any psycho-emotional stress is excluded. It is strictly forbidden for the expectant mother to be worried and nervous, especially over trifles. This can contribute to the aggravation of her well-being, as well as significantly harm the baby.

If, against the background of a strong softening of the cervix, a woman reveals clinical signs of hypertension, then the obstetrician-gynecologist may suggest that she be hospitalized in the hospital. This compulsory measure will help preserve the life and health of the baby, and also reduce the likelihood of premature birth.

To eliminate moderate hypertonicity of the uterus, drugs with an antispasmodic effect are also suitable. "No-shpa" - This is a good remedy for relieving spasms from the smooth muscle of the female genital organs.

In a hospital setting, the woman will receive a set of necessary treatment. Medicines can be prescribed in different ways. Most often, they are used parenterally through injections and intravenous drips. Such therapy in a shorter time helps to achieve a good therapeutic result.

To compensate for the hormonal disorders that have arisen, doctors may recommend the expectant mother to use various medicinal hormonal preparations. One of these tools is "Utrozhestan"... It is usually administered in candlelight. This remedy is discharged for a complex reception. During the appointment of such hormone therapy, the doctor necessarily monitors it by conducting regular examinations.

Many women the soft neck can also be shortened. Usually, this condition is recorded in pregnant women at 20-28 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, this pathology can occur later - by 30 weeks.

To eliminate such symptoms, the doctor may recommend his patient to install a special device called obstetric pessary... In appearance, it resembles an ordinary ring. It is inserted into the cervix and fixed there. This fixation helps to secure the fetus and reduces the likelihood of premature birth.

The expectant mother should not be afraid of this procedure if the doctor recommended it. The insertion of the pessary does not cause any soreness or severe discomfort. The duration of the procedure is usually 25-35 minutes. Doctors will remove the pessary 1-2 weeks before delivery. This procedure is usually performed already in a maternity hospital.

If the soft cervix is ​​one of the manifestations of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, then in this case suturing may be required... This procedure also often causes real panic in expectant mothers.

Don't worry! Sutures in this case are not applied for life, but only before childbirth. This manipulation is forced. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing your baby or getting a premature birth.

Sutures for isthmic-cervical insufficiency are most often applied by doctors at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy. These terms are inconstant and may differ depending on the initial state of the expectant mother.

Before carrying out this procedure the doctor must necessarily conduct a thorough extended examination of the genital tract. It is very important that the sutures are applied by an experienced and qualified physician who has sufficient clinical experience in this work.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Khorun V.G. will tell about isthmic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy in the next video.

Watch the video: All About Vaginal Exams! Cervical Dilation, Expert Tips u0026 More! (July 2024).