Child health

Bronchomunal for children: detailed instructions for the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections

The drug Bronchomunal belongs to the category of immunostimulants. Its scope is the therapy of ENT diseases. Our article will tell you how effective this tool is, how to use and store it, what is its cost.

What is Bronchomunal

Many people are interested in the question of whether there is a prevention of bacterial infections. The answer is yes it does. Prevention is specific and is achieved by taking medications. One of them is Bronchomunal. This drug is an immunostimulant, so it can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Bronchomunal is a drug for the treatment and prevention of respiratory tract infections.

Active substance

The main active ingredient is a lyophilisate of bacterial lysates. Bacterial lysate are components of bacteria that have been obtained after the destruction of the wall of the microorganism.

Lyophilisate is a product that is obtained by the method of the same name, the essence of the method is drying.

Bacterial lysates are isolated from Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococci, streptococci, Klebsiella, Maraxella. The active substances in Bronchomunal also include sodium glutamate, mannitol, propyl gallate.

Release form

This drug is produced in the form of capsules, which contain a powder inside.

Supporting components

In the composition of the drug, auxiliary components can be distinguished. These include starch, magnesium stearate. And also additional substances that make up the capsule (gelatin, E132, E171).

The mechanism of action of Bronchomunal

Bronchomunal has an immunostimulating effect. This effect consists in increased production of lymphocytes, which are responsible for immunity. This is achieved after activation of the intestinal lymphoid tissue by bacterial lysate.

Lysates cause increased production of lymphocytes and leukocytes. The amount of circulating antibodies in the blood rises. Such changes occurring in the body create protection against viruses and bacteria, and also prevent the occurrence of relapses (re-infections) and bacterial complications. This fact is good news, because the need for antibiotics is decreasing.

Bronchomunal for children is especially relevant in the practice of a pediatrician, since respiratory diseases among the child population are recorded much more often.

When Bronchomunal is prescribed, or Indications for use

To achieve the maximum effect from the use of this drug, it is important to observe strict indications for its appointment.

Indications for children

Bronchomunal for children can be used from 6 months of age.

Each age category has its own dosage of the drug.

More often Bronchomunal is used among children, since their body is more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. Indications include the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as the prevention of relapses and complications. In most cases, to prevent re-infection, Bronchomunal is prescribed to frequently ill children.

In adults

Adults, as a rule, are prescribed an immunostimulating drug as part of the main line of therapy, that is, in a complex.

How to dose the drug Bronchomunal correctly

There are 2 main dosages of the drug: 3.5 mg and 7 mg each. The latter is prescribed for adults and children over 12 years old. 3.5 mg capsules are prescribed for children from 6 months to 12 years.

It is recommended to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by a specialist.

Parents should also not forget to get acquainted with the drug Bronchomunal, the instruction of which may differ from the prescription from the doctor. In such cases, the issue is resolved privately. Bronchomunal is taken on an empty stomach during treatment. Children under 2 years of age are advised to dissolve the contents of the capsule (powder) in water or milk, because it is extremely difficult for small children to swallow the capsule.

For preventive purposes, the drug is prescribed for 10 days with an interval of 20 days. There should be three such course techniques.

Possible side effects

All possible adverse effects after the use of a particular drug are usually divided into frequent and rare. Bronchomunal is well tolerated and the incidence of adverse reactions is low.


Frequent side effects include negative reactions of the gastrointestinal tract: upset stools, abdominal pain, nausea. Changes in other organs and systems: cough, allergic reactions.


Infrequent effects include shortness of breath, headache, fever, lethargy, fatigue, and malaise. Cancellation of the drug is possible only with intolerance to the active substances of the drug.


To date, there is no information on intoxication due to an overdose of Bronchomunal. Moreover, a study was carried out on animals and the toxic effect of the drug was not revealed, therefore the development of an overdose is unlikely.

Does Bronchomunal have contraindications

Always read the instructions before taking the drug.

Any drug in its instructions contains a clause on contraindications. Bronchomunal is no exception. But this drug is not rich in contraindications. These include hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as contraindications for the forms (a capsule with a dosage of 7 mg is contraindicated in children under 12 years old, the drug is not used for children under 6 months).

What drugs can not be combined with Bronchomunal

Currently, there are no negative reactions of the body to the interaction of Bronchomunal with other drugs. This drug can be used with other medicines, including antibiotics.

Bronchomulal for pregnant and lactating

Bronchomunal is prescribed to pregnant women only in cases where the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus. During treatment, breastfeeding women should stop breastfeeding.

Dispensing from pharmacies, average price

Bronchomunal is available from a pharmacy without a prescription. But it is always necessary to buy a medicine after consulting a specialist. The price of the drug depends on the dosage, the number of capsules in the package, and it is also important to take into account the region of the country where the medicine is purchased. Therefore, the price range is from 510 to 1360 rubles.

Storage conditions for Bronchomunal

In order for the drug to be useful for 5 years and not to lose its medicinal properties, it is important to store the drug correctly. Bronchomunal is stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

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