Games and entertainment

Bath toys for children under one year old

Bathing in the tub brings invaluable benefits to babies, a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. For most fidgets, evening bathing becomes a kind of ritual before bedtime, helping the baby to relax and fall asleep soundly. Bathing toys can be made more fun and exciting with bath toys in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and functions.

How to choose the right bath toys

First of all, bath toys must be safe and made from quality materials only. In hot water, low-quality toys can emit harmful substances and hazardous fumes. Therefore, you need to choose non-toxic materials. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for quality certificates. It is better to choose the first toys of well-known brands and in company stores.

You should also pay attention to color fastness. Before using the toy for the first time, it should be washed, while the paint should not remain on the hands and in the water. When choosing toys, one nuance should be taken into account: they should be easy to wash, without water retention inside the holes, otherwise the toy will “bloom”.

Toys should be made of soft materials, with a smooth surface, without traces of glue, sharp and removable parts (such as fins, tails, paws of fish and animals). Parents should be calm that the child does not break off the nose or eye of the animal and does not swallow it. Manufacturers on the packaging indicate age restrictions and materials from which toys are made - you need to carefully study them when buying.

Do not forget to take into account the developmental aspect of the chosen toy. Therefore, the duck should not only swim, but also quack, and even better - flap its wings, respond to pressing, splash water and so on. It will be more than pointless to give a child up to six months a water pistol - the baby will not only not understand the meaning of the toy, but may also be frightened of both the toy itself and the bathing process in general.

What are bath toys

There are a wide variety of toys for bathing in the bathroom. They can squeak, gurgle, change color and size, swim, and move body parts. The variety of existing models allows you to choose items for any age and preference.

  • Rubber animals

The most common bath toys. The kid will like to watch how the rubber duck dives in the bathroom, and squeaks happily at the same time. These toys are the simplest, brightest, always made of soft materials. They do not sink in water, and most importantly, they are completely safe for the child. They can be made in the form of ducks, fish, stars and other sea animals, penguins, boats.

  • Rubberized books

Books with soft pages and colored pictures will be especially interesting in the water, where the drawings change their size and shape. Some of these books change their color or the color of individual fairy-tale characters. They can make sounds when pressed. There are also coloring books for drawing with special crayons in water. Such entertainment can interest and distract the baby for a long time while the mother bathes him.

  • Suction Cup Toys

One of the most interesting bathing accessories. Multi-colored mini-rugs in the form of the same marine life, flowers, leaves, stars, fish, frogs, ducks, etc. They are placed on the inner surface of the bathtub or tiles using suction cups. They can be used as an anti-slip coating on the bottom of the bathtub, so that the child does not fall on his feet.

These stickers are also available in another form - with double-sided suction cups. You can attach a bottle of shampoo, gel, soap to such rugs. The suction cups perfectly hold various jars and are always at hand. The child will love to tear them off the surface and stick them back on.

  • Clockwork toys

There are no less bright fish, crocodiles, bugs on a spring. The simplest mechanism is started manually and the animal moves nimbly along the surface of the water. The baby will have only delight and the desire to catch them from such toys. Several clockwork toys will create an interesting game, help develop fine motor skills and an understanding of cause and effect.

  • Water pistols

The splashes of water always delight the guys. For little fidgets, there are special blasters in which the reservoir is filled with water and, when the trigger is pressed, shoots it under pressure. They are illuminated and can turn swimming into a fun competition.

  • Cascading toys

Unusual combinations of thematic elements with Velcro are attached to the wall of the bathtub, and the baby can pour water into the hole in the uppermost part. The water will cascade through all the elements to the very bottom and flow back into the bath. These complexes are made in the form of boats, yachts, fairy-tale animals. At the same time, the most unexpected things happen: mills are spinning, jugs are turning over. The child will be delighted!

Choice of bath toys by age

Children from one month to six months you can make the bathing process more fun with rubber toys. The child will learn to pick up objects, developing tactile sensations. It will be useful for him to learn something new by squeezing a toy and thereby extracting a sound, to memorize the colors and shapes of objects. Inflatable toys, balls of various sizes and colors will also correspond to this age.

From about six monthsthe child begins to sit, and the range of entertainment that interests him is noticeably expanding. But you should pay attention to the fact that toys do not emit too loud sounds, do not contain removable small parts. In the bathroom, there must be jugs, cups, saucers into which the baby can pour water. You can safely offer him multicolored soft sponges, clockwork fish and boats, stickers with Velcro, cascading centers.

For older children, there are more complex activities. These can be battery-powered boats sailing in a given direction. They are practically silent, do not sink, and the mechanism is protected from water ingress (you need to pay attention to this when buying). Water pistols, coloring books will be more relevant for children after a year. Also, while swimming, you can have fun catching fish with a line. This toy is safe, as the fish are not caught with a hook, but with a magnet. They blink when they hit the "hook", thereby informing the young fisherman of a successful catch.

Your little one should get the most out of the water, and these accessories will make his bath fun and stimulate him to do hygiene procedures on his own.

Huge assortment of toys for swimming in the online store OBSTETRICS (prices from 25 rubles). Also see toys in the store

  • Play with a small child in the bathroom
  • Bathing rules for newborns
  • What if the child is afraid to swim in the bathroom?

Baby bath toys

[sc: rsa]

Watch the video: MOLD IN BABY BATH TOYS (July 2024).