
Myths, horror stories and misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth. Best Selection: 63 Myths

Despite the fact that we live in a modern world where it is very easy to get any information, some topics are still shrouded in various misconceptions and myths. This topic is pregnancy and everything related to it.

Of course, every expectant mother wants pregnancy and childbirth to be easy, and the baby was born healthy, so she is ready to comply with all possible conditions for everything to be safe. In addition, pregnant women are always suspicious and impressionable, so it is not at all difficult to "powder" the head of a future mother with various myths.

In fact, it turns out that most of the restrictions are simply pointless, and because of them, one of the brightest periods in the life of women passes in constant tension and discontent. In order for every woman to freely enjoy pregnancy and not worry about absurd signs and prohibitions, we have collected all the existing myths about pregnancy and found evidence of their failure.

Myths about conceiving a child

  • To get pregnant, after intercourse you need to lie down in the "birch" position

This myth is actively spreading among those who are planning a child. In fact, the only factor that determines the onset of pregnancy is the meeting of the egg and sperm. Neither posture during sex, nor any actions after it, can have any critical effect on fertilization. For some anatomical features of the female internal genital organs, favorable postures for conception may be recommended, but even in this case, the posture is not a key condition.

  • If you get pregnant with a spiral, you will have to have an abortion

Such cases are rare, but if pregnancy has occurred, the spiral does not bother her, because this device can be easily removed in the antenatal clinic.

Myths about determining the sex of a baby

  • By the appearance of the tummy, you can determine what gender the child is

The tummies of all pregnant women are really different: someone's waist disappears, the belly “spreads out” in breadth, someone’s “sticks out” forward. The height of the abdomen is also different for everyone, but this has nothing to do with the sex of the child. The height and shape of the abdomen depends entirely on the characteristics and condition of the body. Women with a "narrow" constitution are distinguished by "boyish" bellies: the internal space of the body is limited, so the belly bulges forward. The condition of the abdominal muscles is also different for everyone, but it is the muscles that support the growing fetus. The more developed the muscles, the more neat and "collected" the tummy of a pregnant woman. Even in one woman in different pregnancies, the abdomens may differ: by the second pregnancy, especially if the break after the first was short, the abdominal muscles stretch, so the tummy appears much earlier, it is located lower and its shape may be more "diffuse".

  • The gender of the baby can be determined by changes in the face of the pregnant woman.

There is an opinion that the girl "takes" the beauty from her mother, so the expectant mothers of girls in pregnancy do not look very good: the face becomes fat, the skin deteriorates, etc. In fact, all changes in the face are associated exclusively with the characteristics of the body and the rate of weight gain: errors in the diet, hormonal changes, exacerbations of chronic diseases for someone pass without visible changes, and for someone lead to problems with appearance.

  • The gender of the child can be recognized by the heartbeat

In the days of our mothers, this was a popular way to determine the sex of a baby. The normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. It is believed that girls have a heart that beats faster, so if the indicator is closer to the upper border, a girl is expected, if to the lower - a boy. In reality, this opinion has no evidence.

  • If the expectant mother has fluff on her stomach, there will be a boy

This myth is based on the fact that a boy in his mother's stomach causes an increased production of male hormones. In fact, fetal hormones do not affect the mother's body in any way. The fluff on the belly is the result of the mother's hormonal changes, which has nothing to do with the sex of the child being born.

  • If you want something sweet - a girl will be born, if you are drawn to meat (or spicy, salty) - there will be a boy

Food preferences of a pregnant woman defy any logical explanation at all. It's all the fault of hormones and, possibly, the body's knowledge of what it really needs. This myth stems from the idea that boys love meat and girls have a sweet tooth. However, the "creators" of the myth forgot to take into account that the baby in the womb does not eat our food, but through the bloodstream, so he practically does not care what his mother ate - he is "interested" in the biochemical composition of the blood, and not in specific foods.

Myths about the unborn child

  • If the mother suffers from heartburn, the child will be born with long hair

The "logic" of this myth is that, supposedly, the baby's hair tickles the mother's esophagus - that's why heartburn appears. This naive notion of pregnancy heartburn does not hold water. In the later stages, heartburn appears in very many expectant mothers, because the growing uterus presses heavily on the diaphragm and stomach. This leads to a distortion of the position of the stomach and food from it begins to be thrown into the esophagus along with gastric juice. The baby's hairs, with all their desire, cannot get anywhere, because the baby is surrounded by a thick layer of uterine tissue. Moreover, at a later date, the baby is head down.

  • The larger the belly of the expectant mother, the larger the baby will be born

The size of the belly depends on many factors, but to a lesser extent it depends on the size and weight of the child. A large belly, as a rule, is a consequence of a large set of weight, structural features of the body and the condition of the muscles (if the muscles are stretched or poorly developed, they keep the shape of the abdomen worse). The approximate weight of the fetus is determined by ultrasound, but these calculations often turn out to be erroneous.

  • If the mother leads an active sex life during pregnancy, the child will have dimples on her cheeks, bald patches or crusts on the head may appear

In fact, sex during pregnancy does not in any way affect the appearance of the child and the characteristics of his body. Dimples on the cheeks are pure genetics, and crusts and bald patches are hormonal problems.

  • If a baby has a risk of being born prematurely, it is better to be born at 7 months than at 8, because 7-month-olds are more "tenacious" and better adapted to life outside the mother's womb

During the period of bearing the baby, every day in the mother's tummy adds weight and vitality to him, therefore, in case of prematurity, the longer the period, the better in all respects.

  • Babies born at night do not sleep well at night

This myth from the category of grandmothers will accept. Naturally, there is no evidence for this fact, because there is no connection between the time of birth and future behavior.

Myths about monitoring and managing pregnancy

  • Late pregnancy or pregnancy after a long break is bad, the pregnancy will be problematic

Complications of pregnancy depend on the woman's health, not on her age or the interval between pregnancies. On the contrary, doctors note that older women are more attentive and responsible for their position, follow all recommendations and give birth to wonderful healthy children.

  • If the test showed two stripes, you need to go to an ultrasound scan to listen to the heartbeat and make sure everything is in order

According to the standards of pregnancy management, the first ultrasound is done during screening at 12-13 weeks. It is at this time that you can reliably assess whether everything is in order with the development of the baby. The data received before this period can only frighten the expectant mother once again, and pregnant women should not worry. In addition, although ultrasound is considered a safe research method, we cannot know exactly how the additional anxiety of the baby with ultrasound will affect his condition. Often, expectant mothers simply find it difficult to believe in their pregnancy and want some substantial evidence other than a test. In this case, it is better to donate blood for hCG and calm down on this.

  • Monitoring pregnancy and attendance at the residential complex is a nightmare, and all doctors are trying only to harm mother and baby

Queues and possible problems with coupons are the realities of Russian medicine, however, pregnant women are treated loyally everywhere and in most antenatal clinics they try to accept pregnant women strictly at the appointed time, without creating queues. The situation with the reinsurance of doctors is ambiguous: on the one hand, the doctor can really do something "just in case" (prescribe drugs or procedures, put in the department, etc.), on the other hand, the doctor is needed for that could assess possible risks and take action. Articles from the Internet and advice from girlfriends do not make the expectant mother competent in order to assess whether there is a threat of her pregnancy or not. That is why you should not take all the recommendations and prescriptions of a doctor with hostility. If there is a feeling that the doctor is reinsured, consult somewhere else.

  • During pregnancy, be sure to attend courses for expectant mothers.

Such courses are available at antenatal clinics and in specialized centers. There is no obligation in this, especially now, when magazines, books are published for pregnant women, webinars and video lectures are held. If desired, all information about the course of pregnancy, exercise, nutrition and preparation for childbirth can be obtained without leaving home. However, if you know that such courses are taught by a good specialist in your residential complex, why not go like this? With LCD these classes are free, and this is a good opportunity not only to get information, but also to ask your questions.

  • Throughout pregnancy, you need to drink special vitamins

If a pregnant woman eats properly and fully, there is no particular need to drink vitamins in pill form. Pharmaceutical vitamins are not always well absorbed, and the effect of synthetic vitamins can be unpredictable.

Myths about a woman's condition during pregnancy

  • Pregnancy is always accompanied by toxicosis

Even for the same woman, different pregnancies can proceed differently. Toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy really worries many, but it can be expressed in different ways: from mild nausea in the morning to the inability to eat or drink anything at all. If there is no toxicosis, you can only rejoice; if there is one, you can enlist the recommendations of a doctor and wait until your poor health recedes.

  • After the first trimester, toxicosis ends and there will be no nausea

Early toxicosis is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body and increased production of pregnancy hormones. However, even after 12 weeks, nausea may remain, especially if the expectant mother has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that the main hormone of pregnancy, progesterone, relaxes the smooth muscles of the organs (primarily the uterus - so that it does not contract, but smoothly stretches), including the digestive system. Because of this, a woman may have problems with digesting food, with a lack of enzymes, and even for a period longer than 12-14 weeks, she may be sick. In this case, special drugs that stimulate the digestive tract will help. (We read in detail about toxicosis of pregnant women)

  • In pregnancy, always pulls for salty or you want strawberries in winter at 3 a.m.

A very common myth, but in reality everything happens a little differently. Yes, pregnant women may have new dietary preferences, but mostly they are quite common. Not everyone is attracted to salty and sour.

  • Waiting for a baby is the happiest period, so a woman enjoys every minute of this state.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that waiting for a baby is a happy period, but pregnant women are not always elated by pregnancy and carelessly await the appearance of offspring. The emotional background of a pregnant woman is very unstable, many expectant mothers are constantly worried and worried, it is easy to upset and hurt them. Often, unimportant well-being interferes with enjoying pregnancy to the fullest: toxicosis in the first half, swelling and sluggishness in the second.

  • During pregnancy, a woman prettier and blooms outwardly

Of course, pregnant women are beautiful and the sparkle of their eyes is incomparable. However, appearance can change, and expectant mothers themselves are not always happy about this. Someone notices that the skin becomes cleaner, the hair is thicker and almost does not fall out, the nails grow quickly and do not break. Nature does not give such a gift to everyone. Sometimes, on the contrary, the skin deteriorates, hair falls out, nails break, age spots may appear on the face and body, hairs or a dark line appear on the stomach. All these changes are of a hormonal nature, and some time after pregnancy they will disappear.

  • Due to the growth of the abdomen and the increase in the volume of the breasts, all develop stretch marks

They do sometimes appear, but this process, alas, is almost unpredictable. The appearance of stretch marks most of all depends on the characteristics of the skin and the genetic predisposition to the appearance of scars. Many expectant mothers from the first weeks of pregnancy begin to carry out prevention against stretch marks: to smear "growing" parts of the body with special creams and oils. In the later stages, the prevention of stretch marks is wearing a bandage. But even preventive measures do not always save, and stretch marks may appear. Along with this, there are many cases when a woman is not at all puzzled by the prevention of stretch marks and they do not appear. In general, you cannot argue against genetics, but if the skin is not prone to scarring and in adolescence, during the period of rapid growth, there were no stretch marks, then most likely they will not be in pregnancy. (About stretch marks and how to get rid of them)

  • All pregnant women have dental problems up to and including loss

Problems with teeth and gums occur when the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In the old days, this problem was relevant: poor nutrition, lack of good quality "pharmacy" vitamins really led to the fact that women deteriorate, crumble and fall out of their teeth. Now the standard of living in general has become higher, all nutritional deficiencies can be compensated for with vitamins from a jar, and if problems have arisen, they can be solved at the dentist. Fortunately, now pregnant women have practically no restrictions in treatment: there are approved drugs and many manipulations can be performed.

  • Pregnancy with a girl is always more difficult than with a boy.

This myth is a "relative" of the sailor's omen that a woman on a ship is in trouble. In reality, pregnancy complications have absolutely nothing to do with the sex of the child and depend only on the state of the mother's body.

  • Pregnancy makes a woman stupid

In a sense, this is not a myth at all. Nature is arranged so that under the influence of hormones in a woman's brain, a “dominant of pregnancy” is formed: pregnancy becomes the main interest in the life of the expectant mother. That is why pregnant women are noted for distraction, forgetfulness, and a decrease in interest in work. However, the IQ indicator does not drop in any way, it is just that the woman's priorities in life change.

Myths about what can and can not be pregnant

  • During pregnancy, you can lead the same lifestyle without any restrictions, because pregnancy is not a disease

Although pregnancy is a natural state of the body, it makes some adjustments to the lifestyle of the expectant mother.Firstly, since all the forces of the body are thrown into bearing a child, the mother's body may suffer from exacerbated chronic or new diseases. Secondly, a woman becomes responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn child. Therefore, once again, the expectant mother should think about whether she needs to eat something harmful, risk her health during outdoor activities, etc. for the sake of supporting the idea "pregnancy is not a disease, I can do anything."

  • You need to keep silent about your pregnancy as long as possible, otherwise it can be jinxed

Earlier, when medicine was very poorly developed, very often the pregnancy was terminated before it could begin. Without the necessary knowledge, people attributed such cases not to health problems, but to the evil eye. That is why they preferred to keep silent about the onset of pregnancy - so that no one would jinx it. A modern woman is under the supervision of doctors from the moment of registration for pregnancy, her condition and the condition of her unborn child is constantly monitored, so the percentage of successful pregnancies is very high. Another thing is if the pregnant woman herself is very suspicious and does not want to advertise, then it is really better to hide it for her own peace of mind. Of course, someone's knowledge about it cannot affect the course of pregnancy.

  • Mom-to-be shouldn't have a haircut

There are several options for "punishment" for non-compliance with this prohibition: you give birth ahead of schedule, "cut off" something to the child, shorten the child's life. In ancient times, hair was endowed with magical power, so cutting it off meant losing this power and protection. By modern standards, this is nothing more than an ancient superstition. Hair cutting does not affect pregnancy and the unborn child in any way, but, on the contrary, it can cheer up mommy: many pregnant women feel unattractive during this period, so taking care of yourself and maintaining a good appearance is very important.

  • Pregnant women should not dye their hair - harmful substances will penetrate the body and harm the baby

No harmful substances can penetrate the baby through the scalp. Ammonia, which is present in many permanent paints, is indeed toxic, but, firstly, there are ammonia-free paints, and secondly, the baby in the womb is reliably protected from harmful external influences, so one hair dye per month will not do any harm.

  • During pregnancy, you need to avoid ugly people or unpleasant scenes, otherwise the baby will be ugly

The appearance of a child is 100% dependent on the set of genes that mom and dad will give him, so what the mother sees cannot leave any imprint. If pregnant women need to avoid unpleasant and not aesthetic spectacles, then only for the sake of their own peace of mind, because the expectant mother does not need negative experiences.

  • Pregnant women should not do needlework, especially deal with threads: sew, knit, embroider - the child will be wrapped with an umbilical cord (other options - the mother will "sew" the child's mind, or "sew" fingers together)

In ancient people, the threads in the hands of a pregnant woman personified the umbilical cord, hence this myth arose. Another version of the origin of this myth: before the needlewomen worked in unventilated rooms, and the work involved a long motionless sitting in one place, so the baby in the stomach could really experience oxygen starvation, actively move because of this and wrap the umbilical cord. It turns out that the reason is not in the needlework itself, but in the conditions under which the mother creates. A sedentary lifestyle is not useful for modern pregnant women, therefore, if you do not sit at embroidery for hours, take breaks, walk and be in the fresh air - there are no risks.

  • For the entire period of pregnancy, you can forget about sex

There is a ban on sexual activity only when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy: the uterus is in good shape or the placenta is low. In other cases, there are no restrictions, and in the last weeks, sex is even useful: the male seed contains prostaglandin substances, which help the cervix to "ripen" before childbirth, labor begins naturally and is less painful.

  • Pregnant women should not go in for sports and in general, all physical activity should be excluded

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, physical activity is not only allowed, but also necessary in order to keep the body in good shape and prepare the body for childbirth. If the expectant mother goes to the gym, it is imperative to warn the trainer about pregnancy and choose the level of load that will be safe. Just in case, it is better to consult a doctor who monitors the pregnancy about the permissible loads. There are no restrictions for homework either. Restrictions begin where there are risks of abortion.

  • An expectant mother should literally eat for two

Of course, during the period of bearing a child, the mother's body needs an increased amount of nutrients, but it is enough to increase the diet by only 20-30%. For a child, the amount eaten is not important, because the child receives everything he needs through the bloodstream. It is best for mom to eat according to her appetite and make sure that the diet is balanced. Eating "for two" only adds weight to mom, which will then have to fight.

  • Pregnant women should not raise their hands (reach somewhere, hang underwear, etc.) - the child can wrap the umbilical cord

It is unclear where this myth came from, because the umbilical cord entanglement occurs when the baby moves too actively, which happens when there is a lack of oxygen, or when the umbilical cord itself is too long. It is not forbidden for pregnant women to raise their arms up, but this creates an additional load on the muscles of the back and lower back, which already “suffer” from the appeared abdomen.

  • Pregnant women can only bathe in the shower, as bathing in the bathtub can cause infection

The baby in the abdomen is reliably protected by the amniotic bladder, so no infection from the outside can penetrate it. On the contrary, a warm bath relaxes and helps the woman to relax. The only limitation is that the bath must be warm, not hot.

  • If the expectant mother has bad habits - you don't have to tie them up, a sharp rejection of bad habits is even worse than their presence

Abrupt cessation of smoking or alcohol is, indeed, stress for the body, but for a child this is only a plus. Smoking, alcohol or drug use causes such pathologies in the fetus that none of the stress of the cessation of addiction will cause.

  • You can't buy anything in advance for a future baby.

The fear of "jinxing" pregnancy is so great that some families decide not to prepare anything for the birth of a baby. In fact, preparing a “dowry” for a child is a great way for a mother to realize her motherhood. By doing this in advance, you can calmly study all the information, thoroughly choose a stroller, crib, discharge kit, etc. If you leave this activity for later, you will have to buy everything in pauses and without much pleasure. (Large article-list dowry for a newborn)

  • Pregnant women should be kept away from cats

It is believed that "friendship" with cats will lead to the appearance of a hairy spot on the baby's body, and in the future the child will have poor relationships with people. In fact, the only danger from cats is the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. True, only those who have never encountered it should be afraid of toxoplasmosis, but there are very few such people. At the planning stage of pregnancy, many women are tested to determine antibodies to toxoplasma. If there are antibodies - cats should not be afraid, if not - indeed, you should be careful.

  • The expectant mother should refrain from gathering on the porch or on the doorstep.

The porch or threshold is perceived as the border between the outer and inner world. It is not clear what is fraught with being on this border, but our ancestors saw this as a bad sign. If there are no drafts on the threshold and the expectant mother does not risk falling, this prohibition is meaningless.

  • If a pregnant woman eats a lot, her baby will "get fat" and it will be difficult to give birth

Everything that the expectant mother “eats up” for pregnancy remains with her. The appetite of the pregnant woman does not affect the size of the child. All children are born with approximately the same parameters, some significant deviations are the result of a genetic predisposition.

  • During pregnancy, it is better for a woman to limit the circle of contacts, not go anywhere and not communicate with anyone

If a woman is not prescribed bed rest, you should not limit yourself. On the contrary, full-fledged communication and attention of friends and family is useful for the expectant mother so that she does not feel “cut off” from society.

Childbirth myths

  • If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, you can give birth wherever you have to (at home, on vacation, in the country)

Childbirth is a natural process, but too unpredictable. A perfectly healthy woman with an excellent obstetric history in childbirth can expect anything. It happens that the count goes on for minutes and natural childbirth suddenly ends with a cesarean section. There are no guarantees that in case of complications during a home birth, the ambulance will have time to arrive on time, so it is better not to risk it and trust the doctors from the very beginning.

  • The same thing awaits a daughter in childbirth that her mother had (mother gave birth easily - and the daughter will give birth easily, and vice versa)

The peculiarities of the course of childbirth are not inherited, so there is no connection between the birth of the mother and daughter.

  • If the first birth was with the help of a cesarean section, then all subsequent ones will also have to be done by a cesarean

After a cesarean, a woman may well give birth herself. This possibility is influenced by the interval between childbirth and the consistency of the scar on the uterus. If at least 5 years have passed after the first birth and the scar is healthy, a natural childbirth is recommended to the woman, but they do not insist. After the first cesarean, many women are afraid to give birth again and refuse natural childbirth, although natural childbirth is less traumatic to the body than surgical intervention.

  • Why should you suffer and give birth yourself, when you can do a cesarean

First, a caesarean section is not performed at the request of a woman. There must be medical indications for her, but even with some of them, the woman is offered to give birth herself (for example, with breech presentation of the fetus). Secondly, surgery is a serious intervention in the body. Natural childbirth is physiological for both mother and child. Yes, it feels less painful for a woman to have a cesarean section, but from the point of view of the adaptation of the child and the mother's body, it is better to give birth herself.

  • Anesthesia during childbirth is a salvation for a woman in labor, with it you can give birth easily

Pain relief during childbirth is also carried out according to indications, and not because the woman does not want to experience pain. Although for money in our maternity hospitals they can give pain relief at will, but here you need to understand that anesthesia can have consequences. Anesthesia sometimes ends with the fact that when a woman needs to push, she does not feel contractions, does not push correctly, and gives birth even harder than it would be without anesthesia.

  • It is imperative to give birth with your husband - let him suffer too

A partner childbirth is good only when the husband is ready for them and wants it himself. If the husband has doubts, it is better not to insist in order to pay tribute to modern fashion. Sometimes women call their husbands for childbirth for reasons of "punishment": he cannot feel my pain, so let him at least see and also suffer, I am not the only one to take the rap. A man really cannot experience what a woman experiences during childbirth, but that does not make him less involved in having a child. It is not necessary to be present at the birth to show your involvement in the event, so think carefully if it is worth it.

  • The later you give birth to your first child, the harder the birth will be.

Someone thinks that you need to give birth up to 25, someone - that up to 30. In fact, throughout a woman's fertile age, childbirth can be both easy and difficult. It all depends on the body of the woman in labor and her mood. To give birth to the first child early is recommended more for "social" reasons: the child needs to be educated, wait for grandchildren, etc.

  • Childbirth is a nightmare

It is indeed a painful process, but everyone perceives pain differently. A huge role is played by the attitude of the woman herself: if you perceive childbirth only as your own pain and suffering, they will seem like something terrible, and if as the moment of the birth of your child, this will be the happiest moment in life. Any woman who has given birth will say that all pain is forgotten as soon as you take your baby in your arms. The most important thing is to have the right attitude and listen to the midwife, who will tell you when and what to do.

  • You can die in childbirth

This is not entirely a myth, but the risk of maternal death with modern medical technology is very low. If a woman is not engaged in amateur activities, she is observed by a doctor for the entire pregnancy and gives birth in a maternity hospital, she practically does not threaten to face serious problems.

  • During childbirth, I will be shy and "pinched" if there are other women or staff nearby

Perhaps at the very beginning there will also be some kind of embarrassment, but at a certain moment, when strong painful contractions begin, it will absolutely not matter to you who is nearby and in what form you appear before the “spectators”. All thoughts at this moment are directed only to their sensations, and all efforts are directed at giving birth as soon as possible, and this is correct.

  • Each subsequent birth is easier than the previous ones.

The birth canal during the second birth is really ready, but this does not mean that the birth will be faster and easier. Complications can occur in any childbirth.

Breastfeeding Myths

  • You don't need to protect yourself while breastfeeding

A very popular misconception. The hormones produced during hepatitis B are indeed capable of suppressing ovulation, but they are not always produced in the required volume. It is impossible to check their concentration, so it is better not to tempt fate.

  • You need to prepare nipples for feeding in advance: “dissolve” them with the help of your husband, rub them so that the skin does not get rough and crack

Breastfeeding is a natural process, so the nipples are ready for it by default. It is generally not advisable to touch the nipples during pregnancy: their stimulation leads to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which can provoke contractions.

  • Breast shape deteriorates from breastfeeding

Breast shape with hepatitis B can deteriorate from improperly organized feeding process and improperly selected underwear. If the breast is regularly overfilled, and the underwear does not support it, stretch marks may appear. In addition, if you abruptly end the GW ("pull" the breast), the glandular tissue will not have time to be replaced by the fatty tissue and the breast will indeed become "empty". That is, it is not the feeding itself that spoils the breast, but the wrong approach to it. (See how to properly feed and apply to the breast)

Myths about life after childbirth

  • Having a baby doesn't change your life in any way

It changes and very significantly. Of course, a woman after giving birth may strive to lead an active life, but if this is to the detriment of the child, it is unlikely to be good. The problem is that the priorities of most modern women are not in favor of family and children, so it is very important for a woman to keep her old life: work, go to the gym, meet friends, travel. All this, of course, is possible, but with the appearance of a child, his interests must be taken into account first of all, so all the usual activities will have to be adjusted for him.

  • After giving birth, the figure always deteriorates and the woman gains excess weight.

If before the birth the expectant mother was in good physical shape, then pregnancy and childbirth will not spoil the figure.Most of the weight gained during pregnancy remains in the delivery room: the placenta, amniotic fluid. A young mother should not go on diets, but putting her body in order is more than real. Regular physical activity and proper nutrition will help to reduce weight and restore abdominal muscles. (see articles on the topic how to lose weight after childbirth)

  • All women have postpartum depression

Depression after childbirth is a "disease" of our time. Motherhood makes a big difference in a woman's life. If the mother was not ready for such drastic changes and does not feel the support of loved ones, she may become depressed. Real postpartum depression is very rare, often apathy after childbirth is the result of hormonal changes and severe fatigue. (10 tips on how to get rid of depression after childbirth: signs and causes of depression (many real videos))

  • A woman who gives birth must deal with all matters on her own

Not at all. If there is an opportunity to get help, you must definitely use this opportunity. It makes no sense to take everything upon yourself, because the child needs a healthy and cheerful mother. It is very easy to bring yourself to exhaustion by refusing to help on principle, but it will only make everyone worse. (We read on the topic: How can a young mother cope with her baby and household chores? and also How not to go crazy after childbirth - advice for young mothers)

  • From the first minute a woman loves her child

It is not customary to talk about this, but not always a mother from the first minute feels love for her baby. A screaming baby who needs constant attention can be irritating, and this is normal. Mom also needs time to adapt to her new role. Taking care of your child day after day, you will master a new role for yourself and you will definitely feel a surge of love for the tiny creature. (the child should not be annoying)

  • Every mother knows how to raise her child and what he needs

When it comes to other people's children, we always know how to bring them up, how to treat them, how to feed them, etc. Your child always raises a lot of questions, and sometimes a feeling of powerlessness. Do not neglect the advice of your relatives: among them you can hear something valuable. Seek expert advice, read articles and books - this will help you find answers to all your questions. (our heading: child education)

In almost all women, pregnancy is accompanied by the same fears. Women believe the same myths and retell them to each other. A truthful view of pregnancy, without mystical speculations and prejudices, helps to live this period more calmly. If there are any restrictions and inconveniences during pregnancy, they are all temporary. After the birth of a child, life will gradually enter a calm channel, and all worries will be left behind.

Watch the video: Anjaan: Rural Myths. Episode No 2: Season 1 - S1:E2. Indian Horror Drama Series with English Sub (July 2024).