Child development

What should be hidden from children in order to protect children's health and psyche?

Kids are distinguished by increased observation and, like agents, are able to notice various little things in the actions and habits of their peers and significant adults. But, naturally, parents serve as a model and model of behavior for them.

Thus, raising a baby, mom and dad educate themselves. Moreover, there are certain things that must be hidden from the child, otherwise they will either harm his upbringing, or degenerate into his bad habit. What are we talking about?

Passion for gadgets

Every day we repeat to the children that it is harmful to sit at the computer for too long, you cannot watch cartoons very often, etc. But what does the child see? As mom and / or dad enthusiastically pokes a finger at the laptop keyboard, then at the smartphone.

Of course, we have a serious excuse - manipulation of gadgets is necessary for work, but such a nuance is not important for children. They take parental behavior as a model and also gravitate towards the phone or tablet. Therefore, laptops aside, we turn to "live" communication with kids!

Contesting the opinion of a spouse

The child should see a variety of opinions, this is useful for the development of critical thinking. However, in this case we are talking about contradictions in education. For example, the father makes a disciplinary penalty in the form of a ban on the laptop, and the mother allows (“what do you understand about raising children!”) To play computer games.

The opposite situation - the woman insists that the child clean up the toys within half an hour after the enthusiastic fun, and the man condescendingly waves it off: they say, why are you bothering your son / daughter, he will still have time to clean up.

Controversial situations are inevitable in family life and in raising children, however, experts recommend in such cases to be silent with the child and not to lower the authority of the spouse. Then, tete-a-tete, you can explain everything to your husband / wife - both his wrong and the desired model of behavior.

Strong expressions

When someone makes a comment to us that a child uses obscene expressions in speech, we usually complain about poor upbringing in school or even kindergarten - they say, he picked it up in the company. But is this really the case?

If you want children to express themselves in a cultural language and not use jargon or obscene words when communicating, you need to restrain yourself at least in the presence of the younger generation. Of course, in addition, you need to teach the child to read classical literature.

Shouts and swearing

Everything here is clear even without verbose psychological notations: quarrels and parental conversations in raised voices lead to anxiety, excitability of children. In addition, this style of sorting out the relationship often results in childish aggression - verbal and physical.

If you can't solve the conflict situation peacefully, agree or restrain yourself, you need to exclude the presence of the child during such a conversation. That is, we do not need extra viewers in the face of the younger generation.

Criticism of third parties

Of course, irritation or resentment against someone is a constant phenomenon, so often in our hearts we begin to “wash the bones” of our opponents in the presence of a baby. Such actions are highly undesirable because:

  • children are able to share the information they hear with other people;
  • the child may not like what he heard (if the conversation contained unpleasant information about significant adults - for example, about an aunt or a teacher);
  • kids adopt the style of communication and in the future will just as selflessly gossip, discuss and criticize other people in every possible way.

Thus, it is important to hide your love for gossip or evil criticism at least from the child. Naturally, if there is a desire to chat about someone with a friend or spouse, no one can forbid you to do so. But it is better to do this in the absence of the child.

Bad habits

It is difficult to be an ideal example for a son or daughter, but nevertheless, unhelpful habits should be hidden from children. We are talking about smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and addiction to harmful products, which are stored in abundance in our refrigerators.

What's so terrible about fast food or sweets? It is well known that a large amount of fat and sugar adversely affects the health of both adults and children, leading to obesity and other problems. Well, the child takes an example from adults: for him food habits and a favorable attitude towards alcoholic beverages and cigarettes will become the norm.

Non-compliance with safety rules

Only parents can teach a child to comply with safety rules. But it is not enough just to tell him constantly that it is necessary to cross the road exclusively on a green light. It is necessary to confirm what has been said with actions, however, some irresponsible mothers and fathers, in a hurry, can cross the road not according to the rules.

Such irresponsibility must be carefully hidden from the child. It is foolish for an adult to talk about the importance of discipline on the road, but the younger generation should not see how our actions diverge from clever and beautiful words.

Money problems

Any family can periodically experience financial difficulties. You can lose your job or lose your normal income, but it is important to keep your child's sense of stability. That is, your stress should not be passed on to the younger generation.

Yes, it is likely that now you will not be able to purchase expensive toys and clothes for your baby. However, he will be able to survive this much easier if mom and dad remain calm and convey this feeling to the child himself.

As a conclusion

Thus, we have identified 8 things that need to be hidden from the child whenever possible. Of course, no one is talking about completely separating children from family problems and other difficult situations.

In this case, we are talking about those undesirable and even harmful moments that will definitely not bring benefit in the process of educating the younger generation.

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