Child health

How to give Baby Calm to babies: instructions for parents and advice from a pediatrician

The child was born. This is a very joyful and disturbing event for the whole family. Young parents are often worried about whether they will cope with caring for the baby, whether they will be able to help the baby when necessary. After all, a small, fragile organism so often fails. The herbal preparation BabyKalm will help to cope with digestive disorders, get rid of colic.

Usually, the first troubles that a baby encounters on his life path are problems with digestion.

According to statistics, about 70% of children under one year old suffer from functional intestinal colic. Moreover, boys are more susceptible to this ailment than girls.

What is colic?

Colic is a method of adapting the baby's digestive system to the new food that he began to receive after birth. They appear at 2 - 3 weeks of a baby's life with spasmodic pain in the tummy. They occur more often in the evening, and last up to 3 - 4 months.

During an attack of colic, the kid becomes restless, twists his legs, bends his torso. As the pain grows and dies down, the child's periods of calm give way to loud crying.

How to help the little one?

  1. Calm yourself down. The worries of the parents are transmitted to the baby.
  2. To relieve acute pain, try applying heat, stroking the tummy, and changing body position. If necessary, you can give an enema or a gas tube.
  3. It is necessary to establish breastfeeding, feeding technique, mother's diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of a lactating woman foods that cause fermentation in the intestines.
  4. Use herbal preparations that reduce gas production and relieve unpleasant symptoms. For example, an emulsion based on Baby Calm vegetable oils.

Instructions for using the drug

BabyKalm is a biologically active food supplement, which is a mixture of three oils: dill, anise and mint.

The drug has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and carminative action (reduces gas formation in the intestine).


Produced by the Israeli firm Hisunit LTD

In the description of BabyKalma it is noted that it is not a drug, but belongs to dietary supplements.

What is dietary supplement? BAA is a complex of biologically active substances intended for consumption with food. They are used as an additional source of nutrients, improve metabolism, work of internal organs, and reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Release form

BabyKalm drops are available in a 50 ml bottle equipped with a pipette stopper. The bottle contains 15 ml of a concentrate of three oils and glycerin (as an excipient).

To prepare the emulsion, add cooled boiled water to the mark on the bottle. Thus, a ready-made solution is obtained that can be given to the child.


The drug is intended for children from birth to one year old to reduce gas formation in the intestine and relieve spasmodic pain. It can be used to treat colic, functional disorders or in combination with other agents in the complex therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms for which you need to urgently see a doctor:

  • poor appetite, little weight gain;
  • frequent loose stools or, conversely, the child cannot defecate on his own, the consistency of the feces is dense;
  • frequent, profuse regurgitation or vomiting;
  • changes in the color and consistency of stools, the presence of greenery, mucus in the stool, undigested food.

About the composition of the drug

All substances that make up BabyKalma are natural. In the manufacture of the drug, no chemical compounds are used; BabyKalm can be used for newborns and children under 1 year of age.

  • dill oil. An excellent remedy for removing gases accumulated in the intestines of the baby. Dill oil effectively relieves spastic pain, and also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, it prevents the reproduction of pathogenic harmful bacteria and has a healing effect on the areas of inflammation;
  • anise oil. Effectively improves bowel function, removes bloating and relieves irritation;
  • peppermint oil. It is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a beneficial effect on the delicate intestinal lining, helps relieve soreness, spasms and calm the baby;
  • glycerol. It is an auxiliary substance in drops.

Thus, BabyKalm eliminates flatulence, bloating, has antispasmodic activity, removes pain and anxiety. Normalizes the general condition and well-being of the baby.

How to give BabyKalm to a newborn and a child under one year old

The dosage, duration and frequency of admission are determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the age and weight of the child.

On average, the dosage of BabyKalma is 10 drops per dose. An emulsion is given before feeding, 2 - 4 times a day.

Shake the bottle well before use until the contents become homogeneous. Then, using a convenient pipette built into the bottle cap, we measure out 10 drops.

The product is already ready for use, you can give it in pure form. If it is difficult for the baby to swallow the undiluted solution, it is allowed to add drops to boiled water or milk and give to drink.

The multiplicity of receiving the emulsion varies with the intensity of gas formation.

It is better to take BabyKalm only if a child has symptoms of bowel dysfunction. If the baby's condition has improved, you can skip taking the drug or reduce the frequency. Do not give this remedy to prevent colic in a child.

In the instructions for use BabyKalma is allowed to be used for newborns. But do not forget that, along with medication, it is necessary to pay attention to the cause of the child's problems.

Real colic does not begin until the child is two weeks old. But why do some mothers start to face increased gas production, stool disorder at an earlier age? The answer is simple - errors in the mother's diet, improper attachment or irrational artificial feeding

BabyKalm is not addictive, its use is permissible until the symptoms disappear completely.

Is an allergy to BabyKalm possible?

Unfortunately, allergies are not uncommon in babies. The active ingredients of BabyKalma are oils, therefore they are capable of provoking allergic reactions in children. As a precautionary measure, it is worth giving your child an allergy test to these drops.

To do this, at the first use, it is necessary to reduce the dosage to 2 - 4 drops and observe the child during the day.

When evaluating the result of the test, pay attention to the skin for a rash or irritation. Long-term use of BabyKalma also contributes to the development of allergic reactions.

How to store the finished solution

The shelf life of an unopened bottle is marked on the bottle - 2 years. The shelf life of the finished solution, provided it is kept in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees Celsius, is 30 days.


The cost of a bottle of BabyKalm containing 15 ml of oil concentrates is about 300 rubles. The solution is consumed economically.

Reviews of doctors and parents

After analyzing the doctors' reviews, we can conclude about the safety of taking BabyKalm, because only natural ingredients are included in the composition. The drug is quite effective, it acts quickly due to its form of release. The drops are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and an improvement in the baby's condition is observed after 15 to 20 minutes.

The main danger that doctors warn about is an increase in the frequency of use more than 4 times a day and long-term use of the drug. The oils included in the composition provoke allergic reactions with prolonged use.

Feedback from parents is positive in 90% of cases.

Mothers like the low price, speed of action and natural ingredients. Many mothers report softening of the stool, which helps babies prone to constipation. Although the manufacturer does not position BabyKalm as a cure for constipation.

Of the shortcomings of the mother, a short shelf life is noted, often you have to throw out a half-empty bottle.

Thus, BabyKalm is a natural preparation consisting only of herbal ingredients. Has an effective carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. All this indicates the possibility of using the drug for children under one year old, and the low price and high quality are the undoubted advantages of BabyKalma.

Watch the video: Pediatrician reveals magic touch to calm crying baby in seconds (July 2024).