
Top 8 most comfortable breastfeeding positions

Breastfeeding is the most wonderful time. It is a pity that you fully understand this only when the eldest goes to school, and the youngest was weaned a year ago. What prevents modern mothers from enjoying this time? The time when you and the baby are no longer one, but still as close as possible. The more the child grows, the more he moves away from his mother. It `s naturally. You will never be that close. But Mom, instead of succumbing to instincts and feelings, seeks rules and guidelines. How to hold the baby correctly, how to feed, how to sit, stand, lie down and what to think about at this moment. Excessive training, guides and courses create the impression that feeding is a very complex process, in which there is no place for the mutual pleasure of mother and baby. For millions of years, animals have been coping with feeding without training, why can't a person? What are the basic postures for breastfeeding a baby? A detailed description of the most convenient positions is further in the text.

Medical opinion

Dr. Komarovsky notes that humans differ from animals in their developed cerebral cortex, which controls many functions. In other words, if the mother is frightened in advance by the upcoming difficulties, she is determined to overcome them, the difficulties will not be long in coming. Therefore, the most important task of a mother during this period is to learn to hear herself and not listen to others.

No need to focus on teaching your baby to suckle properly. Believe me, your baby already knows how! (Of course, we are now talking about neurologically healthy term babies.)

Most importantly, you don't have to sacrifice your comfort to mythical rules. Someone of your loved ones thinks that the postures for feeding a newborn should be somehow specific, that it is necessary to feed this way and in this mode - great! Let him use his own recommendations. It is also convenient for you - excellent. We follow the advice. Not convenient - even better. We find a comfortable position for ourselves, feed the baby and get maximum pleasure.

In 2008, Professor and Lactation Consultant Susan Colson wrote her Ph.D. thesis on breastfeeding. She gave this process a special term "biological nurturing". This is translated into Russian as "self-application". In this position, the mother is offered to relax as much as possible, and the baby himself can find a comfortable position for feeding.

Animals, as a rule, simply recline on their backs or on their sides. And the cubs themselves find the nipple. This position is also convenient if there is too much milk and the crumb chokes.

Breastfeeding positions

At this point in the article I will talk about my own feeding experience. Fortunately, I am both a doctor and a mother of four children, each of whom I breastfed for more than a year and a half.

Lying Feeding Poses

Personally, in the first months after giving birth, this pose in all its modifications simply saved me. The daughter fed for a long time - 40 minutes or longer, and often. At night, it was applied at all after 15 - 20. I made it a rule to go to bed with her. This allowed me to rest a little.

At first, I lay on my side, putting my daughter's head on the elbow, supporting it with my palm under the ass. Then she grew, her hand only reached the back. The baby was gaining body weight, my arm was numb and I put different pillows under my head, under the back. Over time, I just lay down next to me as it suits me. The grown-up baby grabbed the nipple and could move almost in a circle, jerking his legs in different directions. Nothing could interfere with the feeding process.

Feeding a newborn with breast milk "from under the arm"

As long as the baby is small and fits across the bed, it was possible to feed from under the arm. This is when the legs go behind the mother's back, and the mother herself seems to hang over the child, but I did not like this position.

The pose is not the most handy. But with its help, you can get rid of the beginning lactostasis. More often than not, milk leaves the upper-outer breast poorly. When the child is in this position, he sucks out from these lobules, eliminating milk plugs and promoting milk flow.

Upper breast feeding

Unfortunately, I was unable to master the side feeding position from the upper breast. This is convenient at night, when the baby lies near the mother, and she gives one or the other breast. But all night I was shifting the child from one side to the other.

This position should not be abused. Mom's shoulders and upper arm muscles are overstrained.


But the very first pose, mastered in the hospital, for me was the classic "cradle". I sat down in Turkish, took the baby in my arms. The head was placed in the elbow bend, with the other hand supported the small body and fed the newborn baby.

"Cross cradle"

In the literature, a reverse cradle is distinguished - when the hands change places, and different positions of the legs. Not everyone is comfortable sitting cross-legged. Someone bends one leg, someone puts their foot on a bench, as was recommended in Soviet times.

For me, all these options are not very different. The main thing is that the head of the baby is better fixed here, which is important for the newborn. And the back often goes numb, which is worse for mom. It is also recommended to put a pillow under the arm and back. But I put a pillow under my leg, and nothing helped my back.

Sitting feeding

When the baby has grown up and learned to sit, you can feed from the hip. Sit the baby on your knees facing you and give any breast. The pose is good because the baby shields you from prying eyes and you can feed in public places, if there is such a need.

Sling feeding

You can master feeding in a sling. In fact, it is no different from the aforementioned "cradle", only the head is less fixed, therefore it is suitable for grown-up children. Calm babies even fall asleep there, allowing their mother to lead an active lifestyle.

But, in my opinion, this should not be overused. Feeding time is the time of communication between mother and baby, and it is not worth dusting or checking the elder's lessons while the baby is sucking on the breast. Right now he remembers his mother's face, smell, voice and warmth of hands. Appreciate it and hug your baby more often.

Standing feeding

You can feed while standing, while rocking your baby or meeting your dad from work. This pose works well for a nursing baby when he is very naughty.


Correct feeding positions is not quite the correct name. But comfortable feeding positions are those positions that are convenient for you! The best position for feeding is the one where the mother is least tired and can communicate with her baby.

Take your time, enjoy this moment of close interaction with your child!

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Watch the video: 13 Breastfeeding Positions (July 2024).