Child development

Features of drawing up a daily regimen for an infant, preschooler, first grader and teenager

It is well known that the correct daily routine is the most important component of the optimal development of both a newborn child and a teenager of fourteen years. Of course, each age has its own characteristics, but the principle of the desirability of adhering to the routine remains unchanged. It is obvious that the daily routine of an infant at 6 months will differ slightly from the content of regime moments at 10 months and have significant differences from the regime of one and a half year old babies. There is no need to talk about the features of the system at the age of 14.

What is a daily routine? This phenomenon is understood as the organization and ordering of the biological rhythms of the human body, the distribution of time during the day. If such a life schedule is drawn up correctly, the child's body will quickly adapt to it.

But in order to correctly draw up the daily routine for a child of a certain age period, it is necessary to understand how the most important children's needs should alternate: eating, sleeping, being active, walking, studying and other needs.

The correct daily routine for a baby

The daily routine of a 5-month-old baby and, of course, a newborn baby is a sequential alternation of certain actions, which necessarily include feeding, sleeping, active wakefulness, walking, hygiene measures and the departure of natural needs.

If such procedures are carried out every day at about the same age intervals, it will be easier for the mother to plan her day. And this, in turn, will allow you to allocate time for the child, and for the rest of the family, and for yourself. This means that fatigue and conflicts can be avoided.

From the moment of birth, children are distinguished by instinctive behavior. For example, babies at approximately regular intervals require milk and rest a lot. However, each child has its own biological rhythms.

To establish the correct daily routine for a child during the newborn period or at 8 months, it is necessary to plan the regime moments based on his personal needs. By doing this, the mother will make life easier for both the baby and other household members.

Benefits of making a daily schedule

The children's day regimen has certain advantages, and it is not so important at what age the baby's parents adhere to the daily routine - in the first 4 weeks of life or at 10 months. Let's consider the main advantages of this approach:

  1. Quite often, the feeding regimen protects the baby from 2 to 6 months from the occurrence of allergic reactions, diathesis, problems in the digestive tract. This happens due to the control of the amount of food during the day.
  2. A crying baby does not always mean hunger, since teething and a painful condition may be to blame. If the parent knows that the child is well-fed, he is more likely to find the true background of negative emotions.
  3. The daily routine of a 10-month-old baby or newborn helps you plan your day in advance so that you can make purchases, please loved ones with culinary creations and clean the apartment.
  4. Establishing a daily routine allows you to involve, for example, a 6-month-old baby's father, older children, grandparents in the upbringing. In this case, the child will get used to staying with other household members, and not just with the mother.
  5. Compliance with the daily schedule will allow the baby to develop in accordance with age and physiological standards. That is, the child will walk for the allotted time, enough to eat, play and rest.

Many parents believe that a regimen for a 3-month-old child, and even more so for a newborn, is not needed. If you manage to feed your baby on demand and put him to bed without much time constraints, continue living in this rhythm. If you do not have time to do anything, you should think about drawing up an individual schedule.

How to make a daily routine for a baby?

The most important condition is taking into account the developmental characteristics of the baby in the first weeks of life and closer to 12 months of age. This period can be roughly divided into four stages, which hold 3 months each and differ in certain specifics.

The question of the relevance of the daily routine for a newborn remains open. Some babies calmly withstand 3-hour intervals between meals, while others ask for a bottle or breast every two hours.

The mother of the newborn needs to watch when he wakes up, asks for food, how many minutes he “communicates” and plays. It is not necessary to force him to do something; it is best to mark his features, noting individual biorhythms. This will be the starting point for creating a daily routine.

If the baby follows a routine from the first weeks of life, the mother should try to make her own daily routine in order to streamline life a little. For a sample, you can take a tablet with a schedule for a baby under one year old, compiled by TV doctor Komarovsky.

Day regimen table for baby

EventsMain periods
From 1 to 3 monthsFrom 3 to 6 monthsFrom 6 to 9 monthsFrom 9 to 12 months
Main meal hours6.00, 9.00, 12.00, 16.30, 19.30, 21.308.00, 13.00, 19.00
Time of introduction of the first complementary foods10.00, 16.00
Time for lunch and afternoon tea10.00, 15.30
Home sleep7.30 — 9.00, 17.00 — 18.00, 21.30-6.0010.30 — 13.00, 16.30 — 18.30, 21.30 — 7.3013.30 — 15.30, 21.30 — 7.30
Street sleep11.00 — 12.00At the request of the baby
Wakefulness (games, activity)6.30 — 7.30, 12.30 — 16.30, 20.00 — 20.308.30 — 10.00, 13.00 — 14.30, 18.30 — 19.3010.30 — 13.00, 16.00 — 18.30, 20.00 — 21.00
Gymnastics, massage manipulations9.30 — 10.307.30 — 8.00
Festivities in the fresh air11.00 — 12.00, 18.30 — 19.3014.30 — 16.00, 20.00 — 21.008.30 — 19.00, 18.30 — 19.30
Water procedures20.30 — 21.0021.00 — 21.30

The daily routine of a 4-month-old baby and an 8-month-old baby is always made individually. This plate is a rough guide for mothers. Of course, the time for this or that manipulation and the regime moment can be changed for your own and children's convenience.


Today, breastfeeding experts and pediatricians are convinced that it is necessary to feed a newborn as often as he wants and to allow him to suckle for as long as he wishes. This is the whole point of demand-feeding.

For a child, regular breastfeeding is not just milk extraction, but a kind of communicative interaction with the mother. Body contact gives him a sense of calmness, security, psychological comfort. For mothers, on-demand feeding allows you to establish lactation and prevent lactostasis.

From about two to three months, you can try to increase the time between meals to 3.5 to 4 hours. Moreover, if the child has only recently eaten and again requires breast, you should just play with him. Perhaps he just needs attention.

From about 6 months old, when the time for complementary feeding comes, the child should be taught to have a joint breakfast or dinner. A baby at 10 months is already able to sit at the same table with adults and even eat almost adult dishes.

Interesting! The situation is somewhat different in the case of artificial feeding. The nutrition schedule at both 2 and 8 months is established by the children's doctor, focusing on the body weight and other characteristics of the child. The artificial person is fed not on demand, but by the hour.


Another most important regime event is sleep. Usually newborn babies, if, of course, they ate well and feel comfortable, sleep from one meal to another. However, some children wake up quite often, which may also be the norm.

Infants at 8 months, as well as a one-year-old child, no longer sleep for 20 hours. During the day they can go to bed twice, but at night they can also do without awakening. For the best sleep, you need to create optimal conditions: check the diaper, ventilate the room, etc.

Many children fall asleep better in the fresh air during the day. The ideal option is to walk with your baby in a quiet place without cars, but you can also use the glassed-in balcony or open the window in the room (it is important to exclude drafts).

Wakefulness and activity

At first, the baby is awake very little - up to a quarter of an hour, but by the second month the activity increases, so the mother can use this time for developmental activities, massage manipulations and simple communication.

Children at 6 months are full-fledged "interlocutors", so the scope of activity and play activities is expanding dramatically. Parents can read poetry to the baby, tell nursery rhymes, offer various play accessories.

A 10-month-old baby is already crawling well and even tries to stand up. Consequently, the repertoire of games is expanding even more. You can stimulate his physical activity with the help of special exercises and devices.


With a newborn child, they walk at least twice a day. At the same time, the duration of stay in the fresh air gradually increases, starting from a few minutes and ending with 2 - 3 hours in winter at a comfortable temperature. In the summertime, the time spent in the yard is not limited.

As the kid grows up, walks and games need to be combined. At 8 months, the child is already able to study the world around him, and the more active he is during the day, the stronger and calmer his sleep will become. One-year-old children are already able to take their first steps on the street.

Water and hygiene procedures

Bathing a baby before going to bed is a daily ritual, which is not just a hygienic procedure, but becomes a real “wake-up call” for falling asleep, especially if you use relaxing aromatic oils or herbs (you should first make sure there are no allergies).

In addition, other daily hygienic manipulations are required: washing in the morning, washing after emptying the bowels and bladder, cleansing the nasal cavity from dried crusts and snot, viewing and cleaning the ears.

Over time, a grown-up child will first end up in a nursery, then in a preschool, then in a school, where the right routine of the day is the fundamental moment. And if the baby from the cradle is accustomed to the routine, then it will be much easier for him to get used to the new conditions.

Preschooler's day regimen

The daily routine of a child of early and preschool age differs significantly from the daily routine of a 4-month-old baby. The child grows up, therefore, the amount of time for sleep decreases and the duration of active cognition of the surrounding world increases.

A study of medical and psychological sources suggests that preschoolers need to be taught to the following daily routine:

  • maximum duration of continuous activity - 5 - 6 hours;
  • total sleep duration - 12 hours (while about 2.5 hours should fall on the daytime sleep);
  • during the day 4 main meals with a time interval of 3.4 - 4 hours.

Be sure to find out what is the daily routine in kindergarten that your child is attending or just planning to attend. This will allow the home and kindergarten schedule to be as close as possible, which is extremely important for the normal development of the baby.

Day regimen table for preschooler

The approximate timeMain activities, classes and procedures
7.30Waking up, morning hygiene, getting dressed
8.30First meal
9.00A variety of developmental activities, including mobile game activities, creative tasks, drawing, etc.
10.15 — 12.30Walking, outdoor games
13.00Lunch break
13.30 — 15.00Sleep
15.30Light snacking
16.00A variety of developmental activities, including mobile game activities, creative tasks, drawing, etc.
18.30Evening meal
19.30Inactive games, communication, watching cartoons
20.00Preparing to fall asleep, reading books, bathing, hygiene procedures
21.00Night sleep


For a 3 - 6-year-old child, a five-day diet is typical, which consists of three main meals - morning, lunch, evening feeding, as well as two additional light meals - second breakfast and afternoon snack.

Main meals include hot meals. At the same time, morning and evening feeding is 25% in calories, lunch - about 40%. The rest of the food should be low in calories and consist of fruits, dairy products.


In preschool childhood, the daily duration of naps is 12.5 hours for toddlers under 5 years old, 11.5 hours for children 6-7 years old. At the same time, the main part of daytime sleep - about 10 hours - falls in the dark.

Afternoon nap is required at early preschool age, but the child's day regimen at 7 years old may not include this moment. In this case, for relaxation, you should choose quiet games, reading books, simply lying in bed or drawing.

Walks and outdoor games

Walking and playing activity in the fresh air is an obligatory element of the daily routine of a preschooler. Experts advise taking walks with your child in any weather conditions, with the exception of rain and severe cold.

Important! In addition, regular “promenades” can be considered hardening procedures. Fresh air strengthens health, reduces the likelihood of colds, and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Developing activities

A variety of activities are conducted with a preschool child: mathematical, physical education, creative, musical, dance, speech, etc. Such activity should be carried out during the greatest working capacity - 9 - 12 and 16 - 18 hours.

You should not overload the baby with a variety of sections, development centers. For a child studying in a kindergarten, two or three additional lessons will be enough. Otherwise, a decrease in immunity, an increase in neurotic reactions, and problems with sleep may occur.

Helpful hints

To develop a daily routine for a 6-year-old child or younger preschooler, certain rules must be followed. Consider the basic advice of psychologists and pediatricians:

  • try to play with your child, accustoming him to a daily routine. A rhyme, various drawings that schematically depict the schedule, coloring on the corresponding topic can help in this;
  • try not to deviate from your schedule, even on weekends. The visit of guests should not become a reason for changing the schedule;
  • if the child is sick, be sure to make adjustments to the daytime regimen. In this situation, you should not follow the schedule for minutes and seconds;
  • no need to replace active mobility and walking in the fresh air with computer games, hours of watching cartoons;
  • Be a positive example, that is, try to follow the daily routine yourself. Otherwise, your preschooler will understand that it is not necessary to follow the rules;
  • include special rituals in the educational regime that will help you fall asleep, wake up, start and end walks, leave in front of the kindergarten.

The main goal of parents is to adjust the daily routine of a preschooler at the age of six to seven so that the daily routine of the first grader does not have to be changed too radically. This will significantly speed up the adaptation process in primary school.

Primary school student's day regimen

The transition to a school educational institution is a new and extremely important period in a child's life. The daily routine of a first grader differs significantly from the life schedule of a preschool child. The loads are only increasing, and moreover, children are now required to be more collected and responsible.

Experts strongly advise parents to develop and observe a daily routine for a primary school student.Such an orderly life will save the young student from overwork and nervous exhaustion, as well as maintain optimal performance.

According to scientific data, there are 2 peaks of performance during the day: from 8.00 to 11.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00. In the intervals between these time periods, the indicators of working capacity are significantly reduced.

That is why it is so important to take into account the peaks of the greatest mental and physical activity. Often, parents are surprised that the child does homework for too long in the evening, although before that he demonstrated an enviable capacity for work. He just gets tired closer to night.

The daily schedule for first graders, which is presented below, is suitable for students in other grades, as it takes into account the time it takes to solve lessons and do other types of extracurricular learning activities.

Daily routine table for a first grader

7.00 — 7.20Warm-up, water hygiene procedures, bed cleaning
7.20 — 7.40First meal
7.40 — 8.10Departure to the educational institution (here the distance from home to school should be taken into account)
8.15 — 8.25Preparation for lessons
8.30 — 12.30School lessons
10.00 — 10.15School breakfast
12.30 — 13.30Returning home and walking in the fresh air
13.30 — 14.00Home lunch break
14.00 — 15.00Quiet hours, which include sleeping, watching cartoons, or casual relaxation
15.00 — 16.00Walking outside, helping parents, etc.
16.00 — 16.15Afternoon snack
16.15 — 17.15Solving lessons (grade 2 - it is from this time that homework is being given to children)
17.15 — 19.00Walking outdoors, doing housework, watching cartoons
19.00 — 20.00Last meal, free time, quiet play
20.00 — 20.30Preparing to fall asleep
20.30 — 7.00Sleep

If the daily routine of a child at 8 years old and a little older changes and the second shift comes for a 2nd grade student, you shouldn't worry too much, since the daily routine will be built on the same principles as for "morning" children. Only the time for completing lessons and visiting an educational institution will change.


The start of the day for a student in grade 1 and older can start with exercises right in bed. Do not force your child to stand up instantly and do strength training. Light exercises are intended for the final awakening, creating a good mood.

Experts recommend turning on invigorating music or memorizing funny rhymes with children. Such an accompaniment will amuse the child and provide a positive attitude for the whole day. You should also periodically change the musical accompaniment and the complex of gymnastic movements.

It is necessary to wake up a child at eight - ten years old at a certain time so that he can calmly, without haste, carry out water procedures, have breakfast, wash mugs and plates and arrive at an educational institution a quarter of an hour before the start of the first lesson.

Proper nutrition

For a 1st grade student, a balanced and complete diet is of particular importance, since the child works both physically and mentally. The menu should include more fresh fruits, dairy products, meat and fish dishes.

The first meal should be quite high-calorie and nutritious, because next time he eats only after 10.00. Doctors recommend cooking hot porridge for breakfast, an alternative to which can be cheese cakes, cottage cheese casserole or an omelet. The best drink for a young student is cocoa with milk.

After the end of the lessons, the children should expect a full-fledged dining table consisting of soup, meatballs and other hearty dishes. Be sure to teach your child how to use the microwave or store lunch in a thermos.

Dinner should not be too high in calories. The ideal option is to repeat the breakfast menu, that is, feed the child with porridge, casserole (cottage cheese or potato), vegetable salad. Also, one should not forget about fermented milk products, kefir is the best end of the school day.


A first grade school student's daily routine usually does not include homework, but parents should set up a daily routine from the moment they enter school so that they have time for focused activities.

Of course, we are not talking about solving any difficult problems. You can read a book with your child, draw, consolidate the material passed at school. It is important to consider the load and take breaks every 30 minutes.

Create a comfortable learning environment for your child. To do this, you need to organize a workplace, exclude loud music, give up watching TV, food on the table and other distractions.

Free time

Usually, time for rest and walks in primary school children is found in the afternoon. The child can play at home or with friends on the street, play calm or active games, watch TV (not very long).

It is not recommended to load first graders with additional circles, sections, otherwise he will be overworked. But the daily routine for a second grade student may already include attending an art or sports school.

Since in the elementary grades children are characterized by increased activity, it is necessary to make sure that the child runs more, jumps, and does outdoor games. In the evening, it is better to take a walk with him in the fresh air. If the weather conditions do not allow going outside, offer the first grader a board game or a book.


Children in primary school need at least 9 hours of sleep. A sound and long sleep will allow you to restore strength, strengthen the immune system and prevent overwork. Otherwise, neuroses, poor academic performance are not excluded.

Before falling asleep, you should exclude mobile entertainment, television programs, which can excite a nervous psyche, quarrels and a showdown. Invite your child to take a warm bath, prepare a mug of warm milk with honey.

Useful Tips

Although first graders quickly get used to the daily routine, they are not yet able to draw up and establish it on their own. That is why adults should introduce an orderly regime into children's life, while taking into account the characteristics of the child. How to design a new schedule correctly?

  • for the parents of the first grader, the parent meeting becomes an excellent opportunity to learn all the nuances from the teachers. Probably, the future classroom leader will be able to offer a rough outline of a portfolio for the student;
  • on the Internet you can download a poster with the schoolchild's day in pictures, various templates and bright pictures that the child will definitely like. After that, print out the approximate diagrams and hang them in the children's room;
  • at first, all the regime moments need to be performed together with the child: and collect a portfolio, and perform morning gymnastic exercises. Then responsibility must be gradually shifted to the student;
  • try to comply with the regime on weekends. Of course, a slight deviation from the schedule will not be able to harm the daily routine, but still you should not succumb to the temptation and allow your child to use the computer all day.

The daily routine of an 8-year-old child is an essential element of the development and education of a primary school student. To draw up a schedule, you can come up with your own scheme or download the "Mode of the day" template from numerous Internet resources.

Teenager's daily routine

The correct daily routine for a senior student is largely the same as the daily routine of primary school students. The schedule is based on an early rise, water procedures, meals, study sessions, outdoor walks. Only quantitative indicators differ.

For example, children under the age of 10 need a ten-hour night's rest, while teenagers can sleep for 9 hours. Regular lack of sleep leads to overwork, decreased ability to work, deterioration of the processes of memorization and attentiveness.

The duration of cognitive loads for first graders and senior students is also different. The curriculum for younger students consists of four lessons, for teenagers - 6 - 7 lessons. Time indicators for solving homework are increasing.

There are differences in dietary habits, rest, physical activity. An adult child usually eats 3 times a day, is more engaged in sports exercises, chooses activities to his liking, he has his own addictions in terms of entertainment and study.

High school daily routine table

Time intervalsRegime moments
11 - 13 years old14 - 17 years old
7.00 — 7.307.00 — 7.30Performing gymnastic exercises, washing, bathing, making the bed
7.30 — 7.507.30 — 7.50First meal
7.50 — 8.157.50 — 8.15Departure to the educational institution (here you should take into account the distance from home to school)
8.30 — 14.008.30 — 14.30School lessons
14.00 — 14.3014.30 — 15.00Eating at school, returning home
14.30 — 15.0015.00 — 15.30Lunch break at home
15.00 — 17.0015.30 — 17.00Outdoor walks, sports activities (football, skiing, ice or roller skating)
17.0017.00Afternoon snack
17.00 — 19.3017.00 — 20.00Doing school homework
19.30 — 21.0020.00 — 21.30Last meal and free activity
21.00 — 21.3021.30 — 22.00Getting ready for falling asleep (hygiene procedures, preparing clothes and shoes)
21.30 — 7.0022.00 — 7.00Sleep

The correct daily routine for an adult teenager always implies an individual approach. The above graph is just a sample, while parents, together with their child, should pay attention to the physical and cognitive characteristics, habits and interests.

Doing homework

The optimal time to complete lessons is 2 - 2.5 hours a day. If the child does not fit into this time interval, it is necessary to figure out what caused such sluggishness. Perhaps a senior student is experiencing difficulties in a particular subject, does not know how to work rationally, or his workplace is not organized correctly.

Make sure that the child sits at the study table after resting from school, having lunch, or being outside for a couple of hours. It is best to fix the start time for solving the lessons, this will help organize the children's schedule.

Free time

How do you set up a daily schedule so that your teen can make time for their inclinations and needs? For about 1.5 - 2 hours, the child should go about his business: reading, watching cartoons or feature films, chatting on the network or playing computer entertainment.

Another three hours must be allocated for vigorous outdoor activities. It can be ordinary walks with friends, games and sports activities. However, it is important to explain to your child that overuse of physical activity can also reduce performance.

During summer and winter vacations, on weekends, the amount of fresh air can be increased. At the same time, it is necessary not only to talk about the importance of active pastime and the dangers of hobby for computer games, but also to show a positive example.


A properly organized diet is an important element of a teenager's normal health and performance. It is necessary to ensure that the child has breakfast half an hour after waking up and has dinner no later than an hour and a half before bedtime.

Be sure to make hot first and second courses for a senior student, because at this age it is not the best habit to "intercept" sandwiches, hot dogs and other unhealthy foods on the run between meals.

Sleep and wake up

Another important element of a good daily routine is healthy sleep. The daily routine for a high school student should take into account the need for night rest, while, as we have already noted, it decreases as the child grows and gradually approaches adult indicators.

Morning wake-ups must be carried out at predetermined times, but an exception is made on Saturdays and Sundays, holidays, and vacation periods. The habit of getting up at a certain time will help develop discipline and responsibility in your child.

The teenager is already able to participate in drawing up the daily schedule. A presentation, templates with pictures, approximate routine diagrams will help the child in this. Draw a school and weekend schedule with the student.

As a conclusion

The daily routine is the most important condition for the normal development of a child at 10 months, and at 7 years old, and at 15 years old. However, it is important to understand that each age has its own parameters of the main regime moments - sleep, nutrition, free activity, exercise and rest.

To develop a schedule suitable for your child, you need to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the student. The daily routine in verses, special templates, pictures that can be printed and hung in the room can serve as a help and basis.

Watch the video: How to Homeschool Your Preschooler - The Homegrown Preschooler, with Lesli Richards (July 2024).