Child development

Baby development calendar at 11 months

Time passes quickly. More recently, you brought a small package from the hospital, and it is almost a year old. During this time, the baby has grown significantly, has acquired a large number of skills. A child of 11 months has turned from a helpless crumbs into a conscious little man.

Baby development at 11 months

  1. The baby sits perfectly without support. Can sit up from a standing position and is trying or is already getting up from a sitting position.
  2. A baby crawls at 11 months. It often happens that it is easier for a baby to walk on all fours and does not want to learn to walk. In this case, you cannot rush the crumb. After crawling, the baby more clearly feels his body in space, learns to orientate. The crawling stage is extremely important for the further development of the musculoskeletal system and muscles.
  3. Eleven months is the age when the child begins to stand independently without support. Some of the children stand literally ten seconds, someone does it much more confidently, complementing them with independent steps.
  4. At 11 months old, the baby has mastered the movements of fine motor skills well and manipulates the fingers without problems. The baby especially likes to sort out small objects, put them into larger ones, put cubes on top of each other and string the pyramid rings. The child performs familiar actions from memory, listening to the request of adults.

    If the toy is not familiar to the baby, you can not immediately show what specific actions you can perform with it, but observe what the baby comes up with. So the child will develop imagination and an important skill - to play independently and come up with new games with familiar toys. If the child does not know what to do, how to play, be sure to show several options.

  5. The kid shows interest in other children, reacts vividly to their appearance. In communication, he can clearly show who he likes and who does not, thereby differentiating his attitude.
  6. According to the instructions of adults, the baby is happy to perform the assigned actions with toys - he feeds the doll, puts it to bed, walks the dog.

    These playful elements in a certain situation will be a good help for parents. If the baby refuses to eat due to a manifestation of character, offer him to first feed the dog (or the whole zoo, if there are a lot of toys) and eat for the company. Very rarely, in such situations, children refuse to eat. If the baby does not want to sleep, create a ritual based on the game. Tell your baby that his animals (dolls) want to sleep and need to be put to bed. When the child puts everyone to bed, read a fairy tale to the baby, give an evening portion of the mixture or breastfeed, if the baby is still a baby, dim the light. The baby will soon fall asleep.

  7. The kid is more likely to already say the words "mom", "dad", "baba" or is actively trying to pronounce them. Children of 11 months are also very fond of looking at pictures of animals, listening to who speaks, and repeating. Let it not be entirely accurate, but the syllables "wow-wow", "meow", "kwa-kwa" will perfectly complement the vocabulary of active words, adding variety to speech.
  8. A child at 11 months can be taught to eat and drink independently. By this time, the baby should firmly hold the sippy cup and master the spoon.

Of course, in order to instill the skill of eating and drinking without outside help, parents need to try, be patient, with children's aprons and aprons. But believe me, in the future you will save yourself from a colossal amount of work and make your baby's life easier.

What should a child do at 11 months of age without fail?

If an 11 month old baby does not have certain skills, you need to contact a specialist to find out the reason:

  • the child is not yet sitting, or is sitting with a support;
  • the baby does not try to get up at the support;
  • the baby cannot stand at the support for at least some time;
  • the child does not crawl or does it on their bellies;
  • the baby does not try to take the first steps;
  • the child does not recognize loved ones, does not distinguish them from other people;
  • the baby does not respond to his name;
  • the child does not distinguish intonations, does not show emotions, does not rejoice, does not laugh.

Physical development

The body weight of a child at 11 months varies from 8 to 10 kilograms. It all depends on the original birth weight, gender and nutrition of the baby. For the current month, the child is gaining about 350 - 400 grams.

The growth of a child at 11 months in the eleventh month increases by 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

The vast majority of children have teeth by this time. On average, there are four of them at 11 months. But everything is individual.

If you don't have a single tooth yet, don't worry. Ask your grandparents what time your first teeth came out. This fact largely determines the timing of teething in your child.

Nutrition and care

The child is already eating at a common table. The difference is that the food will be more chopped, fried, seasoned and convenience foods are excluded.

Formula and breast milk remain an important part of the infant's diet. The kid uses them before going to bed, at night, often after waking up. The baby will most likely be attached to the breast more often. This will be especially necessary for him during diseases and teething.

Even if the baby does not have teeth, give the baby meatballs, baby cookies and cooked finely chopped vegetables. So the child will develop the skill of chewing. Don't worry about missing teeth. The baby's gums are very dense and strong in order to cope with loose pieces of food.

It will be useful and informative for the child to sit at a common table and have a meal in the company of relatives. In this way, a food culture and correct eating habits will be instilled.

Child care includes daily morning and evening procedures (washing, brushing teeth), bathing, cutting nails and hair. After sleeping and eating, put your baby in the pot.

If the baby resists, bends in an arc and refuses to sit on the pot, do not insist. Put this off for a month or two.

How to develop an 11 month old baby

  • stimulate your baby's development by playing. Do not impose on him activities that are not yet interesting or incomprehensible. Always observe the child, mark his favorite activities for yourself;
  • develop your child physically. Do exercises with him, practice swimming, practice on fitball;
  • do not get carried away by walkers and jumpers. To develop walking skills, it is better to use wheelchair toys and your own stroller. The crumb will hold on to them with handles, which will give additional self-confidence;
  • when visiting the playground, do not miss the opportunity to communicate with other children;
  • read with your baby. Allow him to turn the pages, tell what is drawn, depict what sounds various animals make;
  • dance with the child;
  • drawing, modeling, playing with cubes and a pyramid will greatly influence the formation of fine motor skills.

Finger paints are best for drawing. It will also be interesting for the baby to draw on the surface, dusty with flour or semolina.

It is better to start sculpting from soft wax plasticine. Show your child the simplest techniques - how to make a flagellum, a ball, how to "blind" the whole picture.

Some of the activities may seem difficult. But children, as you know, do not stop developing for a minute. And what seems unrealizable today will easily become tomorrow.

Watch the video: 11 Months old Baby Milestones (July 2024).