
4 tips for adding mushrooms and mushroom soup to your baby's diet

It is very important for a child over one year old to expand the diet. After all, a growing body every day needs more and more diverse products. Today we will talk about mushrooms and about at what age they can be given for the first time, in what form and whether the child needs them at all.

Vegetarians replace meat dishes with mushrooms, which allows them to achieve an excellent feeling of satiety.

What is useful in mushrooms?

First of all, they have excellent nutritional properties. In terms of protein content, they can be compared to meat. Mushrooms are sometimes called "forest meat".

Mushrooms have a lot of fiber, which is not only difficult to digest, but can also interfere with the absorption of other important micronutrients, including protein. Therefore, when serving dishes to a child, the mushroom must be finely chopped or chopped in a blender.

Mineral composition:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins A, C;
  • a lot of phosphorus and potassium, even more than vegetables and fruits;
  • oleic and stearic acids (allow you to fight infectious diseases and strengthen the immune defense).

Also, mushrooms contain chitin in their composition. By the way, chitin is part of the shells, shells of crustaceans. Just imagine how difficult it is to digest such a product, especially for a child's body.

All these substances are found mainly in the caps of mushrooms, the amount in the legs is the smallest.

Types of mushrooms

Mushrooms are divided into forest and grown in an artificial environment. Forest mushrooms are mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, mushrooms, porcini mushrooms. These types of mushrooms ripen naturally, in the grass, in the sun. Of course, these mushrooms are much healthier.

But it should be borne in mind that the spongy structures of the fungus can accumulate harmful substances. Therefore, if you have already decided to give your child such a mushroom, then it is better to go on a mushroom hunt on your own, and not buy them from unfamiliar people on the highways or at public transport stops.

Mushrooms that are grown artificially are the most common type: champignons, oyster mushrooms. The taste, of course, cannot be compared with forest mushrooms or chanterelles, but you don't have to worry about their purity, as they undergo full quality control.

The child can begin to introduce a mushroom dish with oyster mushrooms and champignons, and then give porcini mushrooms and mushrooms to eat.

At what age should you give mushrooms?

In the answer to this question, the opinion of doctors differs. According to many sources, mushrooms should not be fed until 3 years old. This is due to the fact that the digestive system is so immature that it is very difficult to digest the mushroom composition. Also, in the future, with such a food load, problems with the enzyme composition of gastric juice may appear.

Some doctors advise not to introduce mushroom dishes at all until 7 years old.

How often to give mushrooms and in what dishes?

A mushroom delicacy should not be on the child's menu more than once a week. Mushrooms should not be combined with dough, that is, pies, pancakes with mushrooms are not recommended for children at all. This is a huge burden on the digestive tract.

We begin to introduce mushrooms as a flavoring additive in the form of sauces, broths. To do this, you need to boil the mushrooms, add a little sour cream, grind with a blender. If, after taking, there is no loose stool or vomiting, no allergic reaction manifests itself, then you can cook mushroom soup. Further, mushrooms can be mixed with vegetables.

Do not give children fried mushrooms in vegetable oil. This is not very useful for the delicate slimy crumbs.

Pickled, salted mushrooms are taboo for children. They contain a large percentage of salt, vinegar, which irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. In addition, nutritional value is lost in such mushrooms.

Since ancient times in Russia, the mushroom was considered almost the main food in the child's menu, so to speak, for all occasions. But in Russia there was no such difficult ecological situation as in the modern world.

How old can you give mushroom soup?

Many pediatricians agree that it is better for children to start introducing mushroom soup from the age of 5. By this time, the digestive system completes its formation. It is better to cook the soup from champignons.

First, the mushrooms need to be washed under running water, then boil for about 30 - 40 minutes. You can add chopped potatoes, carrots, onions. Sauteing in oil is not recommended.

Doctor Komarovsky says: “Of course, a growing organism needs protein as a building material for muscles. I am not against the introduction of mushroom dishes into the diet for children, but I do not recommend them to be introduced to children under one year old. Some mothers manage to give mushrooms as the first complementary foods, which absolutely cannot be done. Start at the age of 3 gradually, with oyster mushrooms or mushrooms, in the form of broths, sauces, and then you can already give a full-fledged mushroom soup, and then digestive problems will not threaten your child. "

What to do in case of mushroom poisoning?

If a child, for some reason, ate a large amount of mushrooms or found them on the street and tried them, poisoning may occur.

Poisoning symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting, loose stools;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness in the body;
  • hallucinations.

If you find the above symptoms in your child, immediately call an ambulance.

As they say, everything is good, which is good in moderation. Of course, mushrooms are useful and have a lot of necessary trace elements. But in children's practice it is better to observe the age limit for the introduction of mushroom dishes and the frequency of feeding with mushrooms. And therefore, the answer to the question of whether children can eat mushrooms is definitely positive.

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Watch the video: Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe Noreens Kitchen Basics (July 2024).