Child development

How to keep your child safe at home: detailed instructions for parents

An apartment or house should be the safest place in the world for a child who is taking the first steps. Child locks for furniture, lockers for drawers, plugs for electrical outlets - this is an incomplete list of devices that can make the living space safer for the baby.

Such gadgets should not be considered a senseless waste of money, because the health of the child is at stake. A crawling baby is already a researcher who actively learns the world. And in this process he is interested in literally everything: vases on the floor, cat food, shoe polish.

A little later, starting to walk, the baby will crawl into all corners of the house - cabinets and drawers will open, doors to other rooms will also cease to be an obstacle. Even the kitchen stove is now more accessible to study.

Parents are simply obliged to take care that such studies do not end in disaster for the little experimenter. Recommendations of specialists and experienced moms and dads will help in this.

Two security strategies

To ensure the protection of the child in the apartment, mothers and fathers can develop and implement one of two main approaches:

  1. Careful control over the actions of the child.
  2. Creation of a safe environment in all areas of the house.

In the first case, the child will be under the close supervision of relatives and friends. If actions pose a danger to his health or the safety of valuable items, then all actions are immediately stopped.

Such a strategy will require maximum concentration from parents and other loved ones, as a result of which physical and psychological overwork can occur.

A grown-up child, in turn, will simply begin to be afraid of causing a negative reaction from his mother. As a result, this will lead to isolation, fearfulness, and a decrease in curiosity, which will significantly reduce the desire to acquire new knowledge.

The security option seems more attractive and sensible. After all, the child can easily study the house and play, and adults will stop worrying about his security and will be able to do other household chores.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to completely and completely secure an apartment, which is why it is necessary to focus on the most important and most vulnerable areas of the house: this is the nursery, the bathroom and the kitchen.

A pleasant side effect of a safe apartment will be the solution to another problem - ensuring the safety of property, which the child, of course, accidentally, but can still spoil by his actions. How to put into practice the protection of a baby in an apartment?

Apartment through the eyes of a child

A modern home full of furniture and electronics is full of dangers for a child who takes his first hesitant steps. Chemicals under the bathroom or sink in the kitchen, sharp furniture corners, objects that cut and prick - all this must be taken into account by adults.

Safety experts recommend getting on all fours and walking around the apartment. This will help to find all potentially “unreliable” places and areas for the young experimenter.

Also, you should constantly monitor that small objects are not on the floor. Inadvertently, buttons or coins that have fallen and gone unnoticed can pose a serious danger to little explorers. The child will definitely find them, pull them into his mouth and may choke.

In addition, fasteners on baseboards and furniture legs are often covered with small masking caps. It is best to temporarily remove such details. They are invisible to you, but the kid will again find them, pull them out and begin to carefully study them.

And yet, many mothers should wean themselves from their bad habit - leaving bags, cosmetic bags, wallets on the floor. For children, such things are a real treasure that needs to be explored. And there they will be able to find pills, coins, nail files and other objects dangerous to them.

Childproof cabinets and drawers

To prevent unwanted baby access to wardrobes and drawers in which various unsafe or rather expensive items are stored, there are special locks for furniture on the market.

Their cost is relatively low, so their purchase will not hit the parent wallet.

Dressers and cabinets with electronic equipment, various little things, cosmetic accessories, dishes and cutlery should also be classified as unsafe places. By closing the doors of this furniture, parents will protect the child and keep expensive items intact.

Online shops or traditional outlets have a variety of locks and locks, both cheap and expensive with alarm functions. It is important to consider the types of blocking and how they are installed.

Types of locks for furniture and doors

For each type of cabinets, drawers and doors, you can choose your own lockers. Some of them are fixed with Velcro, while others are screwed to the wall.

Locks for doors and furniture are several basic types that should be examined in more detail:

  1. Locks for cabinet doors. They securely hold cabinet doors and prevent babies from entering and pinching children's fingers. The mechanism is a durable plastic cord with fixing notches that braids around the handles. Only an adult can open the doors.
  2. Drawer lock. This holder connects the cabinet body to the drawer. Usually it is a silicone strap with two mechanisms along the edges. Differs in versatility, so it can be used for both the refrigerator and folding shelves.
  3. Door blockers. Rubber or plastic shock absorbers can be installed on the interior doors to prevent closing. They are installed next to the hinge or on the top edge of the door. They put such devices when the child starts to crawl.
  4. Lock for doors with self-locking locks. Such doors are not very safe for a child, as they can slam shut at any moment. Locks are selected individually for each handle. The device is silent, which is very important for babies.

You can also buy a lock for sliding doors. They are suitable for securely locking sliding wardrobes. This lock will not allow the child to move the door from its place and climb inside to explore a new space.

Devices for additional protection

In addition to locks, shock absorbers and blocking elements, you should use and other protective devices for greater safety of children:

  1. Corner protectors. These silicone or rubber fixtures can be purchased for any type of furniture. So, on sale there are transparent protectors for the living room and made in the form of cute animals for the children's room.
  2. Stickers (bumpers) on the edges of the table. They are long ribbons that cover the edges of the table. They will fit any tabletop, even a round one. A big plus of this device is that it can be matched to the furniture.
  3. Loopers for hinges. These protective elements prevent the door hinges from closing completely, therefore, the child will not be able to press their fingers. If the door needs to be tightly closed, the lock is outweighed on a special holder.

Another problematic point is unstable furniture. A child can climb upward for an item of interest, as a result of which a curbstone, whatnot or shelf can fall. To avoid this, you should purchase universal fasteners to the walls and fix the furniture securely.

Pros and cons of protective elements

Such ingenious devices for protecting a child from boxes and unstable furniture can greatly facilitate parenting. They have a lot of positive qualities and a minimum of disadvantages.

The main advantages of blocking elements:

  • compactness, practicality;
  • versatility (many models are suitable for all types of furniture);
  • high-quality performance;
  • possibility of repeated use;
  • simplified installation (no additional equipment required);
  • low cost;
  • attractive appearance (many models not only do not spoil the "appearance" of cabinets and doors, but also decorate them additionally);
  • ease of dismantling;
  • additional protection against scratches and other damage;
  • inability to break;
  • ease of discovery by an adult.

However, these devices also have certain disadvantages. I am glad that there are only two of them:

  • fastening of locks is possible exclusively on a flat surface without bumps, humps and other irregularities;
  • as a child grows up, he will definitely learn to "break" such locks, observing the actions of the parents, therefore many blockers are suitable only for very small toddlers.

To protect older kids, it is necessary to purchase blocking devices that require physical effort to open boxes or doors.

Correct protection setting

Mounting child bollards usually does not take much time from parents and does not require additional tools and knowledge. Even a mother can cope with such a task.

The installation instructions for the universal bollard include several consecutive steps:

  1. First, you should degrease the surface for better adhesion.
  2. Let the castle warm up if it was purchased during the fall-winter period. Adhesion of cold Velcro can lead to poor adhesion and lack of reliable fixation.
  3. Some experts recommend warming up the installation site with a hair dryer.
  4. Remove the protective film from the tape.
  5. Attach the locking device in the closed state to the desired location. Remember to mount the bollard tightly.
  6. If the blocker is attached with screws, screw the fasteners into the required places with a screwdriver. In this case, the mechanism will be inside the cabinet and will be unlocked by simultaneously pressing the buttons on both sides.
  7. For a coupe, the latches are usually inserted from the top.
  8. C- and U-shaped sliding bollards for toddlers should be attached to swing doors with handles next to each other. To open them, it is enough to unfasten the lock on one side.

Blockers are a must for an apartment with a small child. Such protective devices are designed to prevent accidents when a child is getting acquainted with cabinets, drawers and doors. And such locks are relatively inexpensive.

Protecting your child from electricity

Electric current is a potential danger to babies, because they do not understand the rules of behavior and tend to stick their fingers where they are categorically not worth it.

How to protect a child from electric current?

  1. The best option is to lay the foundation for electrical safety with separate circuit breakers for outlets and electrical appliances. In this case, you can de-energize the sockets in the nursery, without leaving other rooms without lighting.
  2. Install residual current devices (RCDs) in all rooms. These devices instantly cut off the supply of electric current when a person touches live parts of the equipment.
  3. The simplest and most affordable device that can restrict a child's access to sockets is a plug. Such devices are freely sold in all specialized departments and are versatile. It is only important to remove the key to remove them away from the baby.
  4. Avoid using extension cords. These devices are very attractive to children. In addition, exclude the child's access to elongated thin objects (knitting needles, carnations, screwdrivers), since he can easily push them into sockets.
  5. All electrical appliances that are periodically connected to a power source (irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners) must be removed higher, since little children love to copy adults, so they are included in the network whenever possible.
  6. Another potentially dangerous object is a surge protector lying on the floor to which a display, a "system unit", a printer, etc. are connected. A red light will attract children's attention, which is fraught with problems. Experts recommend hanging the surge protector on the wall behind the table by the mounting slot, so that only you will have access to it.

Plugs for electrical outlets are the so-called "active" methods of protection, which are mandatory for apartments with small children. However, there are also “passive” measures that are just as important.

These include monitoring the health of outlets, taking into account the principles of operation of electrical appliances. As the child grows up, explanatory work is also connected. As in any other educational process, an integrated approach is important here.

Protection from the baby on plastic windows

A window is a very attractive design for a child, therefore it is extremely important to protect the child from possible accidents. Unfortunately, situations when a child, having decided to observe the world around him, climbs onto the windowsill and falls out, are becoming more and more frequent.

That is why families with babies need to equip windows with special protective systems that are relatively inexpensive and, at the same time, effectively prevent accidents.

The most popular security device is window handles with toddler locks. Such devices do not allow the child to open the doors, since there is a small "secret". Holders with locks are placed instead of ordinary handles.

A big plus of the device is that it cannot be opened without a key, so you can ventilate the room without worrying about the safety of the child. The downside is that there is a risk that parents will forget to lock the window, which is why another security system should still be used in parallel.

Another option for enhancing the security of windows is a device with a 20-centimeter cable and a lock that prevents swinging of the sashes. Similar devices are also used for balcony doors and vents.

In addition to the fact that the cable device will prevent the child from falling out, it will additionally exclude intruders from entering the home through the window. The cable is made of a sufficiently strong material, so that it can only be broken with the help of special tools.

Experts recommend getting rid of mosquito nets. These devices are so fragile and fragile that even a one-year-old child who is leaning or leaning on the net can fall out of the window, which is fraught with the most sad consequences.

Today, more advanced barriers are on sale, which are distinguished by increased rigidity and powerful fastening. They, of course, are much more expensive, but they are able to withstand the weight of a child, which will overcome all protective systems and still open the frames.

Baby safety in the bathroom

The bathroom is a potential danger to the child. And it's not just the bathtub filled with water. Individual nuances are difficult to predict, so it is important to pronounce them, thereby finding the optimal solution to protect your baby.

  1. Household chemicals. The birth of a child involves the mandatory storage of all kinds of jars, bottles and boxes with various cleaning and disinfecting agents in places inaccessible to the child.
  2. Slippery surface. In the bathroom, the floor is usually laid out with glossy tiles, which are slippery. Therefore, a special rug should be placed on the floor. Another is placed in the bath itself to prevent falling.
  3. Mixers. It is important to set a temperature limiter so that the baby cannot burn himself with excessively hot water. Another option is to purchase a special casing for the tap, which prevents the inclusion of water.
  4. Toilet bowl. Parents know that the water in this hygiene device is dirty. The kid is not aware of these issues, so he can easily get drunk from the toilet, throw a mobile phone or a TV remote control there. Stores sell lid locks to prevent these situations.
  5. Bathroom furniture. The drawers usually store those items that are potentially dangerous to the child: hairdryer, scissors, razors. In this case, you need to buy locks for doors and drawers, which we have already mentioned above.

The bathroom door should be fitted with a latch that allows it to be closed from the outside. This is necessary to prevent "unauthorized" entry of the child into the room.

Make sure the door does not slam from the inside. Otherwise, you will have to hack it. It's good if the matter is limited to childish tears. But what if the baby has time to get to household chemicals or other dangerous items?

In addition, you should never leave your baby in the bathroom without parental supervision. If you need to pick up the phone or open the door, you should take your child with you. Such foresight will avoid many emergencies.

Baby safety in the kitchen

To keep a small child safe in the kitchen, you should carefully examine the entire room. Where is a baby able to cut or burn himself? What is the potential danger for the little researcher? Let's figure it out.


Even before the baby is born, you can buy furniture with rounded edges. If interior items are already in the kitchen, corner protectors or adhesive tape should be selected for them.

Avoid using tablecloths. Otherwise, the baby will definitely grab the covering cloth by the corner and pull it with all its contents (and this can be a plate of hot soup, sharp knives and forks) towards itself.

All items potentially dangerous to the child are removed in the upper cabinets, which are out of the children's reach. Various chemicals, matches, medicines, cleaning and detergents are also hidden there.

Pots, plastic dishes and bottles, various containers are placed in the lower cabinets and drawers.

It is best to equip the doors with blocking locks in general, which will hide all items not intended for games from prying eyes and naughty hands.


The lower surface of the room is another danger factor for the child. Glossy tiles should be avoided as they are slippery. The best option is textured linoleum or porcelain stoneware without polishing.

In general, for the kitchen floor, it is worth choosing the most wear-resistant coatings. If the choice fell on a laminate, then it is worth buying a material with water-repellent properties, since the baby will constantly splash milk and water on the floor.

Electrical devices

If the outlets are very low, purchase the special protective plugs that we have already mentioned. Such devices with a key will prevent unwanted actions of the child and secure the room itself, which is also very important.

Pay attention to electrical engineering. Experts recommend either to remove it higher, or to purchase such devices in which the cords are hidden in a special department.

Many modern technical devices are equipped with a parental control function. This is a very useful option, since it prevents the child from accidentally pressing bright buttons. Microwaves additionally have special locks that block the inclusion of devices.


It is the stove that poses the main danger for a small child in the kitchen. Reasonable use of these household appliances will help to solve the problem. For example, experts advise to cook exclusively on distant burners so that the curious toddler does not overturn the hot soup.

If cooking is still carried out on the front burners, you need to position the pans and pans so that their handles are turned away from the edge of the stove. In this case, the baby will not catch on to them and will not overturn the boiling contents on himself.

It is best to purchase slabs with recessed handles so that the kid cannot figure out how to turn them.

Most modern devices usually have an anti-toddler function. If there is none, purchase special locking caps for the burner switches.

Another useful feature is the stove shield. Such a surface is mounted on the edge of the device and prevents the child from reaching the handles of pans and other utensils. Such devices are made of transparent heat-resistant plastic.

High chair

For a baby who already knows how to sit independently, a highchair is purchased. However, it is important to make sure it is stable and not wobbly before putting it into service.

Also, don't place it close to walls or the refrigerator. A kid, pushing off with his legs from a smooth hard surface, may fall along with the chair. Also, do not install the highchair next to electrical appliances or a stove.

It is best to purchase a device with safety harnesses. Having fastened a small child to the seat, you can be sure that he will not be able to do anything while his mother prepares him delicious porridge or puree.

A protective device such as a safety gate will prevent the baby from entering the kitchen without permission. This lattice device is installed directly in the door opening. Only an adult can pass through it.

A few final words

Of course, you can try to ensure that the child is constantly monitored, ensuring that he is always in sight. However, this is extremely exhausting for the mother and is not very useful for an inquisitive baby. Moreover, you are unlikely to succeed in "spreading straws" everywhere.

This is why experts advise you to make your home safe with a variety of protective devices. A small child will not be able to overcome all kinds of furniture locks, stove protectors, security gates. But the rest of the premises will be at his disposal for more successful development.

Watch the video: 6 Hacks To Keep Your Kids SAFE On Days Out. Channel Mum (June 2024).