
Children's tablet PlayPad 3

Today's gadgets are usually criticized for the fact that the younger generation, devoting too much time to them, is often wasting it. Nevertheless, initially, digital technologies had great scientific and developmental potential, that is, the problem is not so much in gadgets as in the way they are used. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child mastered the tablet even in preschool age, provided that this tablet is specially designed for young users of this age category.


At first glance, a tablet computer is completely incompatible with young children - firstly, harmful radiation can emanate from it, and secondly, it is impossible to constantly stand over the child and monitor what exactly he is doing there, and thirdly, it is very large the probability that the little owner accidentally breaks his toy. For this reason, most child-oriented models are a dubious option.

The PlayPad 3 children's tablet has become popular precisely because such dubious characteristics do not concern it.

This model was developed in close contact with child psychologists and educators. The creators set themselves the task of making the perfect tablet for a child, and this is what came of it:

  • The case received an attractive "childish" design, which does not prevent it from reliably protecting the contents of the tablet and the screen from the owner's carelessness.
  • The operating system is optimized as much as possible so as not to put the baby in a situation in which even an adult could not understand the cause of the failure.
  • The interface is designed so that even a child can intuitively understand it - this allows you to quickly master the capabilities of the technique and use them to the fullest.
  • Each new gadget has already been installed a number of programs that will interest the kid in an accessible playful form and allow him to learn something new and useful.
  • The device has a function of remote parental control over the pastime of the child.
  • It is undesirable for a child to spend too much time without interruption at the tablet, but in certain conditions there may not be opportunities for recharging it, so the device is equipped with a powerful battery, just in case, that can withstand 4 hours of work and more than 10 hours of waiting.
  • For all its advantages and full functionality, the PlayPad 3 is relatively inexpensive.

In fact, this is a full-fledged tablet, which, if necessary, will successfully help out parents, but at the same time it contains everything you need to trust your baby.


For most users of modern devices, it is not the appearance that is more important, but the technical characteristics. What is hidden under the plastic case of this miracle weighing 330 grams?

With a fairly compact size (198x125x12 mm), the device is equipped with a seven-inch glossy TFT screen, which produces a widescreen HD image with an extension of 1024 x 600 pixels. The sensor is capacitive, with multitouch support.

The device works on the basis of the Android 5.1 operating system, which may not already be the latest fashion, but it has been tested by tens of millions of users and corrected according to the results of their comments, which allows it to work stably and without crashes. The smooth functioning of the system is provided by a good quad-core RockChip RK3216 processor with a clock frequency of 1200 MHz, as well as 1 GB of RAM - again, not the pinnacle of modern technology, but enough for a child. As for the amount of memory, here PlayPad 3 is at a decent modern level: 8 GB of internal memory can be significantly supplemented with a microSDHC flash card with a capacity of no more than 32 GB.

Various modules and connectors are presented in a complete set. The wireless Wi-Fi module works according to the popular 802.11n standard, there is a built-in speaker and microphone, a USB connector and a 3.5 mm "mini-jack" for headphones. The unit is equipped with two cameras - the main 2 Mp and the front 0.3 Mp, which, in general, is not a lot, but most tablets also cannot boast of a professional level of photography. Among the sensors are an accelerometer and a gyroscope, there is a function of automatic display orientation. The gadget supports all the most common multimedia file formats today. The battery capacity is 4000 mAh, which, according to the developers, should be enough for 10 hours in standby mode or 4 hours of active work.

Based on this set of characteristics, we are faced with a typical inexpensive middle-class tablet, which has improved functionality compared to budget models, but does not pretend to be the flagship of digital technology. In other words, this device does not limit the curiosity of a child, but it is not designed for the most demanding users.

Game possibilities

The creators of the PlayPad 3 have equipped it with one of the cheapest quad-core processors, so it is possible that adult lovers of toys with brightly detailed graphics and complex gameplay would be somewhat disappointed. However, this device is designed for several other tasks - it is designed for relatively simple games that can be pulled successfully.

Actually, when buying a new gadget, it already contains about three dozen games and applications (also in a game form), which are selected in such a way as to function normally on this particular system with its set of components.

The software shell provides for periodic free updates of installed programs, as well as the ability to download completely new applications that were not in the starter kit. We are talking about both third-party applications and programs released by the tablet developers - their number is constantly growing, so there is something interesting for every user.

For this reason, the PlayPad 3 does not become less interesting for the child over the years. It is believed that the optimal age for purchasing such a device is 4-6 years, and a child is unlikely to be able to "grow" out of it - in terms of functionality, it will be useful to him throughout its entire service life, except that a "childish" type of cover may lose its relevance.

Why is the model called training?

In theory, any tablet can be made educational by pumping in the appropriate software. The difference between the PlayPad 3 and conventional units is that there are about three dozen educational programs and applications preinstalled, that is, you don't have to look for anything on the Internet - although such an opportunity is also present. The software environment is designed for the development of certain skills by the kid that will be useful to him in life.

Professional child psychologists and teachers worked on the creation of these programs, which guarantees a positive effect, and a large number of games available allows you to diversify a child of any age, taking into account his interests.

You can give an endless number of examples of training-type programs - some of them are originally in the PlayPad 3, some will have to be downloaded from the worldwide network. Programs of this type can be built in different ways, have different designs, operating principles, and so on. Let's consider only the most common options:

  • Teaching the alphabet and spelling, as well as numbers and counting;
  • Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands;
  • Logic development programs;
  • Creative applications.

What games are worth playing?

In almost any game you can find a certain developmental meaning - the only question is how harmful it is. Not all games are suitable for the development of children, but in general there are quite a few of them.

How to make sure that the child is really interested in this alphabet, and not perceive it as a routine? There are probably not so few ways to implement an idea, but here's a simple example. There are images of letters, necessarily - in a beautiful cartoon version, clicking on which, you can hear how they are read. In the form of a task for the game, you can make the character of a fairy tale or cartoon ask the child to make voiced words from the proposed beautiful letters, and the hero would receive some visual bonuses for this. The account training application can be organized according to the same logic.

Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands are very popular among adults, as an example of which are the absolute hits of the downloads Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds. For adults, this is just a toy, but for young children, such games are very useful. The fact is that a child is not as good as an adult in control of his hands and fingers, his movements are often uncertain and somewhat blurry. This will go away with age, but you can speed up the process with exercise.

The elementary development of the child's logic is also facilitated by games, analogs of which are very popular among adults - these are applications such as "Mahjong", "Three in a row". Of course, the real result, apart from the banal killing of time, this can only give in the case of preschoolers. There are many more complex and interesting logic puzzles that will allow the older child to continue developing.

Only applications of a creative orientation seem to be entertainment - we are talking, first of all, about "drawing games", as well as about simple music editors. In the vast majority, the kid will not be able to draw anything outstanding, not to mention writing real music, but, firstly, he only learns and acquires certain skills, and secondly, real talent, if any, can be revealed already at that age - just with the help of such applications. Again, this is how you can determine the inclination to something - perhaps the child should be enrolled in a music school if he is clearly interested in the corresponding program, and already there the teachers will reveal his talent.

By the way, various simulators can also bring certain benefits - from games like "pets" to imitators of any professional activity. Such applications allow the child to learn more about caring for a dog or cat, as well as, in some way, try himself as a doctor, rescuer, driver. This allows, on the one hand, to learn a certain responsibility for their actions, on the other, it lays certain foundations for career guidance and gives an incentive to dream, which, in general, also develops. Another thing is that games of this kind are already more complex, for preschoolers they are definitely not suitable, except for primary school students.

In addition to the learning effect itself, many games simply improve your mood - especially when you are successful in them. When talking about which games should not be offered to young children, you should pay attention to those that are too complex - those in which it is not easy to achieve a positive result, since such an application will only upset the baby. In addition, the demonstration of scenes of violence is also considered undesirable, and the younger the child, the less there should be even indirect references to this in the plot.


As of August 2017, the cost of the PlayPad 3 tablet starts at 5,990 rubles, but some stores can set a slightly higher price - up to 7 thousand rubles. The specific figure depends on the region and the store, as well as on the possible availability of additional services, such as a special guarantee from the seller or a bonus in the form of certain accessories, which a particular seller offers in a set at a reduced price. Due to its Russian origin, PlayPad 3 is less dependent on currency fluctuations than other models, so we can expect that its price will not change significantly over time.

Answers to popular questions

Many interested potential buyers from making a purchase are separated by only a few questions that raise doubts. We will try to answer the most common:

  • Why does my child even need a tablet? The fact is that the PlayPad 3 contains software developed by specialized specialists, created specifically for the development of various skills in young children. Thanks to him, a child can learn many skills that are useful in real life in a playful way, not to mention the fact that you will have a chance to be distracted for a while.
  • Why this tablet and not any other? The PlayPad 3 is a gadget for children not only because of its appearance, but also in its content. All programs in it are designed with an eye to maximum intuitive accessibility, there is definitely nothing there that can puzzle the child or harm him. In addition, the device is equipped with a parental control function.
  • How old should a child be to get their first tablet? It all depends on the model. The developers of the software for the PlayPad 3 claim that its use is permissible from the age of 2 years, although this is probably still a bit early. But at the age of 4-5 years, a tablet of this type, if not necessary, will definitely not be superfluous.
  • Will the child be able to deal with this tablet exactly? Yes, definitely. Let's start with the fact that it is initially ready to use - some tutorials are already installed there, which allows you to successfully use the device without having any Internet connection at all. If you suddenly need to tell the child something, then the parents will cope with it - this gadget is definitely not more complicated than all the others, plus the kit contains detailed instructions.
  • Is it possible to download more applications to a tablet with preinstalled programs and from where? Like any tablet computer, the PlayPad 3 allows the installation of games and programs. If you are interested in programs approved by the same experts who developed the preinstalled skin for this gadget, visit the application base at Considering that this model uses the Android operating system, the vast majority of programs from Google Play are also available for download.


Most of the reviews about the PlayPad 3 children's tablet are positive - parents praise the device for its attractive design and body strength, for good "stuffing" and thoughtful software, as well as for a relatively low cost. Most commentators point out a clear pedagogical and developmental effect from the use of all the capabilities of this gadget by the kid.

In fairness, it should be noted that there are openly negative opinions about the same model, and they are not so rare. Complaints concern the entire low-quality assembly and the discrepancy between the declared technical characteristics and the real ones. Apparently, given a good overall concept and its implementation, the percentage of defective copies is quite high.

Learn more about the PlayPad 3 in the following video.

Watch the video: Unboxing P1000 - Educational Learning Tablet Computer for Kids (July 2024).